Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

Chung Tran's Avatar
Hmmm. So I think this latest indictment is a mistake. If I was ''in charge'', I would have passed. Georgia is a much stronger case, IMO. Wait for that.

Bullet points on why I would have NOT brought charges.

1. He's guilty, but ''not really''. Trump could have declassified the Docs. He didn't do it the ''proper'' way, and seemed to admit it on tape. Yeah, so? That is a soft legal point at best.

2. He had some classified docs in boxes. Might have showed a couple, to a couple of people. So? Was anyone harmed, any real secret dessiminated? No evidence of it. Find me something that was egregiously passed on.

3. All of us here are Fucking Felons in Texas, according to the dipshit assumption that we aid trafficking by posting here. Just because a law exists, doesn't make it worthy or right.. Or punishable. Espionage Act of 1917? Please.

4. Hillary Clinton acid washed her 33,000 emails. Biden, Pence, Bill Clinton, Obama all took Documents home. Don't tell me ''yeah, but they cooperated''. Fuck. Nobody gave a rat's ass that they took anything, docs, furniture, whatever.

5. Trump was given a chance to hand it all over, strike a plea deal. Why didn't he?
Because he didn't really think he did anything wrong. Did he? Sort of. But are we guilty, here on ECCIE? Just because a letter of a law claims you're guilty, and you can quote a line from it, doesn't make it actionable. A Procrustean effort can find a crime almost anywhere. Like the Cop who stops you for no turn signal, then socks you with no Insurance, bad brake light, out of date inspection, and 20 more things. 31 counts of the indictment could have been just ONE

6. There are many failed ''get Trump'' efforts before. Russia, Russia, Russia, the Mueller Report, 2 impeachments, wiretapping his Hotel. Why add another flimsy charge?

7. The Trial will likely be delayed past next election. Trump is stronger since the indictment, and may pardon himself.

8. Hunter Biden. If 1/10 of that is proveable, it makes Trump look like Mickey Mouse. That shit might have fallen off the public radar, but not now. It's get even time.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar hcmxzb24gb24gdHdpdHRlciBlcGlzb 2RlIDM%3D

Thanks for that well written and thought provoking analysis Chung. I believe that you are correct in everything that you just posted. Whats going on in politics and the world today isn't about any one person. Its about good versus evil. That's were the battle is. America has turned it's back against god. The people involved are just pawns in this global geo political chessboard. Keep up the good work soldier. Unfortunately for all of us it's going to get much worse before it gets better. hcmxzb24gb24gdHdpdHRlciBlcGlzb 2RlIDM%3D

Thanks for that well written and thought provoking analysis Chung. I believe that you are correct in everything that you just posted. Whats going on in politics and the world today isn't about any one person. Its about good versus evil. That's were the battle is. America has turned it's back against god. The people involved are just pawns in this global geo political chessboard. Keep up the good work soldier. Unfortunately for all of us it's going to get much worse before it gets better. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Gee little black sambo primate, which god? Man has invented over 5400 thru the years. Now that we have science we can explain all of those things attributed to gods in the past such as bad weather.

Where is your proof?
And yes, it is a war of good VS bad. The bad being conspiracy theory morons who ignore facts like the one that your BOY, and I do mean boy, lost the 2020 election. His punks then tried to stage a coup at his urging. The BOY also is on tape telling the Georgia AG to FIND 11,700 votes to sway the election.

Yes, there was election tampering. And it is all too obvious who did it, so save me your whackadoodle videos that have no basis in truth.

Your boy should be in prison for that alone, plus his numbeous other crimes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hmmm. So I think this latest indictment is a mistake. If I was ''in charge'', I would have passed. Georgia is a much stronger case, IMO. Wait for that.

Bullet points on why I would have NOT brought charges.

1. He's guilty, but ''not really''. Trump could have declassified the Docs. He didn't do it the ''proper'' way, and seemed to admit it on tape. Yeah, so? That is a soft legal point at best.

2. He had some classified docs in boxes. Might have showed a couple, to a couple of people. So? Was anyone harmed, any real secret dessiminated? No evidence of it. Find me something that was egregiously passed on.

