Listing on RTP will bring LE

Holy Shit Rxo, we get it. Your issues with RTP have been noted.

Move on with your life. This obsession is creepy.
Murf76's Avatar
I'm betting that if eccie conducted a poll of it's St.Louis members,99.6% would beg the mods to lock this thread and put it to rest!!!!

Just My Humble Opinion
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'm betting that if eccie conducted a poll of it's St.Louis members,99.6% would beg the mods to lock this thread and put it to rest!!!!

Just My Humble Opinion Originally Posted by Murf76
Maybe if we all RTM the posts they'll finally get so tired of our pestering they'll finally lock it. (I've been doing my part, and have RTM'd at least three so far, but no response yet.


  • Rxo
  • 02-27-2013, 12:22 PM
So is someone forcing you to read this thread?Is it being pushed to you somehow? If you are taking your time to read and respond you must have a reason.What is it?You could easily just ignore it.
I'm betting that if eccie conducted a poll of it's St.Louis members,99.6% would beg the mods to lock this thread and put it to rest!!!!

Just My Humble Opinion Originally Posted by Murf76
Maybe if we all RTM the posts they'll finally get so tired of our pestering they'll finally lock it. (I've been doing my part, and have RTM'd at least three so far, but no response yet.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

Seriously, it is very disturbing behavior from Rxo. She has 84 posts on Eccie all 84 have been about RTP.

If she was really that concerned with warning providers about LE, then she would be on here everyday posting that "WORKING IN MARYLAND HEIGHTS will bring LE to your door".

At this point she has lost all credibility with anyone in the hobby. I'm glad I have never seen her as I'd be scared is she had my information.

Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 02-27-2013, 05:06 PM
Why do you guys keep stirring the same thing again and again and why do you want to post a response here and wanted to close it? If you are not interested in it, then why post in this thread? Just ignore this thread and move on.. and eventually the OP will move on too.

Looks like the OP doesn't have a life outside of this thread.

Pls do not add fuel to fire and no more threads on the same issue.

Bottom line: if you are not interested in 'any given' thread, then stop posting in it and move on to another one. Solution is in your hands.