Dead candidate walking...

No, but your wife queefs when I bang her hard. Is that the same thing? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Wrong AGAIN cum guzzler ! That's not my wife , THAT'S YOUR MOMMA / SEESTER !! Are you so cum drunk from your work at the 'holes that you don't even recognize your own Momma / SEEster ? How drunk does she have to be for you to try to ram that flaccid eunuch piss spout into her ? And does she make you wear a strapon since you can't get yours up and it's too small for her to feel in her maggot-laden gash ? Pobrecita puta !!!
Why didn’t the State Dept have a permanent IG from 2008-2013? Late, but a senator wants to know.

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Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley has been keeping the records folks awake in Foggy Bottom. Last week, he directed his attention on the missing permanent IG at the State Department from 2008-2013. Over two years late but this gotta be good.

The previously Senate-confirmed OIG for the State Department was Howard J. Krongard who announced his resignation on December 7, 2007 and left post on January 15, 2008. President Obama nominated the current IG Steve Linick in June 2013. The U.S. Senate confirmed his nomination on September 17, 2013 and Mr. Linick officially started work at the State Department on September 30, 2013. (By the way, on October 1, the federal government went on shutdown and Mr. Linick’s office was one of the very few offices at the State Department whose employees were put on furlough). The vacancy at the IG’s office lasted more than five years before President Obama’s nominee finally took office. (See Senate Confirms Steve Linick; State Dept Finally Gets an Inspector General After 2,066 Days; After 1,989 Day-Vacancy — President Obama Nominates Steve Linick as State Dept Inspector General).

In any case, Senator Grassley now wants to know why the IG vacancy at the State Department lasted, by official count, 2,071 straight days. Late but okay, we’d like to know, too. The senator wrote a letter to Michael E. Horowitz, the Chair of Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) and to Secretary Kerry. Excerpt below:

Congress needs a better understanding of how and why the State Department lacked a permanent IG who could serve as an independent watchdog for 2,071 straight days. Accordingly, please respond to the following by September 11, 2015:

CIGIE Chair Horowitz: Assuming that CIGIE prepared a list of recommended candidates to fill the IG vacancy at the State Department created upon the departure of former IG Howard Krongard in 2008:

a. Who were the candidates?
b. When were they recommended?
c. Who sent the slate of recommendations from CIGIE to the White House?
d. Who received the slate of recommendations at the White House from CIGIE?

e. What was the response, if any, from the White House regarding the slate of candidates?
f. Who, if anyone, at CIGIE received the White House’s response?
g. When and how was any such response from the White House received?

h. Please provide all records from any CIGIE official at the time relating to communications with the White House about the IG vacancy or potential candidates to fill the vacancy.
i. Did CIGIE provide candidate names to the State Department? If so, please provide the Committee with all records from any CIGIE official at the time relating to communications with the State Department about the IG vacancy or potential candidates to fill the vacancy.

Secretary Kerry: Please provide the Committee with all State Department records related to the IG vacancy or potential candidates to fill the vacancy, including communications between and among former Secretary Clinton, her senior staff, or any State Department personnel, any CIGIE official, or any White House official.

In the letter’s footnotes, Senator Grassley cites the testimony of POGO’s Danielle Brian on “Watchdogs needed: Top Government Investigator Positions Unfilled for Years, June 3, 2015.” POGO has previously questioned the independence of the State Department’s acting IG. POGO also published a letter from “very concerned employees” (pdf) dated January 12, 2008 sounding the alarm on the appointment of an acting IG. Senator Grassley is listed as one of the addresses of that letter.

Senator Grassley’s IG vacancy letter cites two cases:

1) The “appearance of undue influence and favoritism” in departmental investigations of three allegations related to Diplomatic Security investigations (see Review of Selected Internal Investigations Conducted by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security | January 2015 (pdf).

[ As an aside — the original OIG draft/report on DS investigations dates back to 2012 and was made part of the Higbie v. Kerry, a title VII employment discrimination case in Texas. That case was subsequently dismissed by the district court and affirmed by the Court of Appeals (pdf) in March 2015. But in 2013, the government sought to exclude the “improperly obtained documents” that Higbie obtained via a subpoena from a retired OIG employee, Aurelia Fedenisn. The government asserted that the documents, including the draft report, were improperly retained by Fedenisn after her employment ended in 2012. We’re reminded of this case in relation to the IG vacancy because the Washington Examiner recently reported that the then acting IG had sought to keep early drafts of a controversial OIG report under wraps in the Higbie case in federal court in 2013. Note that the contents of that draft report have already circulated and were reported on by the press in June 2013].

2) Allegations related to “protected disclosures” at the U.S. Consulate General in Naples Italy, a case currently in the court system (see Howard v. Kerry: Court Denies Motion to Dismiss One Retaliation Claim.

Senator Grassley’s letter is available to read here: 2015-08-27 Grassley | CEG to CIGIE and State Dept (IG Vacancy)


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's break this down, shall we. You don't think someone like Clinton could send roughly 7500 personal emails in a year? 7500 emails a year breaks down to 625 a month, which breaks down to 21 a day, in a 30-day month. You don't think that someone who moves in the circles she moves in could possibly send 20 personal emails a day? Hell, I send 10 and I'm not Hillary Clinton or SOS. You're obviously off on this one, so let's move on.

The question is whether she knowingly sent classified material. Knowingly, is the operative word. That has to proven. I know, the pesky law again, but it still needs to be proven. You still need proof... and her being a lying, cheating scumbag isn't enough. You need a smoking gun. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The smoking gun is the server being wiped clean after it was subpoenaed. If this had been Rumsfeld or Cheney, you'd be demanding their head. Your a partisan political hack, and a worthless addition to this board. I read somewhere, maybe on here, that some people, like you, would defend Hillary if she was caught throwing kittens into a wood chipper. Your defense of her corruption and criminality is laughable, as are you.

