Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

LexusLover's Avatar
...and trust me, .... Originally Posted by CJ7
.. and there you go JD.....

.. and the check is in the mail!!!!

Just for conversation's sake ... how on this Earth would you know how much or little someone else posting on here knows about any given topic, when you don't even know how little you actually know?

When anyone ever says ... "trust me" .... I put my hand on my wallet.

The only thing worse is starting out .... "I swear to God"......
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2014, 10:40 AM
.. and there you go JD.....

.. and the check is in the mail!!!!

Just for conversation's sake ... how on this Earth would you know how much or little someone else posting on here knows about any given topic, when you don't even know how little you actually know?

When anyone ever says ... "trust me" .... I put my hand on my wallet.

The only thing worse is starting out .... "I swear to God"...... Originally Posted by LexusLover

not one of you know 1/10th as much as you think you do ... especially YOU Goober !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What he is trying to imply is that a brown shoe sailor is an aviator, whereas a black shoe sailor is otherwise (surface or submarine). So he is trying to say, without saying it, is that he may have been a naval aviator (like Richard Gere or Tom Cruise) back in the day.

Of course I have never claimed to be a naval aviator but I was a member of the Navy Flying Club in New London and Norfolk. My background is history and throughout history people have succeeded because they did what the powers that be were impossible or highly improbable. 9/11 was on such example and our take down of OBL was another lesser example. If you're desperate and have no choice then you can pull off some spectacular feats. Look up Otto Skorzensy and see what a person can do that is impossible. A weakness that we have in the US is no taking our foes seriously. We think that they fuck goats after driving them across the desert. They are engineers, scientists, generals, and otherwise smart people with a fanatical devotion to a cult religion.

We won't attempt some shit with an aircraft because most of us don't want to die doing it but these guys would think it was an honor to die in the trying. A historical analogy; look up the Mosquito Squadron in World War II, cross it with Norway. It wasn't quite a suicide mission but it came damn close and those were Englishmen.

Israel takes the possibility very seriously because I guess that know that doing the impossible is how you win battles.

So here is the question that I don't think you can or want to answer; if this plane was taken intact for whatever reason, then how do we react? Caution? Or do we just blow it off as a bunch of Muslims showing us their ass?
Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way.

I think you had better engage your brain and read about operations such this. Transporting fuel is not a problem. Getting enough without arousing suspicion is the problem. How to get around that. Buy it or steal if smaller quantities from airports where no one will notice. Answer me this; how did drug dealers fly into the US and LAND their planes to deliver drugs and then take off again without anyone noticing? I'm not talking Cessna single engines. I am talking about twin and other multi-engine planes and Mena, AR. How did we land inside enemy lines during Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan without anyone noticing? Try to use that brain you lug around. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are getting desperate in addition to stupid.

You are now shifting away from your earlier argument that it landed at some deserted airfield in the South Pacific that the US abandoned. I guess you couldn't find one, huh?

Now, you have the 777 landing in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The problem there is that we have spies and electronic surveillance crawling all over both countries. Nothing flies in either country - or in Pakistan - that we don't see. No matter what the altitude.

So are you really trying say that a missing 777 -that the entire world is looking for - has been sitting on a runway in Iraq or Afghanistan for over a week and NOBODY has said anything? And the US has been unable to detect it?

BTW - what kind of potted plants and camouflage netting blend in with the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Regarding your asinine comments about drug smugglers - even the twin engine aircraft are small, even if bigger than a Cessna. And, contrary to what you think, we typically do SEE all of those planes coming into the country. We just don't have enough assets to intercept them. So they get away with it. That is NOT the same as not being detected.

And your comparisons to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan are ludicrous. First, our military can fly map-of-the earth (MoE) in helicopters or in stealth aircraft. Neither the Vietnamese, the Iraqis, or the Afghans had any technology to combat those things. Also, need I point out, the 777 cannot fly MoE and is NOT stealthy.

It appears you don't use your brain at all.

You spout off half cocked ideas and then you let others debug your stupidity.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Tom Casey, a retired American Airlines pilot who flew the Boeing 777, said that it could land and stop on a runway as short as 3,500 feet if it were coming in light on fuel, as Flight 370 would have been after flying for seven hours.
A lamely defended country might also be too embarrassed to admit they didn't detect the penetration of their airspace.
The NSA may know where it is (or where it crashed into the ocean) but doesn't want to disclose how they tracked it with some system no one knows about.
(By the way, the NSA just contacted me and said it is true that CJ7 is wrong about everything he has posted, and that he enjoys gay sex both in real life and onscreen porn. They neither confirmed or denied the tracking system)
LexusLover's Avatar
They neither confirmed or denied the tracking system)
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I noticed that you wrote your post in unusually small type so that the NSA would not be as able to read it when it is opened up by CJ at Starbucks.