3. All of us here are Fucking Felons in Texas, according to the dipshit assumption that we aid trafficking by posting here. Just because a law exists, doesn't make it worthy or right.. Or punishable. Espionage Act of 1917? Please.

4. Hillary Clinton acid washed her 33,000 emails. Biden, Pence, Bill Clinton, Obama all took Documents home. Don't tell me ''yeah, but they cooperated''. Fuck. Nobody gave a rat's ass that they took anything, docs, furniture, whatever.

5. Trump was given a chance to hand it all over, strike a plea deal. Why didn't he?
Because he didn't really think he did anything wrong. Did he? Sort of. But are we guilty, here on ECCIE? Just because a letter of a law claims you're guilty, and you can quote a line from it, doesn't make it actionable. A Procrustean effort can find a crime almost anywhere. Like the Cop who stops you for no turn signal, then socks you with no Insurance, bad brake light, out of date inspection, and 20 more things. 31 counts of the indictment could have been just ONE

6. There are many failed ''get Trump'' efforts before. Russia, Russia, Russia, the Mueller Report, 2 impeachments, wiretapping his Hotel. Why add another flimsy charge?

7. The Trial will likely be delayed past next election. Trump is stronger since the indictment, and may pardon himself.

8. Hunter Biden. If 1/10 of that is proveable, it makes Trump look like Mickey Mouse. That shit might have fallen off the public radar, but not now. It's get even time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

excellent points. while the GA case might be stronger the more that comes out about 2020 isn't good for Democrats and GA and actually favors Trump. i don't think that call to Raffenburger is a case for any crimes.

all of this is to tie up Trump with court dates to prevent him from campaigning. yes, this is election interference by Biden and the DOJ. and their lackeys in NYC.

Hunter Biden has been cashing in on daddy for years along with his uncles and it wouldn't surprise me Beau Biden was in on it too and documents show that he was getting a cut.

no one puts up millions without wanting something for it. at best if it's for some business favor it's still a bribe and illegal at worst it's treason.

the 2020 election wasn't even remotely fair. it was rigged in every way possible right in front of everyone to see. the media and big tech clearly promoted false stories about Trump like the nonsense about his trip to Paris in 2017 claiming the Marines buried in France were "losers". this "story" surfaced three years later right in the stretch run of the election, a planted story same as the "Russian bounty" lie, just name name a few. Big tech tried to suppress the laptop story by censuring it on twitter, we know this as fact now. then those 51 intel operatives made their intentionally bogus claim about "Russian disinformation" to once again interfere against Trump in favor of Biden. did the DNC in the swing states stuff ballots for days to sway the count? Damn right they did. unless you want to believe that for 5 days after the election tranches of ballots come in all 9-1 Biden and without any down ballot votes for either party. no one steals an election like the DNC. even the Chinese are envious.
Where is your proof of this "election rigging?" People like you need to be best. Must suck huh, you claim it is a fair election when your boy wins, when he loses it is rigged. childish moron!!
Trump is a megalomaniac.look up the definition. He has a cult following on his truth social. These people only get their news from truth social. Famous megalomaniacs include: Hitler, Alexander the great, Genghis Khan and Napoleon Bonaparte.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where is your proof of this "election rigging?" People like you need to be best. Must suck huh, you claim it is a fair election when your boy wins, when he loses it is rigged. childish moron!! Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

typical response as usual.

btw the Democrats claimed 2016 was rigged because Trump won.

it's a fact the media influenced the election with years of fake stories like the "Russian bounty" story and the story Trump refused to go to the Marine cemetery in France in 2017. how interesting this totally bogus story came out in late 2020 just in time to influence the election.

my advice to you is don't believe everything the press claim especially about Trump.
Christie is one tough cookie and as smart as they come. He governed a blue state that was nearly bankrupt and made some very tough decisions to tackle the entitlement pension programs and property taxes. At the end, he was not very popular with the NJ voters. Of course, he took away their candy.
He is a pragmatic conservative. As president, he will address the spending the democrats have brought upon us. And, yes, there will be pain. What is the alternative?
Christie is one tough cookie and as smart as they come. He governed a blue state that was nearly bankrupt and made some very tough decisions to tackle the entitlement pension programs and property taxes. At the end, he was not very popular with the NJ voters. Of course, he took away their candy.
He is a pragmatic conservative. As president, he will address the spending the democrats have brought upon us. And, yes, there will be pain. What is the alternative? Originally Posted by oral_dlites
Christie is the most practical conservative.

