NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
What is so unusual is that everyone is posting about Matt as if there is an alternative right now. The Raiders brought in Carson Palmer, how's that working out?
I can't help but wonder what the locals would be saying if the Texans would have given up two #1 draft choices for a 3rd tier quarterback named Carson Palmer!
Go Texans, Go Dopey, prove me wrong!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I just got a text message from Schaub and he asked for me to let you know that if he decides to spend quality time with Esmerelda he will pay for it himself. He said he appreciated your kind and generous offer but he makes more than enough money to afford her rates. He then went on to say that he doesn't feel he has a damn thing to prove to you! Other than that he appreciates your concern but he is much more concerned with making Coach Kubes happy as opposed to some "Dopey Dude named Daddio!"

Just passing the message along, don't shoot the messenger!
Oh so you're personal buddies with Dopey? That explains your passion in defending him, or do you use the 3 finger hold like your avatar when you jerk Schaub off at night?

Text dopey back and tell him to play a whole game sometime this year please. Hopefully this week against a decent Tampa team. We will need a whole game against Josh Freeman. If not this week he can save it for the home playoff game later this year.
Fuck schaub ain't even the best qb in Houston....... Case keenum is!!!

Jerk yourselves off to that tonight cougar high alums!!!
#11 and risin'! Eat 'em up!
O'Mike's Avatar
Texans in the top 5 on some power ranking sites, U of H might move into the top 10 this weekend and still be undefeated. Who would have thought that? (Hell even the Rockets are tied at the top of their division. )

Big thanks to Jerry Jones, we appreciate the opportunity to be able to enjoy watching Wade Phillips and the number one defense in the nation work for the Houston fans.
Texans in the top 5 on some power ranking sites, U of H might move into the top 10 this weekend and still be undefeated. Who would have thought that? (Hell even the Rockets are tied at the top of their division. )

Big thanks to Jerry Jones, we appreciate the opportunity to be able to enjoy watching Wade Phillips and the number one defense in the nation work for the Houston fans. Originally Posted by O'Mike

Wade knows the meaning of...........
.............Eat 'em UP!

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-10-2011, 01:38 AM
Lmao at you need to come join us in the clubs, you would love it.

So Daddio, what do you think about the upcoming Tampa Bay game this week? Looks like they just signed Haynesworth. They need to do something, their defense is ranked # 29 in the NFL. Their offense is #15.....

Josh Freeman is ok, so I'm not too worried.

Btw...I'm thrilled to see the Texans defense is #1 in total yards allowed
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Whats up guys, I thought this thread should have been dead a long time ago since the "lockout" is now a thing of the past... But decided to check it out since it never went away... Hell, now I see why it wont die... You guys are talkin real live football here... That's right up my ally! ... Hope you don't mind me chiming in...

Since Schaub is a hot topic here, fuck it, I'll go there..

Let begin with this:
I get your frustrations with this guy... Since the QB is the face of the franchise and all... Therefore he's judged as a winner or loser based on TEAM performance.. in that regard, over the recent years, he sucks...

However, individual talent/perfomance is based on stats, well lets have a look:

TEXANS Stats (Schaub emphasis)


SCHAUB: | Passes Completed:1st(396) | Comp.%: 4th(67.9) | Yds.: 1st (4,770) | TD: 5th (29) | Int: 23rd (29) |

*AFC Probowl add in (Handsome Tom and Big Burger licked their wounds)

Total defence: 13th

Rushing yds: 30th

W-L: 9-7


SCHAUB: | Passes Completed:3rd(365) | Comp.%: 8th(63.6) | Yds.: 4th (4,770) | TD: 12th (24) | Int: 15th (12)

Total defense: 30th

Rushing yds: 7th

W-L: 6-10


SCHAUB: Passes Completed:16th(167) | Comp.%:22nd(60.3) | Yds.: 9th(2,237) | TD: 8th(13) | Int: 12th(6) | QB Rate: 8th(92.6)

Total Offence: 8th(396.6 yds/g) | Total Points: 4th(236) | Points/game: 6th(26.2) | Time of Pos/game: 2nd(33:43) |TO: 6th(+7)

Rushing: 2nd(155.1yds/game) 1,396 so far this season

Total defence: 1st(274.0 yds/g)

W-L: 6-3

Schaub's rank on NFL.COM | 2008 7th | 2009 7th | 2010 9th | 2011... 8th |

AND for those of you that have not played the game, let me educate you a little bit...
Generally, during the following practice after a game you get a stat sheet... THIS, along with film, are the tools you use to see what you've done and what you can do better.. Your stat sheet is like your resume, but wins and losses don't go there... This is solely used for individual performance.
However, W's are the primary goal for the TEAM. The QB is the overall vocal leader for the team. Broken down a litter further, main leaderS of the team are the are usually the QB (offence/team) and the Mike (defense).. These are the guys that have the coach-like responsibility on the field. Coach gives them the play, they tell their teammates (huddle) and can change it on the fly if they sense something's is wrong.. If they misread what the other team is doing and call the wrong play, they get the blame..
Overall BLAME/CREDIT goes toward the QB. ---The guy with the most responsibilities. ---The guy that needs to know the offense and defense(of the other team) --- The guy that needs to know the exact route of ALL ELIGIBLE RECEIVERS on every pass play --- The MAIN guy that everyone on the team looks to to make a play ON EVERY SNAP. So, for any good football team, u need a QB that is THE GUY.

