Harvard Law Prof Alan Dershowitz, on Zimmerman's arrest

What, you can't deal with someone who insists that you stay on topic? Besides, you weren't "discussing" shit. When you weren't calling me an asshole for not waiting for you to get off the phone, you were just spewing a bunch of irrelevant Wikishit and hoping nobody would call you on it.

I didn't hold a gun to your head and make you post your idiotic comments here. You did that on your own. As the OP I think I'm within my rights to ask you to clarify the meaning of your post as it regards a Harvard law professor's opinion that the Zimmerman prosecutor behaved unethically. Run away if you like and call me a thin skinned bitch. But answer the question before you do, if you can. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Man it's a good thing you weren't holding a gun to his head I think you would've pulled the trigger, lol.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One fact still remains, Florida will burn when the Jury comes back with a Not Guilty Verdict.
And they will. As more and more "facts" come out, it is obvious that this will turn into a self defense case, you had one man on top of another, beating his head into the concrete, and the other man, in fear of his life, shot him.

Everything that happenned in the minutes before is irrelevant. The 9-11 call will prove that Zimmerman had ceased to "pursue" Travon Martin, and Travon had decided to show this man that he could not "dis" him. Two separate events. The instant Travon became the aggressor, everything changed.

The Jury will see this. They will say not guilty. Florida will burn.

Is everybody happy? Originally Posted by Jackie S
+1 A very real possibility; wholly attributable to the MSM.

Point #1: I hve no problem with IB being upset at MSN. If he would direct that anger where it belongs--at MSN--I would say "rant away". Somehow he has confused me with an MSN employee. The fact that occasionally I agree with them (just as shudder I occasionally agree with some things IB posts) does not mean I am an MSN clone. On ballance they are as stupid as the Beckites. Originally Posted by Old-goaT
When you regurgitate their lying BS, you are just as despicable.
joe bloe's Avatar
I haven;t been following closely, I hadn't heard the news that they found a second gun.

Thanks, Joe, I always knew you were whacko, now any other arguments you put forward, even the sensible ones, can be poured down the sewer. Originally Posted by essence
Have you been sniffing glue? I speculated that Zimmerman might have had the gun stuck in the back of his pants and pulled it out when Trayvon was trying to beat him to death. I never said there were two guns. You're obviously confused.
Some of the latest tapes that were release indicate that Zimmerman did do as the dispatcher said, he did not pursue. Which means Travon, after being "insulted" by this wanna be cop, decided to earn some "street gred" and do some ass wipping of his own.

It will dawn on every body as this case gets closer to trial that this "special prosecutor" is really not as bright as everybody thinks. In fact, she is a "victim's rights zealot" who tends to bring charges forth, hoping things get sorted out later.

She has now openned up a whole new can of worms by going for broke with the murder 2 charge, which will do nothing more than enrage the masses more when a jury comes back with a not guilty verdict. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I've heard some tapes as well. One tapes he was talking to a dispatcher. He asked Zimmerman if he was following Trayvon. Zimmerman replied "Yeah' Dispatcher then replied " We don't need you to do that" Which apparently Zimmerman stopped. But I haven't read or heard anything about what transpired during this altercation the two had. Did Zimmerman exhaust all avenues to subdue and free himself from Trayvon prior to motally shooting him. This would be the iceing on the cake to show that the use of deadly force was neccessary to prevent death or great bodilly harm. If in the event Trayvon was obviously arm with a deadly weapon and comming at Zimmerman in an aggressive manner then zimmerman could have used equal force by drawing his weapon and firing the fatal shot without using any other less lethal means or tactics.
joe bloe's Avatar
I've heard some tapes as well. One tapes he was talking to a dispatcher. He asked Zimmerman if he was following Trayvon. Zimmerman replied "Yeah' Dispatcher then replied " We don't need you to do that" Which apparently Zimmerman stopped. But I haven't read or heard anything about what transpired during this altercation the two had. Did Zimmerman exhaust all avenues to subdue and free himself from Trayvon prior to motally shooting him. This would be the iceing on the cake to show that the use of deadly force was neccessary to prevent death or great bodilly harm. If in the event Trayvon was obviously arm with a deadly weapon and comming at Zimmerman in an aggressive manner then zimmerman could have used equal force by drawing his weapon and firing the fatal shot without using any other less lethal means or tactics. Originally Posted by acp5762
Did Zimmerman exhaust all avenues to subdue and free himself from Trayvon? Zimmerman was flat on his back with Trayvon on top of him slamming his head into a sidewalk. What would you have done at that point? What avenue should he have tried? Diplomacy? Ask him nicely to stop?

If this isn't self defence, then there is no such thing as self defence.
Did Zimmerman exhaust all avenues to subdue and free himself from Trayvon? Zimmerman was flat on his back with Trayvon on top of him slamming his head into a sidewalk. What would you have done at that point? What avenue should he have tried? Diplomacy? Ask him nicely to stop?

If this isn't self defence, then there is no such thing as self defence. Originally Posted by joe bloe
No you're really missing my point. I understand that Zimmerman was in a bad situation. To use Lethal Force against an unarmed assailant it must be shown that all other attempts to subdue your foe was exhausted and the use of deadly force was your last resort. Maybe this may not matter but it's not like Trayvon was a Beefed up 6'2 250 lb maniac. Hell it was a rather even match. I really don't want to sound incinuating but dam I haven't heard that Zimmerman didn't put up some sort of resistance he just immediately went for his gun. Yes I realize he was on his back and Trayvon was bouncing his head off the pavement, but really lets don't make that sound more fantastic that it may have really been. Apart from the fatal GSW to trayvon did he have any signs that zimmerman put up any sort of initial fight. Iam not asking you that question but just putting that out there cause nothing I've heard referrs to that, and it might be beneficial to his defense.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This has become all spin. We will now never know the truth, thanks to a hysterical media.
This has become all spin. We will now never know the truth, thanks to a hysterical media. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We ought to. There is no reason why the truth of what happened can't be known. apart from what has already been reported in the media about this case, I am sure there are some aspects to it we haven't learned yet. I am not hoping for Zimmerman to get burned on this. I hope all the facts get presented and the outcome is justified. It just so happens I am not totally convinced either direction yet and I ask a lot questions and consider alot of different points.