New Private Forum Proposal

I'm an excellent cook! And my blowjobs are too shabby either!

Actually, truth be told, I really only cook for guys when they cum over. Once they take their first bite its splooge city! Msog means they had seconds!
pyramider's Avatar
You talking bacon or bjs?
I like em both crispy
Yikes!!! Crispy??? I can't help you there!

Mine are slow cooked and juicy

I'm guessing you meant something different DiD
You talking bacon or bjs? Originally Posted by pyramider
Well it was suposed to be a joke.

I haven't had any complaints on either one. Lol
Crispy as in hard and not flabby and rubbery .
BigTex77's Avatar
damn i really do need to make time to cum over don't I THN! I would welcome 2nds and 3rds!!
So since this has really gotten down to what it was all about in the first place and become an epic threAD

Matador, you 'bout ready to send this one to the Sandbox with the other luv for fat hoes rambling into nowhere thread?
DarthDVader's Avatar
Congrats THN ... I missed this one and its great news that the check is on the mail and the Forum is a reality ...
I read Feb 1st at the latest right?
Go girl!!!

Some people are just hateful. They can't help themselves. No matter how well they are able to fool others or themselves, their true colors show thru over.....Time.

Their mentality doesn't change my plans whatsoever. The check is in the mail and the forum will procede despite the kicking and screaming of a few members who seem to have some personal issues to resolve within themselves (or maybe just some thicker skin so the ideas of others aren't so threatening). I hope they take an objective look back at this and try to gain some perspective on just how insidious they have allowed themselves to become in the hobby.

Its very motivating to know that most everyone who has responded in public or private sees this for what it is - a opportunity to improve the hobby community on someone else's time and dime! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
So since this has really gotten down to what it was all about in the first place and become an epic threAD

Matador, you 'bout ready to send this one to the Sandbox with the other luv for fat hoes rambling into nowhere thread? Originally Posted by phildo
Phildo, you're projecting...again. The fact remains that despite all of your kicking and screaming and failed diversion attempts (i think im gonna start calling you Romo), insults and overall shitty attitude, the forum will be a reality sooner than later. Right now, I'm at the mercy of the powers that be which I'm sure you are already familiar with given your history on the boards.

And I'm sorry, but I just laid down my own money to start this forum so if I want to market it vis a vis this thread I've certainly earned the privilege of doing so!

This is has no effect on you whatsoever - not your money, not your time, not your input - nothing. The only possible way this effects you is because of an issue that YOU have with yourself. I personally find it very sad that you have invested so much effort in talking down to a provider for no other reason than to satisfy your hostility and aggression. What's the matter, Romo? Losing your edge? Running out of wimmin to talk down to and oppress in your private life? Try this. Say it with me. Ready? Gooooooosefrahbahhhhhhhhhb. Just keep up with that until you can manage to book a session with a sub that suits your need to control.

Some womanly advice Romo, when I advise you to back off lest you end up hurting yourself somewhere down the line, you might wanna think about that because guys who secretly harbor the distain you are finally showing end up having a hard time seeing ladies or staying in the good graces of others. I'd put this one down for your own good if I were you. Just because we all know misogyny exists doesn't make it any more inviting than a mean case of herpes. You smell what I'm steppin in, Romo?

How about we just agree to disagree amd move on like adults. I'm willing if you are.

Good luck to you with your new forum Phildo, I genuinely hope the best for you and that it is very successful.

Congrats THN ... I missed this one and its great news that the check is on the mail and the Forum is a reality ...
I read Feb 1st at the latest right?
Go girl!!!
Originally Posted by DarthDVader
Thank you, Darth.

I should be honest with everyone here and admit that Darth offered to pick up the cost of the forum at first. I initially accepted as I am not independently wealthy, spoiled or have money to throw away. To the contrary, aside from where I chose to live (for reasons of security and privacy), my lifestyle is quite frugal. I plan and budget just as many of us do. But after some serious thought and number crunching, I declined Darth's offer and decided to keep the financial responsibility and any possible failures of the forum on my shoulders alone.

For me that is the only honest way to start anything of substance. Also, because I am the only one paying, their will be no special interests to consider other than my own and I prefer integrity to greed. I hope my reputation shows that.
Heh...this is the girl who told us PrettyFuckingMarvelous was noble, right? You and Darth must attend the same school of reading comprehension. This isn't about me. This is about your inability to do anything but joust and hope through your ever widening smoke screen that no one sees through the fact that you have nothing to offer up as a plan for your forum baby. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The problem I have is how obviously transparent this whole event has been on your part. There was never a forum even in the land of fairy dust and Kumbaya, just an opportunity for you to stay out in front of the crowd, dancing as fast as you can and doing nothing but kicking up dust.

Hey, OK to say it's all me. PrettyFuckingMarvelous did that as well. Epic failure around here is all down to me, eh, because I call bullshit when I smell it? Puhleeeeeeze. You spend a lot of time telling people what's wrong with them when they call your bluff. What's the technical name for that again? Yeah yeah yeah.

Where's the beef?

And Darth, you just can't wait to unload some money for nothin' I got a bridge in San Francisco for sale!
He and six others have offered to pay and I have declined them all. Nice try at spinning it though. Darth was the first person to offer to pay then others have come forward with offers to help. I have declined them all.

I am the ONLY one paying for this forum for the exact reasons behind your increasingly stalkish and hateful mission to bash the new forum.

One of the bigger points here though is that how people spend their hard earned money is absolutely none of anyone else's business. And the same goes for this forum. Its MY money and I am the only one who decides how it is spent! Do I tell you how to spend your money???? Criticize how you spend it???? Make fun of how you spend it???? Has anyone here???? No!

I have let you keep going with all ur huffing and puffing up til now but I will start to report it if you come on my thread and lie again. Especially about money. The money for the forum is coming from ME! End of story.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Then go buy it Phildo ... but hurry, it will be your opportunity to do something with your life, cause all I read here about you is mere BS ... IJS

ps ... oh, and if you're smelling BS, maybe its because its near your nose ... from your mouth maby?
If every one ignores Phildo he will soon go away. Every forum I have been on has a few shit stirrers. I am hopping the new site you are developing has the ability to keep him and several others out.
Hercules's Avatar
Is there an estimated go-live date? How does one get access? Will it be pay or earned like premium is with active participation? ..... (Was all this answered earlier and I'm too lazy to go back and look? )