Confederate flag was the flag of traitors

I B Hankering's Avatar
Keep dreaming shit for brains. Remain delusional, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

I said the Arkansas votes on the complaints about slavery were voted on before Lincoln acted to suppress the rebellion. But the fact remains that Arkansas did not vote to seceded BEFORE Lincoln made his call to arms, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Arkansas seceded AFTER Lincoln made his call to arms, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and Arkansas stipulated Lincoln's belligerency as the reason.
Can't you read? And the Arkansas Ordinance specifically refers to the March votes on slavery and other issues, even if it doesn't specifically sue the word slavery, so YEAH, THE ORDINANCE IS BASED ON SLAVERY. "Can't you read", can you, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, there's no mention of slavery in the document, and it explicitly cites Lincoln's belligerence as the cause for secession.

And your bullshit spin about Missouri doesn't match the facts:

Key quotes:
In the election of 1860, Missouri’s newly elected governor was Claiborne "Fox" Jackson, a career politician and an ardent supporter of the South. Jackson campaigned as a Douglas Democrat, favoring a conciliatory program on issues that divided the country. After Jackson’s election, however, he immediately began working behind the scenes to promote Missouri’s secession. In addition to planning to seize the federal arsenal at St. Louis (see below), Jackson conspired with senior Missouri bankers to illegally divert money from the banks to arm state troops, a measure that the Missouri General Assembly had so far refused to take.

So, your great Missouri governor - who you say was NOT going to secede - intended to secede even BEFORE he took office and began secret plots as soon as he took office. And he was planning on attacking the federal government (seizing federal arsenals) and embezzling money to raise his own Confederate troops without approval of the MO assembly.

Another key quote:
Jackson and Price, who were working to construct the new Missouri State Guard in nine military districts state-wide, wanted to contain the Federal toe-hold to the Unionist stronghold of St. Louis. Jackson demand that Federal forces be limited to the boundaries of St. Louis, and that pro-Unionist Missouri "Home Guards" in several Missouri town be disbanded. Lyon refused, and stated that if Jackson insisted on so limiting the power of the Federal Government "This means war".

So basically, Jackson was telling the federal government what it could and could not do with its military in Missouri. Governors and state legislature do not have that power. So that is de facto secession.

Missouri pretended to have a postion of "armed neutrality". But that is bullshit. If you are IN the Union, you do not have the power to tell the federal government what to do with its troops. If Lincoln wanted to move more of them into Missouri, the state could not refuse. So Jackson was effectively seceding even WITHOUT a secession vote.

And then there is this:
Jackson and the pro-Confederate politicians fled to the southern part of the state. Jackson and a rump of the General Assembly eventually set up a government-in-exile in Neosho, Missouri and announced an Ordinance of Secession. This government was recognized by the Confederacy, despite that fact that the "Act" was not endorsed by a plebiscite (as required by Missouri state law) and that Jackson's government was all but powerless inside Missouri.

So, their Act of secession violated state law. They did not have the authority to do it.

And yet, you think this rump was more valid than the Unionist legislature.

Fucking hypocrite.

Here's two quotes you selectively omitted, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass:
1. "Conflicts and battles in the war were divided into three phases, starting with the Union removal of Governor Jackson and pursuit of Sterling Price and his Missouri State Guard in 1861 ....

2. "On July 22, 1861, following Lyon's capture of the Missouri capital at Jefferson City, the Missouri Constitutional Convention reconvened and declared the Missouri governor's office to be vacant. On July 28, it appointed former Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Hamilton Rowan Gamble as governor of the state ...."
Connecticut General Lyon drove the elected government out of the capitol and appointed a new one at the point of Yankee bayonets, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

There wasn't s single Confederate state that secede over other reasons, but NOT slavery.
It was your ignorant contention that every Declaration of Secession for every seceding state stated slavery was the cause for secession, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. You were demonstrably proved wrong, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. At least four of the official documents declaring secession do not mention slavery, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Which brings up another question: If there were other reasons for seceding besides preserving slavery, why didn't any of the non-slave states also secede for one of those other reasons?

Why didn't Maine or Ohio also secede in response to Lincoln's "call to arms" that you like to blame? Why didn't Indiana's governor Morton ever allow the Indiana legislature to go into session from May 1861 to 1864, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. HINT: Morton was very afraid the Indiana legislature WOULD vote to secede, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Further:

"On August 7, Maryland's General Assembly adjourned, intending to meet again on September 17. However, on that day Federal troops and Baltimore police officers arrived in Frederick with orders to arrest the pro-Confederate members of the General Assembly."

BTW, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, have you never heard of the pro-secessionist Indiana-mick named Lambdin Purdy Milligan? Lincoln, et al, suspended Habeas corpus and arrested any and all -- including congressmen and senators -- who argued either negotiating a peace with the South or for secession, e.g., Milligan, Clement Vallandigham, Senator Alexander J. Douglas, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

They need permission because that is what the Constitution says. For a guy who pretends to be a defender of the Constitution from the commie hordes, you should maybe know a little more about it.

Article IV, Section 3:
"States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

You imagine a lot of things that have no basis in reality.

If they don't have permission of their own legislature AND Congress, they won't be "recognized" by anybody.

How exactly does another state cut a deal with a few counties that have no legal authority to act? How would they enforce one of those deals in court? What happens when Colorado cuts a different deal for that mineral wealth? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass finally admitted that without Virginia's consent, creating the state of West Virginia was both bogus and illegal!

IB has the official count.

.....what day are we on now, officially IB? Originally Posted by JCM800
You continue to demonstrate that you are a true lib-retard, JCM800. Each day you awaken to a "new world" as ignorant as a newborn babe of what befell the world yesterday and all the days before: you remain as oblivious to reality as you do to the days of the week, JCM800.

No, Corpy. We're learning how to count from YOU, you corpulent, pustulent drama queen!

At some point this meltdown will transcend the days and just become another of your many psychoses. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're still using "Urban Dictionary" words, you dumb-fuck golem jackass.
What language are you writing in, banjo boy? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Banjoese Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey, if you would lose some weight you would only have a short man complex...LOL
One thing to keep in mind is that not everything you've been "taught" in school, or "learned" from your mentors is the "truth". Keep in mind that very often history is written by the winner, but that does not make it fact!
Hey, if you would lose some weight you would only have a short man complex...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Hey "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, if you would lose some weight, Hanoi COG would not have as much of your "Sweet Ass" to kiss!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass finally admitted that without Virginia's consent, creating the state of West Virginia was both bogus and illegal!

You continue to demonstrate that you are a true lib-retard, JCM800. Each day you awaken to a "new world" as ignorant as a newborn babe of what befell the world yesterday and all the days before: you remain as oblivious to reality as you do to the days of the week, JCM800.

You're still using "Urban Dictionary" words, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
are you still quibbling over Wikipedia text, Corpy?

what a pathetic loser!

Twenty two days down ... You probably are used to long stretches of, er, attention. You're taking it up the ass from everybody here and only have YouBoob the banjo boy to lick your festering wounds.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Talk about a hijacking douchebag!