JD I always thought they started out with black like everyone else, but by the time they almost ran out of deck they turned brown and just didn't want to admit it. Thanks for clarifying.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2014, 03:43 PM
Tom Casey, a retired American Airlines pilot who flew the Boeing 777, said that it could land and stop on a runway as short as 3,500 feet if it were coming in light on fuel, as Flight 370 would have been after flying for seven hours.
A lamely defended country might also be too embarrassed to admit they didn't detect the penetration of their airspace.
The NSA may know where it is (or where it crashed into the ocean) but doesn't want to disclose how they tracked it with some system no one knows about.
(By the way, the NSA just contacted me and said it is true that CJ7 is wrong about everything he has posted, and that he enjoys gay sex both in real life and onscreen porn. They neither confirmed or denied the tracking system)
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

NSA contacted you and said I was a liar ....

and you said you were moving to Israel

you, like JD are a proven liar. NOBODY believes a word you say... EVER.

a 777 can land almost anywhere the pilot wants to sit it down, problem being theres a good chance the plane would sit there until doomsday ... 3500 feet eh? good luck getting it off a 3500 foot runway or landing strip... ain't gonna happen sport, no way in hell.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Mystery solved!

LexusLover's Avatar

It appears you don't use your brain at all.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Do you know where the plane is right now?
Why do the right wing whackjobs all love conspiracy bullshit?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2014, 03:50 PM
You are getting desperate in addition to stupid.

You are now shifting away from your earlier argument that it landed at some deserted airfield in the South Pacific that the US abandoned. I guess you couldn't find one, huh?

Now, you have the 777 landing in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The problem there is that we have spies and electronic surveillance crawling all over both countries. Nothing flies in either country - or in Pakistan - that we don't see. No matter what the altitude.

So are you really trying say that a missing 777 -that the entire world is looking for - has been sitting on a runway in Iraq or Afghanistan for over a week and NOBODY has said anything? And the US has been unable to detect it?

BTW - what kind of potted plants and camouflage netting blend in with the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Regarding your asinine comments about drug smugglers - even the twin engine aircraft are small, even if bigger than a Cessna. And, contrary to what you think, we typically do SEE all of those planes coming into the country. We just don't have enough assets to intercept them. So they get away with it. That is NOT the same as not being detected.

And your comparisons to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan are ludicrous. First, our military can fly map-of-the earth (MoE) in helicopters or in stealth aircraft. Neither the Vietnamese, the Iraqis, or the Afghans had any technology to combat those things. Also, need I point out, the 777 cannot fly MoE and is NOT stealthy.

It appears you don't use your brain at all.

You spout off half cocked ideas and then you let others debug your stupidity. Originally Posted by ExNYer

you or anyone else would be hard pressed to find one single statement any of these fools have made about the whereabouts of that 777 thats even close to a fact of any kind ... they're so stupid its no longer fun, pathetic comes to mind about their minds
LexusLover's Avatar
.. they're so stupid its no longer fun, pathetic comes to mind about their minds Originally Posted by CJ7
.. speaking of pathetic ....

Are those brown shoes?
NSA contacted you and said I was a liar ....

and you said you were moving to Israel

you, like JD are a proven liar. NOBODY believes a word you say... EVER.

a 777 can land almost anywhere the pilot wants to sit it down, problem being theres a good chance the plane would sit there until doomsday ... 3500 feet eh? good luck getting it off a 3500 foot runway or landing strip... ain't gonna happen sport, no way in hell. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well.....well......darn it. They could disassemble it and carry it away in wheel barrows!

Or....or....or.....they could call a tow truck and have it towed off!

Wait....wait, I know. They buried it!'s at the bottom of the fucking ocean.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2014, 04:04 PM's at the bottom of the fucking ocean.

pretty much what I believe ... hard to explain not one single object of any kind floating some fucking where though.. not one.'s at the bottom of the fucking ocean.

pretty much what I believe ... hard to explain not one single object of any kind floating some fucking where though.. not one. Originally Posted by CJ7
For a number of days now I've thought it's far more likely than not to be at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Searchers often find floating wreckage such as seat cushions fairly quickly, as was the case after the crash of Air France 447. But the route is well-known in most cases, whereas here the aircraft may have spent several hours wandering around an area measured in millions of square miles. And by now, the debris may be widely dispersed and much of it may have sunk.

This is a very difficult hunt, and I'm afraid it's going to take a lot of luck.