If the QB SUX,,, That's the guy no one gets to hit in practice---That's the guy that doesn't have to do all these damn drills, ---That's the guy who lost the game for us after we bust our ass for him. ---That's the guy that never throws me the ball. --- That's the guy always kissin up to Coach. Yeah man,, U know,,, THAT GUY .. (hehehe)
So, as for Schaub, take a look at those stats again... Did u see the blue ones? How bout the red ones??...No??.. Why don't you take a look again... I'f you aint figured it out yet the blue are top half on the league(32teams) the red are the bottom half... Now look again...

Before you ask... "NO, I didn't make them up." They're straight from the NFL.COM.. Don't trust me?? Go there.. take a look for yourself.

You know what??, fuck it, I changed my mind.. I'm not going to "go there" like I said earlier...Hell, who am I to question anyone's fanhood??... But I will offer a POP QUIZ.... any takers??

(hehehe) Instructions: Clear you mind of Carr memories and pretend Schaub did't wear #8... Then, unless otherwise instructed, only use the the preceding information hereby denoted as facts to answer the proceeding questions... (hehehe)

1. The worst thing about the 2009 Texans was " ___________." (Schaub/defense/rushing)
2. The best thing about the 2009 Texans team was "________."(Schaub/defense/rushing)
3. Because the Texans were 30th in rushing in 2009, opposing teams _____ know that Schaub was going to throw the ball. (did/ did not)
4. #3 ____ affect the # of Int's. (did/did not)
5. The worst thing about the 2010 Texans was " ___________." (Schaub/defense/rushing)
6. The best thing about the 2010 Texans team was "________."(Schaub/defense/rushing)
7. Texans not going to the playoffs those years_________ Schaub's fault. (was/was not)
8. The Texans ___ need all 3 phases to go to playoffs. (do/do not).
9. Schaub's stats are ______ this year and the Texans are still 6-3. (up/down)
10. His completion % ______ improve when Dre gets back. (will/will not)
11. Dre ____ sure hands . (has/doesn't have)
12. According to NFL.COM, Schaub was rated a Top 10 QB going on 4yrs. I ____ with that. (agree/disagree)
13. I know ________ than those guys at because I have ______ information. (more/less)
14. The Superbowl is in ________ this year. This ____ motivate the Texans. (LOOK IT UP!) (does/does not)
15. According to the stats here, and not by my super-well-informed opinion, Matt Schaub has consistently been ______. (THE GUY/THAT GUY)
16. I _____ be seeing what's happening with the Colts when they lost THE GUY and was replaced with THAT GUY.(have/have not)
17. The Texans _____ replace THE GUY with THAT GUY. (should/should not)
18. I ______ cry like Terrell Owens when people talk about my QB. (do/do not)
19. I _____ _ secretly root for division rivals. (do/do not)
20. I ______secretly a Cowboy fan. (am/am not)
21. I ________ think the Colts look like SMURFS on TV when I squint my eyes. (do/do not)
22. I ______ care if the Texans only make the playoffs because I _____ really wan't them to win a SB in Papa SMURF's house. (do/do not)
23. This ______ possible. (is/is not)
24. I ________ a Texan (am/am not)
This weeks game will be much more of a test for the Texans than previous weeks games against some of the weakest opponents in the NFL have been.

I am predicting a win, but it does depend on the running game getting going early. I know Dopey probably shit himself when he saw they signed Haynesworth. Poor Schaub probably still has nightmares about Haynesworth from his Tennessee days when he fucked up his shoulder when he threw him down like a rag doll. I am glad Haynesworth does not appear to be anywhere near his old form since he signed for the big money. I do guarantee Schaub will spazz out at least once if he sees big Albert bust through the line while pass rushing.

This will be a bigger test for us. I hope we do not leave it close because Freeman has led some comebacks and he could bite us in the ass again if we leave them in the game. Our defense is somewhat overated because of the very weak schedule we have played recently. The D is drastically better than last year but don't get to excited as we will probably come back to the top 10 range soon.

I hate it that Kubes lets team stay in the game by being to conservative and I suspect he will again this week too. This always spells trouble. I do have to hand it to Kubes as he is running an offense that any QB can suceed in. And Dopey is doing a pretty decent job of running it too.

All that being said, this will come down to the last seconds and I see the Texans holding on for a victory, barely. TB doesn't have enough weapons to score in the end.

I also hope we win this week without #80 so he can come back at hopefully full strength in a few weeks.
kerwil62's Avatar
Is Tampa coming here or are the Texans going there?
Rubchasertx's Avatar
Is Tampa coming here or are the Texans going there? Originally Posted by kerwil62
Going there.

...and Fat Albert isn't going to scare anybody this week IMO.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Texans Win +17
Schaub:300+ yrds | 3TD |1 Int
Dre: 75yrds 1TD (got a feeling he'll play some)
Foster: +100yrds rushing
Tate: +150yrds rushing

This game is not a test for Texans, its a test for Buc's . As Texans are favored in every aspect of the game except passing (small margin). Schaub knows he's overdue.. (((could be Trap game going into Bye)))
Well Caalyst411, i hope you are right but I think Tampa will be desperate to keep playoff hopes alive. We are riding a little too high so we might be overconfident somewhat although this group does seem to have its head on straight. If #80 plays we should win, if #80 doesn't play it will be a close one!

If I were Kubes, I wouldn't play #80 unless I knew 100% he was good to go.