Capitalism: A Love Story!

10 minutes. He says it better than I ever could. RIP Hitch.
lustylad's Avatar
Finite event spaces and infinite event spaces account for the reconciliation of that assertion. You would need to first prove that the christian creation story is physically possible. Only then can you say its probability is greater than zero. As for the rest, I'm not your teacher and you're not my student. Go figure it out for yourself. I love how you demand that I provide this and provide that.

I don't have to provide you shit. If you don't believe what I said, it's on you to go figure it out. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by WombRaider

WTF is wrong with you? I merely posed some obvious follow-up questions and you immediately throw a hissy fit?

“Go figure it out for yourself...”

“I don't have to provide you shit...”,

“...shut the fuck up...”

Are you capable of explaining anything? You toss out concepts like “infinite event spaces” and think you're done. It doesn't work that way. If you can't even begin to explain a concept and how and why it rescues your argument from its logical stumbles, you lose. You're just a buzzword bozo who can't do more than scratch the surface on any subject. You brag about how smart you are, then shy away at the first sign of meaningful debate.

A few posts ago you bragged about how you knew where I was going from the beginning. Then why didn't you anticipate my arguments and refute them before I even made them? We could have been done with this a week ago. The only places you go in a discussion are either down a rabbit hole or around in circles.

Now you say it is necessary to prove “the christian creation story” (whatever that means – Genesis? Big Bang?) is “physically possible” (whatever that means) in order for there to be any probability that God exists. But you already admitted science cannot prove or disprove God. What can't be disproved is by definition not impossible. What's not impossible is by definition possible. And what's possible “must by definition be probable” (IN YOUR WORDS). The only thing you have managed to prove in this entire discussion is your own inability to keep a straight or coherent argument.

WTF is wrong with you? I merely posed some obvious follow-up questions and you immediately throw a hissy fit?

“Go figure it out for yourself...”

“I don't have to provide you shit...”,

“...shut the fuck up...”

Are you capable of explaining anything? You toss out concepts like “infinite event spaces” and think you're done. It doesn't work that way. If you can't even begin to explain a concept and how and why it rescues your argument from its logical stumbles, you lose. You're just a buzzword bozo who can't do more than scratch the surface on any subject. You brag about how smart you are, then shy away at the first sign of meaningful debate.

A few posts ago you bragged about how you knew where I was going from the beginning. Then why didn't you anticipate my arguments and refute them before I even made them? We could have been done with this a week ago. The only places you go in a discussion are either down a rabbit hole or around in circles.

Now you say it is necessary to prove “the christian creation story” (whatever that means – Genesis? Big Bang?) is “physically possible” (whatever that means) in order for there to be any probability that God exists. But you already admitted science cannot prove or disprove God. What can't be disproved is by definition not impossible. What's not impossible is by definition possible. And what's possible “must by definition be probable” (IN YOUR WORDS). The only thing you have managed to prove in this entire discussion is your own inability to keep a straight or coherent argument.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
It works exactly that way. Science proves you don't NEED god. He's superfluous. It's impossible to keep an argument straight when you continue to change what it is your asking at every turn. You are the one who cannot understand the simple distinction between an agnostic and an atheist. The probability of a prime mover is much different than the probability of an abrahamic god. You don't make the distinction. Even Aquinas, as Hitchens stated, gave up trying to get from one to the other. It's not possible. The mental twisting and turning you have to do precludes it from ever being true.

You went on for two pages asking about the label of agnostic atheist. I explained it perfectly to you, several times, and you persisted in asking again and again.

You like to ask questions, but do very little answering. Speaking of shying away from meaningful debate, here's a question for you; make your case for the abrahamic god. I've asked you this before and you never even attempted an answer. I of course know why, but I'd like to hear you try.
lustylad's Avatar
10 minutes. He says it better than I ever could. RIP Hitch. Originally Posted by WombRaider

He says "it" better than you do? That's not saying much, given the incoherence and inarticulateness you have so amply demonstrated in this and every other thread you post in. And what is "it"? If you think the popular conception of God is anything like the ruler of North Korea, you're as clueless as Kim Jong-un's subjects.

Plus your pal Hitch was an alcoholic. Wherever he is now, he's hanging out at the bar trying to work off a throbbing, incurable metaphysical hangover. Worse than anything Peter Fallow ever experienced.
He says "it" better than you do? That's not saying much, given the incoherence and inarticulateness you have so amply demonstrated in this and every other thread you post in. And what is "it"? If you think the popular conception of God is anything like the ruler of North Korea, you're as clueless as Kim Jong-un's subjects.

Plus your pal Hitch was an alcoholic. Wherever he is now, he's hanging out at the bar trying to work off a throbbing, incurable metaphysical hangover. Worse than anything Peter Fallow ever experienced. Originally Posted by lustylad
He liked to drink, so what? MLK liked sex with women other than his wife. Doesn't diminish the message. As for 'it', you'll never get it. Because you don't want to. Popular conception of god? You think that's why he drew the parallel? You're clueless. He drew the parallel exactly because it's not the conception of God, but maybe it should be.

