Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
U- Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Looking very likely it will revert back to being a unique bat virus, uninterested in humans at all. Sorry, that's just a fact.

U- Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
What do you think (sic) the facts are that Joe-mentia would know and remember?

U - America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
Most third world countries dwarf the size of the USA and, you ready for this? They did not allow infected patients into nursing homes. But wait! There's more, they also allow and even promote the use of HCQ. (See chart below your ridiculous BS)

Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Joe would have listened to the WHO and CDC instead of contradicting them.
Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
So yeah voting for a guy like Trump says a lot more about the voter than the candidate Originally Posted by Little Monster

  • oeb11
  • 09-22-2020, 05:05 PM
To tiny munster - you have no relevance - Brit subject
Go bow to your Queen - and kowtow to your hero Comrade Xi!
Big Brother is indeed watching You!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
To tiny munster - you have no relevance - Brit subject
Go bow to your Queen - and kowtow to your hero Comrade Xi!
Big Brother is indeed watching You!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Check your PMS, little man.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
U- Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Looking very likely it will revert back to being a unique bat virus, uninterested in humans at all. Sorry, that's just a fact.

U- Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
What do you think (sic) the facts are that Joe-mentia would know and remember?

U - America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
Most third world countries dwarf the size of the USA and, you ready for this? They did not allow infected patients into nursing homes. But wait! There's more, they also allow and even promote the use of HCQ. (See chart below your ridiculous BS)

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Cherry picking based on faulty non sequiturs is no basis for an argument. You brought a hamster to a gun fight.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Cherry picking based on faulty non sequiturs is no basis for an argument. You brought a hamster to a gun fight. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Got my glasses with me, but I see no supporting evidence for your baseless assertion. Gots any? Because, sure as shoot'n, I gots a ton more of mine little one.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Cherry picking based on faulty non sequiturs is no basis for an argument. You brought a hamster to a gun fight. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
hamster? what one do with a hamster?
  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2020, 09:42 AM
Yr/hh/tm - Has no clue.

DPST's love to start violence and riots - when they know they are immune from consequences - ie - the West Coast DPST enabled and created riots.
Quit another story when DPST radicals want to mess with folks armed and ready to protect themselves - with the full legal standing and cooperation of law authorities in non-radical DPST venues.

Bring it - OBLM and AntiFa - come down my street rioting to 'appropriate

' - read STEAL - homes from lawful owner - to assult, rape, and murder peaceful home-owners, and riot and burn down towns - Bring it - and You will get precisely what you radical racist marxist DPST's Deserve!!

be careful what yr/hh/tm ask for - the multihandle folks will be in for a very , very unexpected and devastating (to the DPSTs) set of consequences!

Civil War - bring it - foolish DPST's!
yr/hh/tm have no clue as to what it bloviates about.

BTW - DPST's and hamsters - equals animal abuse. all know why!
Little Monster's Avatar
Cherry picking based on faulty non sequiturs is no basis for an argument. You brought a hamster to a gun fight. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Exactly! His post made absolutely no sense
No doubt Biden would and will handle this pandemic far better.
  • oeb11
  • 09-25-2020, 12:20 PM
Biden has a track history with the H1N1 virus - and did not shit for the people of America
He is a documented racist, and too senile to remember his middle name
yet foolish DPST's consumed by TDS and hatred - choose the incompetent clown Uber Alles.

Even obama is quoted "Joe ha a real talent for screwing up anything he takes on"!!!

Congratulations - DPST's have totally swallowed the Goebbels lessons in propaganda.

Thank u - Yr/multiple handles.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this the same source that claimed Obama was Hitler’s grandson?

You claim Biden did not shit for the people of America, yet you worship a false god who has ONLY shit on America. Your kinda guy.

You’ve outed yourself again, Amazing/Rex/Oeb

Another stud muffin with ZERO reviews.

  • oeb11
  • 09-25-2020, 04:38 PM
Thank you - yr/multiple handles.
Senile joe has a talent for screwing things up
then there are those who have a talent for joining the 'Band'!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Exactly! His post made absolutely no sense
No doubt Biden would and will handle this pandemic far better. Originally Posted by Little Monster

I'm not of the mind to recycle my previous posts at the moment. But ya'll go on with ya'lls fine selves and list out exactly what Joe-mentia Hiden would have done that would be so superior. Go on, you can tell us. We already know. Both Jack and Shit.

Some eye candy to tide you over

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The US is the third largest country in the world. No third world countries are larger than the US.
And there are currently around 980,000 to 990,000 world wide virus deaths. The chart you included just above (your new info) shows less than 700,000 deaths. So it's very outdated or wrong.

If you are ignoring statements that Biden has made about steps that should have been taken why do you want to hear them from us? Masks for one thing.
trump's jack shit results are on the books.

U- Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Looking very likely it will revert back to being a unique bat virus, uninterested in humans at all. Sorry, that's just a fact.

U- Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
What do you think (sic) the facts are that Joe-mentia would know and remember?

U - America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
Most third world countries dwarf the size of the USA and, you ready for this? They did not allow infected patients into nursing homes. But wait! There's more, they also allow and even promote the use of HCQ. (See chart below your ridiculous BS)

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
rexdutchman's Avatar
the H1N1 was NOTHING , Joeys did nothings , and by the way in his 50 years in office he's done NOTHING except make money off of the people
Munchmasterman's Avatar
trump watches tv. The worst president ever.
the H1N1 was NOTHING , Joeys did nothings , and by the way in his 50 years in office he's done NOTHING except make money off of the people Originally Posted by rexdutchman