Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

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  • 02-07-2019, 09:04 AM
I B Hankering's Avatar

Thes are your counterparts in Iran.
Originally Posted by WTF

Your counterpart is Kerry.

So Iran isn’t only being more aggressive since the signing of the JCPOA—in Iraq and Syria ... but is also cheating on the deal [Odumbo's POS deal].
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
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  • 02-07-2019, 10:34 AM
intel apparatus is lying!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That link says nothing of the sort.

All it says is that the intel community should have went behind closed doors while answering questions of congress.

They in fact did over sensitive issues if you watched their testimony.

Trump is lying for political gain.

He wants to do the exact opposite of Obama.

Obama: NK , bad.

Trump: NK , Good.

Obama: Iran , Inspections

Trump: Iran , No inspections.

He should establish trade with both NK and Iran. Russia does not want him to establish trade with Iran. Who they gonna sell their weapons to? It looks like Trump is kowtowing to Putin in this regard.

Trump imho is doing the right thing in NK. He now has leverage over China who does not want to see a reunified Korean
adav8s28's Avatar
Lies are not opinions, they're lies. Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama and Kerry did NOT LIE. The constraints are in place for 10 years. The 13,000 centrifuges are turned off. Iran does not have any enriched Uranium with a concentration of U-235 (the radioactive isotope of Uranium)at weapons grade level and they have no Nuclear Weapons as we speak. Obama cut a good deal. ALL pathways to make a nuclear bomb ARE cut off for 10 Years. The only thing Iran got back was there OWN money which the USA was holding in Escrow. Terms of the agreement allowed/forced Iran to sell any enriched Uranium that they had and they could get back "Natural" Uranium which is not enriched. You have been lying this entire thread. Iran can not get a bomb because the centrfuges are turned off and they have no way to enrich the Uranium. The plutonuium nuke plant cannot make weapons grade Plutonium.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama and Kerry did NOT LIE. The constraints are in place for 10 years. The 13,000 centrifuges are turned off. Iran does not have any enriched Uranium with a concentration of U-235 (the radioactive isotope of Uranium)at weapons grade level and they have no Nuclear Weapons as we speak. Obama cut a good deal ALL pathways to make a nuclear bomb ARE cut off for 10 Years. The only thing Iran got back was there OWN money which the USA was holding in Escrow. Terms of the agreement allowed/forced Iran to sell any enriched Uranium that they had and they could get back "Natural" Uranium which is not enriched. You have been lying this entire thread. Iran can not get a bomb because the centrfuges are turned off and they have no way to enrich the Uranium. The plutonuium nuke plant cannot make weapons grade Plutonium. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated.

When asked in April if Iran would 'stick to the key terms of this deal for the next 20 years,' Kerry said, 'I have faith and confidence that we will know exactly what they’re doing during that period of time. And if they decide to try to cheat, we will know it, and there are plenty of options available to us. That I have complete faith and confidence in.'

That’s nice. But now we know they are cheating, and the option the Odumbo administration appears to have chosen is silence. Just ignore the problem.
adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama and Kerry did not lie. Purchasing Carbon fibers to make a centifuge more efficient is not breaking the agreement. The 13,000 centrifuges that were turned off in 2015 ARE stilled turned off and that is why Iran does not have a nuclear weapon. :
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama and Kerry did not lie. Purchasing Carbon fibers to make a centifuge more efficient is not breaking the agreement. The 13,000 centrifuges that were turned off in 2015 ARE stilled turned off and that that is why Iran does not have a nuclear weapon. : Originally Posted by adav8s28
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated.

Needless to say, this kind of response will only encourage Iranian officials to cheat more, secure in the knowledge that Odumbo administration officials will not call them out on it ...
adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama and Kerry did not lie. Iran does not have a nuclear weapon and will not be able to get a nuclear weapon for 10 years when the constraints are lifted. Trumps bromance buddy Putin is all for the deal as well as four other allies of the USA.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama and Kerry did not lie. Iran does not have a nuclear weapon and will not be able to get a nuclear weapon for 10 years when the constraints are lifted. Trumps bromance buddy Putin is all for the deal as well as four other allies of the USA. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. And you swallowed hildebeest propaganda based on Russian disinformation.

This means that Iran’s breakout time will diminish, and the danger to its neighbors and to the United States will grow and grow.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-07-2019, 10:37 PM
All the while his pen pal lover boy in Korea is building working nukes. But trump says he is winning because they aren't blowing them up right now. I don't remember when Iran blew its first nuke maybe trumpers can tell me. I more worry about the guy that has them more than the guy that wants them.
adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. And you swallowed hildebeest propaganda based on Russian disinformation. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama and Kerry did not lie. The 13,000 centrifuges are turned off. That is why Iran does not have nuclear weapon and will not have one for 10 years. You don't understand science. Interesting that the deal is okay for the allies of the USA, but not for the USA. Trumps best buddy Putin sure likes it and Russia signed off early.
I B Hankering's Avatar
All the while his pen pal lover boy in Korea is building working nukes. But trump says he is winning because they aren't blowing them up right now. I don't remember when Iran blew its first nuke maybe trumpers can tell me. I more worry about the guy that has them more than the guy that wants them. Originally Posted by Trey
Maybe you forget Beirut, 1983, when Iran sponsored the largest non-nuclear bomb in history until that point in time? And the IEDs Iran built and deployed against U.S. forces in Iraq?

Obama and Kerry did not lie. The 13,000 centrifuges are turned off. That is why Iran does not have nuclear weapon and will not have one for 10 years. You don't understand science. Interesting that the deal is okay for the allies of the USA, but not for the USA. Trumps best buddy Putin sure likes it and Russia signed off early. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. And you swallowed hildebeest propaganda based on Russian disinformation.
adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. And you swallowed hildebeest propaganda based on Russian disinformation. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama and Kerry did not lie. The 13,000 centrifuges are turned off. That is why Iran does not have nuclear weapon and will not have one for 10 years. You don't understand science. Interesting that the deal is okay for the allies of the USA, but not for the USA. Iran does not have a nuclear weapon and won't have one for 10 years. The centrifuges are still turned off.
themystic's Avatar
Maybe you forget Beirut, 1983, when Iran sponsored the largest non-nuclear bomb in history until that point in time? And the IEDs Iran built and deployed against U.S. forces in Iraq?

Odumbo lied. Kerry lied. Iran cheated. And you swallowed hildebeest propaganda based on Russian disinformation. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is Trump going to get money from Iran to build a wall IB. Is that what this is really about