And I noticed you didn't make the case for an abrahamic God, as I requested.
So the fat ass Michael Moore deserves all of his money because it was a lot of work and provided jobs yet the CEO's of other corporations don't deserve their money. You are a simple minded hypocrite. Michael Moore is a lying POS. No wonder you love him. Originally Posted by Budman
Hey Budman! Got good bud?? Best thing in the world for anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. . .lol!!!

We only got what we see. Now, isn't this a beautiful sight? How many other personalities, except excellent actresses, can we decide on tonight?

Ready for the rumble?? Want to see a nice female body? Yes, this is totally off the wall, and you know what, I am glad i took the chance.

See ya later Alligator.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Only nine minutes of your life and you may learn something about "isms". We should all know this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey Budman! Got good bud?? Best thing in the world for anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. . .lol!!!

We only got what we see. Now, isn't this a beautiful sight? How many other personalities, except excellent actresses, can we decide on tonight?

Ready for the rumble?? Want to see a nice female body? Yes, this is totally off the wall, and you know what, I am glad i took the chance.

See ya later Alligator.

Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Very nice. Thank you!
I'm well aware that not everything is fair. Which is exactly why I'm asking this question. Why wouldn't you want to make something fair, if you could? Just saying, 'well it's not fair anyway, so fuck it,' is not acceptable to me.

You're hung up on how we would decide and you say let the market decide. The market is people. Just doing something the way you've always done it, because that's the way you've always done it, is the worst reason in the world to continue doing something that way. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And yet you flaming liberals have NOOOO problem continuing the Great Society welfare programs foisted on us by lyin Lyndon Johnson and other liberals that have done NOTHING in 50 years to address the problems of the ghettoes, low income, poverty, out of wedlock births, drug use, failing schools (Common Core again, flamer !! ),joblessness of the black community, crime, the high incarceration rate of blacks and a LOT more after TRILLIONS of dollars where throw at it. So if it's a lib idea or plan that has been around AND FAILING for all those years, we get the gnashing of teeth and cries of despair and racist or sexist or just out right that we're haters of everyone for trying to fix the FAILED liberal policies and bring and end to doing things "just because that's the way we've always done it" . How's Detroit, that bastion of liberal largess and insanity run amuck, working out for you libs ? Great shining example of how you all screw up everything you do !!
Did wombraider teach you how to crawfish? You both do it quite well. Originally Posted by Budman
They must get a lot of practice doing it on their " boyfriends " stiffies down at the men's room at the truck stop !! That's when their not "servicing" the glory hole.
Hey Budman! Got good bud?? Best thing in the world for anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. . .lol!!!

We only got what we see. Now, isn't this a beautiful sight? How many other personalities, except excellent actresses, can we decide on tonight?

Ready for the rumble?? Want to see a nice female body? Yes, this is totally off the wall, and you know what, I am glad i took the chance.

See ya later Alligator.

Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Is the Brown Round available for.5 roses?

Personally I think your a fucking nut job and I am positive your unbiased news comes from the check out line at the grocery store. So you base your opinion of the truth on whether or not it provides work and jobs for a lot of people. Hell the government provides work and jobs for a lot of people, so your contradicting yourself. Michael Moore is a bloviating retard whose subject matter and conspiracy theory's fit your strange vision of the word. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Thank you very much. At least I'm not afraid to talk about what I see!
And yet you flaming liberals have NOOOO problem continuing the Great Society welfare programs foisted on us by lyin Lyndon Johnson and other liberals that have done NOTHING in 50 years to address the problems of the ghettoes, low income, poverty, out of wedlock births, drug use, failing schools (Common Core again, flamer !! ),joblessness of the black community, crime, the high incarceration rate of blacks and a LOT more after TRILLIONS of dollars where throw at it. So if it's a lib idea or plan that has been around AND FAILING for all those years, we get the gnashing of teeth and cries of despair and racist or sexist or just out right that we're haters of everyone for trying to fix the FAILED liberal policies and bring and end to doing things "just because that's the way we've always done it" . How's Detroit, that bastion of liberal largess and insanity run amuck, working out for you libs ? Great shining example of how you all screw up everything you do !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Look at this article about how much we spend on "national security". Maybe you will change your priorities a bit.

To me, most people (and politicians or "puppets" who run the whitehouse) want to take away social safety nets thinking it may save them a few tax dollars. What they don't realize is that much more is spent on unnecessary national security programs. By the way, the poor may more taxes percentage wise than any other citizen. The super rich have a lot of tax loopholes and hide a lot of income. I think that a flat tax rate might work, if the super rich didn't hide their income. A flat tax should also should be imposed on capital gains. Capital gains are income too! Income without working, by the way.