As for spending? Both sides run up deficits, it's just a difference of where they allocate money. GOP leans more into defense, lowers taxes and reduces social safety nets. Dems lean away from defense, put a little more in social safety nets and raise taxes on people that already know how to evade taxes.

Neither side is conservative on spending and both would get criticized to high hell if they REALLY reduced spending.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
I vote Republican, but I have to ask, is there no line that Trump can cross where he will lose your vote?

He took without authority, refused to give back, lied about having, then showed Top Secret contingent Pentagon battle plans for Iran to someone without security clearance - ON TAPE, no less - then acknowledged it was still Top Secret and was not declassified.

If a Democrat former president did something like this, I'd HOPE you'd be calling for his head. Why is this any different? Or are our most important state secrets fair game to steal and share if the person mishandling them is one of your own?

And as Republicans, will we accept ANYTHING that Mr. T does? Is there NO line he cannot cross and keep our support?

Will Hurd is my pick for Republican candidate for President! He's sensible and smart. And why not put another ex-CIA candidate, Evan McMullin, on the ticket as his VP.
typical response as usual.

btw the Democrats claimed 2016 was rigged because Trump won.

it's a fact the media influenced the election with years of fake stories like the "Russian bounty" story and the story Trump refused to go to the Marine cemetery in France in 2017. how interesting this totally bogus story came out in late 2020 just in time to influence the election.

my advice to you is don't believe everything the press claim especially about Trump. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yes, VERY typical response, you can't back your bullshit. And I don't need your advice conspiracy theory boy.

Have you even read the Mueller report? Guarantee you have not.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, VERY typical response, you can't back your bullshit. And I don't need your advice conspiracy theory boy.

Have you even read the Mueller report? Guarantee you have not. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

the Mueller report is a nothing burger full of bullshit. it found no collusion and Mueller's claims of "obstruction" are laughable crap.

jimmie "longshanks" comey was intentionally leaking info to the press that Mueller then cited as "fact" which they were nothing but made up crap and he eventually got formally reprimanded for it.

Trump shoulda executed him for high treason

the steel dossier is classic russian disinformation because Chris Steele a limey former MI6 intel analyst got this fictional load of made up shit from his russkie contacts including the "story" of the pee tape nonsense. they made it all up then the fbi used it to get FISA warrants without by law disclosing it was Clinton campaign political work. oh did i mention the first FISA request to spy on Trump got rejected and they re-filed it including the unverified steele dossier and it got approved.

no election interference here!!!

oh and since steele is a limey that's actually election interference by a foreign national knowingly paid for by the Clinton campaign.

them's the facts, jack!

the Mueller report is a nothing burger full of bullshit. it found no collusion and Mueller's claims of "obstruction" are laughable crap.

jimmie "longshanks" comey was intentionally leaking info to the press that Mueller then cited as "fact" which they were nothing but made up crap and he eventually got formally reprimanded for it.

Trump shoulda executed him for high treason

the steel dossier is classic russian disinformation because Chris Steele a limey former MI6 intel analyst got this fictional load of made up shit from his russkie contacts including the "story" of the pee tape nonsense. they made it all up then the fbi used it to get FISA warrants without by law disclosing it was Clinton campaign political work. oh did i mention the first FISA request to spy on Trump got rejected and they re-filed it including the unverified steele dossier and it got approved.

no election interference here!!!

oh and since steele is a limey that's actually election interference by a foreign national knowingly paid for by the Clinton campaign.

them's the facts, jack!

bahahahhaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're a first rate moron and should seriously consider killing yourself.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-24-2023, 01:24 PM
You're a first rate moron and should seriously consider killing yourself. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You're back? I already destroyed your arguments from before.