Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

Grace Preston's Avatar
That would be the educated think to do, but also in the best interest of the country...SPEED doesn't think so. Originally Posted by bb1961

Depends-- charity and self interest begins at home. It wouldn't make sense for a person to vote directly against their own self interests-- even if its "better for the nation".

I chuckle every time I see people I knew "back in the day" who are lifelong welfare recipients... and hard core straight ticket Republicans. It would be different if they were temporary recipients climbing their way off the doles... but no- these are lifers.

I chuckle every time I see people I knew "back in the day" who have more dollars than sense.. and are hard core straight ticket Democrats.

I can understand those who are in the middle going either way-- for whatever reasons. But when you vote directly against that which you live by-- it just doesn't make logical sense.
LexusLover's Avatar
Grace you make a lot of assumptions based on little facts.

Thank God not all voters vote consistent with their pocket books at election time ... and furthermore the "Republicans" didn't elect Trump in 2016 ... and in fact he's been a Democrat all of this voting life ...

Schumer enlisted him to do a fund raiser down in Florida when Schumer had more common sense and less derangement.Trump is not disliked by them because he's a Republican or ran as a Republican.

They don't like him because he knows them and has the book on them.

Do you actually believe for one second that Trump knew NOTHING about the Clintons when he decided to run in 2015? He probably knew what brand of toilet paper they had in their residence within a few days of their move to NY. That makes folks uncomfortable. Some folks.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm pretty sure he's stated before that he will likely vote with his wallet-- and that he'll begrudgingly vote for Trump because of it.

He's the kind of voter I probably respect the most... he may not like who he votes for-- but he's wise enough to vote in his own self interests. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

LMC is waffling on this issue. claims gonna vote his wallet, but seems to lean toward sticky fingers.
LexusLover's Avatar
"waffling" .... Good word. Good description.

Claims to have a shitload of "Henrys" but is voting Kumola!

Does anyone know why the Henry was designed?

Distributed to the Union Army. "Military style" firearm.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yes the Lawlessness and Criminal Behavior on Trump's watch is terrible.

I can't believe the stuff going on under this president.It's a disgrace.

Now all this from Woodward's book doesn't help Trump either.

Trump will be fired for sure ! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Meth is bad for you.
  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2020, 07:17 AM
"waffling" .... Good word. Good description.

Claims to have a shitload of "Henrys" but is voting Kumola!

Does anyone know why the Henry was designed?

Distributed to the Union Army. "Military style" firearm. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Vote Biden - who will destroy the economy by raise taxes sky high, institute every fiscally unsupportable Soylent green New Deal proposal in the DPST arsenal, and Destroy the First and Second Amendments.

Betabeto was not kidding - as gun Czar they will confiscate all weapons in america in private hands - and those of the police and military.

Civil War is coming!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Be proud.

.... Little Speedo over bloviates about not only his life experiences (about which he exaggerates and lies), but also about his physical prowess .... by threatening ME on here

.... when he first arrived he called me "uneducated" .... I believe you have also found yourself lost on that "road to nowhere"!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are getting more ridiculous with each post.

I ask you once again what lies I have told on this forum. I don't mind your infantile name-calling but I do not appreciate being called a liar and when I ask you to back it up, you've got NOTHING!

I even challenge you to find a post where I called you "uneducated". What I have said is that when you've claimed how educated YOU are, I will match my formal education vs. your formal education.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LMC is waffling on this issue. claims gonna vote his wallet, but seems to lean toward sticky fingers. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If all things were equal with taxes between the two, there is no way in hell I'd vote for Trump. But they are not, so when Biden is not president and Harris takes over, she is going to tax the shit out of people who make a nice living.

LOL. I see LL's crazy ass is still talking about my damn guns. What an obsessed old weirdo. I don't give a fuck about what people have unless they owe me money so they can put that up as collateral just in case they are a deadbeat.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Dems can only win if they CHEAT!!! BUT if they keep the fraud going till Jan 20 ,2021 GET THIS
with no clear POTUS
PEELOOIS will become temporary POTUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Do the World a favor and hold your breath.