Go away.
The smoking gun is the server being wiped clean after it was subpoenaed. If this had been Rumsfeld or Cheney, you'd be demanding their head. Your a partisan political hack, and a worthless addition to this board. I read somewhere, maybe on here, that some people, like you, would defend Hillary if she was caught throwing kittens into a wood chipper. Your defense of her corruption and criminality is laughable, as are you.

Go away. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
woomby has said on here a lot in the past how "hot" Shrillary is . He must want her to after him with a strapon !
No, but your wife queefs when I bang her hard. Is that the same thing? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh you're hilarious. The only banging you could possibly be doing is when you bang on the Glory Hole wall to get someone to stick their dick through the hole, lol.

The smoking gun is the server being wiped clean after it was subpoenaed. If this had been Rumsfeld or Cheney, you'd be demanding their head. Your a partisan political hack, and a worthless addition to this board. I read somewhere, maybe on here, that some people, like you, would defend Hillary if she was caught throwing kittens into a wood chipper. Your defense of her corruption and criminality is laughable, as are you.

Go away. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You go away, you worthless piece of whiskey shit. I've said numerous times if she's guilty, so be it. What in the fuck more do you want? To berate her and call her silly fucking names like some retarded imbecile? You are raking me over the coals for not playing your game, well fuck you very much. I'm not defending her. I'm simply saying that we must have all the information. You position yourself as a common sense libertarian, but you're no different than any partisan hack, screaming for blood before the facts are all in. You, sir, are laughable.

Kendall is her lawyer:

Apparently you are acquainted better with federal law than he is.

"But in his letter, Kendall said the federal law governing record retention requires that each federal employee individually decide what emails must be preserved."

"The manner in which Secretary Clinton assisted the State Department in fulfilling its responsibilities under the act is consistent with the obligations of every federal employee," Kendall wrote."

Don't you think if they had a case she would be arrested already? A case like this isn't built overnight. Have a little patience.
Oh you're hilarious. The only banging you could possibly be doing is when you bang on the Glory Hole wall to get someone to stick their dick through the hole, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
"I gets mine. I brings the ruckus to the ladies"

- Leon
woomby has said on here a lot in the past how "hot" Shrillary is . He must want her to after him with a strapon ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I didn't know 'after' was a verb... goddamn, you are one dumb motherfucker.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You go away, you worthless piece of whiskey shit. I've said numerous times if she's guilty, so be it. What in the fuck more do you want? To berate her and call her silly fucking names like some retarded imbecile? You are raking me over the coals for not playing your game, well fuck you very much. I'm not defending her. I'm simply saying that we must have all the information. You position yourself as a common sense libertarian, but you're no different than any partisan hack, screaming for blood before the facts are all in. You, sir, are laughable.

Kendall is her lawyer:

Apparently you are acquainted better with federal law than he is.

"But in his letter, Kendall said the federal law governing record retention requires that each federal employee individually decide what emails must be preserved."

"The manner in which Secretary Clinton assisted the State Department in fulfilling its responsibilities under the act is consistent with the obligations of every federal employee," Kendall wrote."

Don't you think if they had a case she would be arrested already? A case like this isn't built overnight. Have a little patience. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You will defend a liberal no matter what. Kendall is a hack. And a liar, like his clients. You know if a Republican were involved you'd be all over it. Fucking hypocrite.
You will defend a liberal no matter what. Kendall is a hack. And a liar, like his clients. You know if a Republican were involved you'd be all over it. Fucking hypocrite. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If a republican were involved, I'd be asking for patience, just as I am now. You are projecting your own inability for fairness onto me. I will defend what I believe is right, no matter what. If he is a hack, prove his statement incorrect. If Hillary indeed violated the law, she will be punished for it. If you are afraid she will get away with it, that is not something to take out on me. Deal with your anger and frustration on your own time, don't involve me. My personal belief is that if she is guilty, she should pay for it. Is that clear enough for you?
"I gets mine. I brings the ruckus to the ladies"

- Leon Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hahaha, the only ruckus you bring to the ladies is when they won't let you barrow a pair of their panties, lol

Hahaha, the only ruckus you bring to the ladies is when they won't let you barrow a pair of their panties, lol

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are we talking a wheelbarrow full of panties here? Because that, I'm interested in.

Ask any of the ladies. I'm the kidney tickler.
Hahaha, the only ruckus you bring to the ladies is when they won't let you barrow a pair of their panties, lol

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And the eunuch really throws a fit when they won't share their mascara and lipstick ! His Momma / SEEster used to hold out on him that way and it's affected him ever since ! His Momma / SEEster got tired of the way woomby trowels her makeup on his ugly face and STILL looks like Mimi from the Drew Carey show. woomby now uses preparation H lip balm as an added "perk" for his "customers" at the 'holes ! As much as woomby tries passing himself off as some economics genius, he wasn't smart enough to get an advertising contract or volume discount from the makers of prep h for his exclusive use of their product by "The Arkansas Gloryhole Guru " .
Oh you're hilarious. The only banging you could possibly be doing is when you bang on the Glory Hole wall to get someone to stick their dick through the hole, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He's also been known to bang his head against the stalls ( thus, his brain damage from concussions ! ) while in the throws of passion whilst getting his "ropey loads" facials !
He's also been known to bang his head against the stalls ( thus, his brain damage from concussions ! ) while in the throws of passion whilst getting his "ropey loads" facials ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Your kids must be so proud...