New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

I will support whom ever wins the election.[/QUOTE]

Be careful there MT, you're showing you can be a first rate gentleman, and not just a testosterone-laden teenager gear-heading up and down the street at 3 AM with the other boys of the neighborhood.
lustylad's Avatar
Like I said I am not into guys... I have no problem with gay people... I know that I had not said anything to imply I was gay so you must have stereotyped me... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
By the way I am gay. What about you? Originally Posted by MT Pockets

MT Pockets's Avatar
Originally Posted by lustylad
I said that in sarcasm after you said some gay bullshit. Just another example of how you like to word play.
lustylad's Avatar
I said that in sarcasm after you said some gay bullshit. Just another example of how you like to word play. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

MT Pockets's Avatar

Be careful there MT, you're showing you can be a first rate gentleman, and not just a testosterone-laden teenager gear-heading up and down the street at 3 AM with the other boys of the neighborhood. Originally Posted by Cherie
You are a sweetheart. I go to South Florida occasionally. I will have to look you up.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Originally Posted by lustylad
Your Pic is not showing. Must be a little slow like you.
lustylad's Avatar
You are a sweetheart. My mommy takes me to Disney World occasionally. I will have to look you up. Do you offer discounts for minors? Oh wait, I'm gay. Never mind. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
MT Pockets's Avatar
You are a sweetheart. My mommy takes me to Disney World occasionally. I will have to look you up. Do you offer discounts for minors? Oh wait, I'm gay. Never mind. ftfy. Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you jealous. You see not all Conservatives are an asshole like you. She may have a different opinion than me but that does not mean we can not get along. Like I said before most of my friends and family are Conservative. I have healthy debates with them and no one resorts to name calling. You do it because you have nothing else. You don't like it when I give it right back to you.
Just keep in mind I never said one shitty thing to you or called you any names until you did.
lustylad's Avatar
Like I said before most of my friends and family are Conservative. I have healthy debates with them and no one resorts to name calling... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Don't make me laugh again, pockface .... based on your posts, it's obvious now (if not earlier) that you are far too intellectually stunted and emotionally immature to engage in anything approaching a “healthy debate” …. why not just come clean and admit what you are - a puerile, Dew-addicted sexually confused teen living in his mom's basement who thinks “healthy debate” is having a public meltdown on a hooker board where he can stay anonymous and pretend to be a mature intelligent articulate adult:

One more fucking time... Are you listening?????

I have flat out told you why and you keep running your stupid mouth on a point that has been hashed over several times

Tired of explaining it. why dont you tell who you think all the idiots are that support him are (sic).

You just want to misunderstand what I said so you can attempt to blow smoke up my ass.

You are a simpleton is why you don't understand or just acting stupid

Yo mama's a pockface ( childish name calling wtf!

You twisting the data is the problem

There you go putting words in my mouth again. Seems to be your MO
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
MT Pockets's Avatar
Don't make me laugh again, pockface .... based on your posts, it's obvious now (if not earlier) that you are far too intellectually stunted and emotionally immature to engage in anything approaching a “healthy debate” …. why not just come clean and admit what you are - a puerile, Dew-addicted sexually confused teen living in his mom's basement who thinks “healthy debate” is having a public meltdown on a hooker board where he can stay anonymous and pretend to be a mature intelligent articulate adult: Originally Posted by lustylad
Sorry you have me confused with the paper boy that does your "Homework" sometimes. You keep talking about a meltdown. The meltdown was when you started calling names and accusing me of being gay. Then you went on the poll rant when you saw all the demographics voted for Obama. Burns your ass that some many people voted for a Negro. You know how many women got jungle fever? I wonder how many brothers dressed up like a politician and turned out a few conservative wifes. Maybe I could dress up like Barrack when I come over next time. Think your wife would like that? You never have anything to add to a conversation its always some kind of smart ass bullshit. Not one original thought. I love the "I aint voting for trump" bullshit you are trying to sell now. Sissy boy!

Tell you what, you speak to me with this "sophistication" you keep telling us you have, and lets see how far you get. I don't recall you ever saying anything that wasn't chock full of insults and slurs. Prove me wrong asshole
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I will NOT support the winner of this election if it is Hillary. MT Jockstrap, I applaud you voting your conscience, but if your conscience is content with allowing the most dishonest, corrupt, incompetent and evil candidate in history to be elected POTUS, then you have no conscience. You are either a certifiable idiot or a complete reprobate.
Don't make me laugh again, pockface .... based on your posts, it's obvious now (if not earlier) that you are far too intellectually stunted and emotionally immature to engage in anything approaching a “healthy debate” …. why not just come clean and admit what you are - a puerile, Dew-addicted sexually confused teen living in his mom's basement who thinks “healthy debate” is having a public meltdown on a hooker board where he can stay anonymous and pretend to be a mature intelligent articulate adult: Originally Posted by lustylad
Lusty MT Pocket is correct you and others are giving republicans a bad name. The minute someone disagree with you for no apparent reason(s) you guys resort to name calling and other childish behavior.

If anyone is acting like a child it's the so called conservatives on this site.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Republicans have had a bad name for decades. Trump might actually bring some dignity and independence back to the name, once the diehard Establishment is tossed out.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I will NOT support the winner of this election if it is Hillary. MT Jockstrap, I applaud you voting your conscience, but if your conscience is content with allowing the most dishonest, corrupt, incompetent and evil candidate in history to be elected POTUS, then you have no conscience. You are either a certifiable idiot or a complete reprobate. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Here is how I see it. We all ask the other citizens to accept our guy if they win the election right? I think that as a Patriot you should honor the system we have in place or go through the proper channels to alter it. So if Trump wins do you not ask me to support him as our leader? The main reason I despise Trump is he saw an opportunity. He out smarted out slandered and out connected his opponents. There were a several good candidates on the conservative side. he turned it into a freak show. Now you have to live with it. Most likely for 8 years. There will be a whole new crowd of Republicans a year from now. Hopefully you will learn from all of this. I would prefer we go back to the runner up is the VP but that will never happen. So instead I use my vote to support getting a third party on the ballot. All I ask of that party is to have conviction. I do not have to agree with one thing they do besides integrity. The Constitutional party has proven to be that in my opinion. I hope they never win an election but the will end the two party monopoly. The Teaparty started out with the same ideas but went off the rails about 20 minutes into it.

As for me being unprincipled or an idiot I am far from both. You all know that the POTUS is not a dictator and has limited power but you still get caught up in it. You let fear control you. You know Trump is of the hinge but you know congress will save us from him. Just as they will Hillary. Wake up!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Lusty MT Pocket is correct you and others are giving republicans a bad name. The minute someone disagree with you for no apparent reason(s) you guys resort to name calling and other childish behavior.

If anyone is acting like a child it's the so called conservatives on this site. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Thank you.