The "evidence" would out you and that's a forum violation....something that little HoeHum aka YR learned the hard way .... but you know all about me so you know I have "the evidence" ... and the last time I confronted you with YOUR ADMISSIONS about your so-called "World-Travels" you starting whining like a little baby, because I mentioned your WIFE (who you had already injected into one of your bullshit world travel stories) and traveling "with her" on her family pass .... from her employer the airline!!!!

Your boat bullshit fits right in ... you're an idiot and loudmouth.

You sort of remind me of the little twerps on here who assert I don't get any pussy, because I don't brag about it in reviews ... let's see .... bragging about paying a female (most of the time) money to disrobe, suck their dick, and fuck them ... bragging about it in a review and most often lying about numerous alleged facts contained in the "review"!

Here's a lie: You claimed you had been on Lake Travis "for years"! There are 365 days in a year ... so how many days have you spent on Lake Travis and the dates of those excursions ON THE LAKE IN YOUR BOAT ... or anyone else's boat for that matter?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So once again you've got NOTHING! Some sorry excuse that by supplying evidence would get me banned from ECCIE. Please. Bring it on!! Either do so or shut up!!

BTW, my wife never worked for an airline. More BS. Most of my airline travel is free due to mileage rewards from United and American credit cards.

I purchased a boat in 2006 or 2007. Sold it 3 or 4 years ago. Approximately. I said I was on the lake 100s of hours in those 10 years or so. If you read my statements and concluded that I said I spent years on the lake, you are dumber than I thought. So where is the lie? I'm missing it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Your guy has trouble with the teleprompter..."end of quote" and "queue up"...
You don't think the marxist violence will have a negative impact on the undecided're completely diluted on the devastation the left was done to the country...I understand why.
It's not a winner no matter what your "opinion" is. Lawlessness is anti-social criminal behavior SPEED...FACT not OPINION!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Again, I am not discussing in this thread Biden or Trump.

I have asked you several times to support your statement that I have lied on this forum. So far you've been unable or unwilling to respond.
Again, I am not discussing in this thread Biden or Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I wonder why SPEED??????
Get back to us after the debates...
Lapdog's Avatar
Hey, junior. How's it HANGGING?
Depends-- charity and self interest begins at home. It wouldn't make sense for a person to vote directly against their own self interests-- even if its "better for the nation".

I chuckle every time I see people I knew "back in the day" who are lifelong welfare recipients... and hard core straight ticket Republicans. It would be different if they were temporary recipients climbing their way off the doles... but no- these are lifers.

I chuckle every time I see people I knew "back in the day" who have more dollars than sense.. and are hard core straight ticket Democrats.

I can understand those who are in the middle going either way-- for whatever reasons. But when you vote directly against that which you live by-- it just doesn't make logical sense. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I think the divergence among voters between their pocketbook and their cultural beliefs explains rich people voting for Democrats and poor people voting for Republicans.

Someone may be poor but they not only think like a rich person but believe people who can work, should work.

When my brother was disabled I had to beg him to get his disability checks - he was too proud to get free money from the government. I told him he paid far more in taxes through the years, and it was just payback. Plus, I told him I was happy he was getting back some of the outlandish amounts of money I send to the gummint in taxes.

Rich white people might vote Democrat because they feel guilty about their privilege that comes with money. I think they are stupid as fuck and I hope the leftist rioters kill them first if they are going to kill white people anyway, which I object to them doing..

The rich white liberals who say that every white person gets white privilege should be first in line to be killed by the left wing rioters if they are going to kill whitey anyway - that would be poetic justice.

(Please note I exclude rich white members of my own family from this disposition. I hope to beat sense into them eventually, or at least make them understand they will pay more in taxes - some people really hate paying for all the liberal programs)
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I chuckle every time I see people I knew "back in the day" who have more dollars than sense.. and are hard core straight ticket Democrats. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
My Aunt is like that. She has plenty of money, but she always votes for Democrats no matter what. The funny thing is that she is not even liberal.

She's actually more of a conservative to me but I don't say anything to her because she's old school and does not believe someone my age should be telling her what to do.

I also can't really tell her in good conscious to vote for a complete scumbag like Trump because she doesn't give a shit about more taxes as long as a Democrat is in office.

Anyway, to your point, Grace some people just don't care even if they get fucked every April 15th. I do.