Hottest providers / Hottest Clients

What makes you think I’m unhappy? Oh, bc you said so, therefore I must be? I’m actually a very happy, fun, outgoing, warm & friendly person- and not one person that I’ve met from here can dispute that. And, that’s a fact. I simply stated the truth that everything we say on here is met with resistance. You proved my point.

Now I’ll wait for Poop Bear to chime in with an insult about my looks, as per usual. The irony of it all, is those who have never met me are the most opinionated. Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
To quote the Shake: "Methinks she doth protest too much..."
Wow , this thread has certainly gone down the SHIT HOLE !
Plastic Man's Avatar
Wow , this thread has certainly gone down the SHIT HOLE ! Originally Posted by spanxthatazz
rounds heres the ...correct ...term be shitter
What makes you think I’m unhappy? Oh, bc you said so, therefore I must be? I’m actually a very happy, fun, outgoing, warm & friendly person- and not one person that I’ve met from here can dispute that. And, that’s a fact. I simply stated the truth that everything we say on here is met with resistance. You proved my point.

Now I’ll wait for Poop Bear to chime in with an insult about my looks, as per usual. The irony of it all, is those who have never met me are the most opinionated. Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
You and your counterpart that's always harping the same , jump in the same way disparaging other hookers

First one coming to mind , was Kristen , and sorry I'm on the phone ap mostly now so cant directly quote the thread but I Will find it for someone to quote .
But I've seen her,
Someone ,YOU have never met ,your remarks jabbed at her were simple stereotypes, it wasnt a review so you took that opportunity to disparage her probably in some lame attempt to make yourself more appealing.
Believe me it has an opposite affect .
BlondeLexi's Avatar
Here you go, found it for you. No direct attack on her, like everyone on here seems to do to each other, my comments are directed at the WHOLE CONCEPT of NCNS. I stand by my views… I do not appreciate NCNS; on both ends. Just because they are inevitable in this business, doesn’t mean I have to appreciate them. Clients and providers take time out of their day to prep, travel and meet for a date, which for many clients, has to be planned PRECISELY so the least I can do is have respect for another human’s time.
I’m yet to talk to clients or providers who actually appreciate being NCNS. Correct me if I’m wrong if someone does enjoy them, except for the frauds who set up fake dates and ghost to get their rocks off.

You and your counterpart that's always harping the same , jump in the same way disparaging other hookers

First one coming to mind , was Kristen , and sorry I'm on the phone ap mostly now so cant directly quote the thread but I Will find it for someone to quote .
But I've seen her,
Someone ,YOU have never met ,your remarks jabbed at her were simple stereotypes, it wasnt a review so you took that opportunity to disparage her probably in some lame attempt to make yourself more appealing.
Believe me it has an opposite affect . Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Here you go, found it for you. No direct attack on her, like everyone on here seems to do to each other, my comments are directed at the WHOLE CONCEPT of NCNS. I stand by my views… I do not appreciate NCNS; on both ends. Just because they are inevitable in this business, doesn’t mean I have to appreciate them. At the end of the day, clients and providers take time out of their day, which for many clients, has to be planned PRECISELY so the least I can do is have respect for another human’s time.
I’m yet to talk to clients or providers who actually appreciate being NCNS. Correct me if I’m wrong if someone does enjoy them, except for the frauds who set up fake dates and ghost to get their rocks off. Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
I'm familiar with Lexi's comments and I don't think it was a personal attack either. I've never met Lexi and probably never will but she seems very cool and level-headed in my opinion based what I've read.
lilylivered's Avatar
One girl just bragged about setting up dates and cancelling a couple hours out just for fun on this site. In fact she did it to me. Loads of laughs. Then cry when it happens back. I have never NCNS anyone
Dr-epg's Avatar
Let’s get back on the threads subject or this will be closed
Let’s get back on the threads subject or this will be closed Originally Posted by Dr-epg
I guess it was my response and positive comment about Eli that caused NN to attack me that started all this site bs. If I was that guy she described it WOULD be disgusting and I don’t think I would have seen all those ladies alone or duo’s and trios. I sent her some emails from 2011 where she realized that wasn’t me and asked her to come on here to set the record straight. I saw her for 2 more years when she visited Buffalo. I think her hatred for Eli will stop her. But that’s ok. I heard from a few ladies I haven’t seen in years and plan to see one soon. I will also say I had the chance to see Lexi last year and found her to have a great incall, a beautiful smile and treated me to a fantastic visit. For those hater’s out there those opinions and comments about her are what’s wrong with this site. Years ago it was a to each their own mentality and an informational sharing site. If someone wasn’t their type a thanks for a review. Not this toxic name calling attacks on those on here.

One name I forgot was Lauren Luvya from Pa and Rylee Snow who was a Reese Witherspoon look alike.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
I would not be so butt hurt calling bitter if my ass and dick didnt stink leaving shit stains.

I feel pathetic for my gender stinking and leaving a shit stain. What the hell is wrong with you as a man?

You only give a shit because you're called out.

Get a grip.