The 2020 Presidential Election

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And all of the President's before him told the truth and never,ever misspoke in public or private? Do you really believe that? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Again, Trump lies or mis-states the truth on an almost daily basis. No other POTUS has come close to the number of false statements Trump has made. Just look what he's said regarding polls done recently on where he stands in 17 states. He ignorantly calls the polls "Fake News". Then he denies that a poll sponsored by Republicans shows him losing. Then he fires the polling company. Then he says a non-existent recent internal poll shows him winning in ALL states.

"The tweet in question also took aim at another news outlet, ABC News, for the title of its widely seen and cited George Stephanopoulos sit-down with Trump. That special, which is titled 30 Hours – Donald Trump and aired on ABC’s 20/20 — showed, among many other things, the former Clinton press secretary asking about Trump’s leaked internal polling that shows him trailing Dem challengers in 15 of 17 swing states. The president immediately denied that, saying on camera, “Those polls don’t exist.” "

So the polls don't exist yet he fires the polling companies. Total BS.
Oh I get it now. You are quantifying the number of lies that a President makes. Well, we will never know the true number of lies and mistruths that other Presidents have made because the media was different back then --example - John F. Kennedy - the press gave him extreme latitude on his extra marital affairs. There was an unspoken rule to leave some of his private life alone. That no longer exsits in this world. And let's not forget J. Edgar Hoover who kept secrets on Presidents but I'll bet you he also gave them dirt on others to gain advantage. And I'll bet you those President's LOOKED TOO!!!!! It's human nature to do that.
I had alot of psych and cultural anthropology classes in college - it sure comes in handy now!
Really - you know that for a fact? The press was not around back then to report on that. So how do you really know that - and please, start with George Washington -you know, the one who chopped down the cherry tree.

Nobody has to the extent that Politifact states The Big Cheeto does. Originally Posted by Precious_b
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh I get it now. You are quantifying the number of lies that a President makes. Well, we will never know the true number of lies and mistruths that other Presidents have made because the media was different back then --example - John F. Kennedy - the press gave him extreme latitude on his extra marital affairs. There was an unspoken rule to leave some of his private life alone. That no longer exsits in this world. And let's not forget J. Edgar Hoover who kept secrets on Presidents but I'll bet you he also gave them dirt on others to gain advantage. And I'll bet you those President's LOOKED TOO!!!!! It's human nature to do that.m
I had alot of psych and cultural anthropology classes in college - it sure comes in handy now! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I don't want to go back to JFK days. Just GWB days. That goes back to 2001-2009, not that long ago. I voted for GWB twice so I have no animosity towards him. I remember NO unfair media towards him. Why? He didn't come out with the ridiculous lies/mis-statements of facts that Trump does on an almost daily basis. There is just no comparison between Trump and other presidents. So yes, when the POTUS mismanages the truth on an almost daily basis, it carries a lot more negativity than doing it on occasion. THAT is why his approval rating is so low. Only Trump's base fails to see his lack of character.
  • Low-T
  • 06-18-2019, 10:18 AM
I keep hearing Nancy say our president is a liar, but she never specifies what those lies are; just like some members in these posts. I wish someone would clerify to me what lies they are talking about. And you can't use things like his promise to stop illegal immigration. It is the Dems who are preventing that, despite all his attempts to keep the promise. "Mexico will pay for the wall". That is truth if Congress will OK the trade deal with Mexico. The trillions we save from the old deal will more than pay for the wall. I didn't even call Obama a liar for saying I could keep my doctor. That happened because it was a bad bill to begin with and he didn't know what was in it. Trump may not be a saint and exaggerates a lot, but he has been more truthful than any president I've seen in my long lifetime. The Dems and their media buddies have told more lies about him than I can count and have been caught at it over and over. But I guess that is justified because they don't like him.
Again the reason you cannot compare
President's is because the media did not report everything the President's said Back then. Get it - what we know now about other President's lies ( the one's that have come to light)is only a fraction of what they really lied about because it was not reported. - No 24 hours --in your face - news channels.
Did you see the news the folks waiting for up to 44 hours in line waiting for Trump rally tickets? I think it's 100,000 people wanting tickets for a 20,000 seat arena. The amount of people who disapprove of Trump is truly shocking.

I don't want to go back to JFK days. Just GWB days. That goes back to 2001-2009, not that long ago. I voted for GWB twice so I have no animosity towards him. I remember NO unfair media towards him. Why? He didn't come out with the ridiculous lies/mis-statements of facts that Trump does on an almost daily basis. There is just no comparison between Trump and other presidents. So yes, when the POTUS mismanages the truth on an almost daily basis, it carries a lot more negativity than doing it on occasion. THAT is why his approval rating is so low. Only Trump's base fails to see his lack of character. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-18-2019, 01:06 PM
No, Ellen, you are wrong on two counts.

Much of Trump's stupid lies/errors have nothing to do with how much or little the press covers him, they are lies/errors he puts out there himself in Tweets, etc.

And as far as when the press does cover him, that does not explain why he has so many more lies/errors per 100 words spoken.

The man is a pathalogical liar who does so even when he has no need to lie.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I keep hearing Nancy say our president is a liar, but she never specifies what those lies are; just like some members in these posts. I wish someone would clerify to me what lies they are talking about. And you can't use things like his promise to stop illegal immigration. It is the Dems who are preventing that, despite all his attempts to keep the promise. "Mexico will pay for the wall". That is truth if Congress will OK the trade deal with Mexico. The trillions we save from the old deal will more than pay for the wall. I didn't even call Obama a liar for saying I could keep my doctor. That happened because it was a bad bill to begin with and he didn't know what was in it. Trump may not be a saint and exaggerates a lot, but he has been more truthful than any president I've seen in my long lifetime. The Dems and their media buddies have told more lies about him than I can count and have been caught at it over and over. But I guess that is justified because they don't like him. Originally Posted by Low-T
First, there is no deal with Mexico that will bring in any significant amount of revenue to the U.S. treasury. The revised NAFTA, the USMCA, from what I can read, will aid a handful of milk producers in this country. If you have any information that predicts the U.S. government will make trillions that will pay for the wall, please supply that information.

I can give you many links to websites that point out the misrepresentations of facts that Trump makes on an almost daily basis.

All False statements involving Donald Trump

Donald Trump and the Art of the Lie

The Trump camp’s latest lies cannot obscure what’s now been exposed

100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.

Donald Trump lies more often than you wash your hands every day

Trump’s Prodigious Lying Threatens Our Democracy

Even after 10,000 falsehoods, many in the media find themselves unable to call a president who lies a liar.

So Low-T, I ask you explore the few links I've provided (there are many more) and come to your own conclusions. Many Trump supporters like Ellen try to say "All presidents lie" and "The press treats Trump unfairly". Then I ask Trump supporters to point out how the press treated George W. Bush unfairly. No one can because GWB never recreated the truth like Trump does. This is NOT exaggeration.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Again the reason you cannot compare
President's is because the media did not report everything the President's said Back then. Get it - what we know now about other President's lies ( the one's that have come to light)is only a fraction of what they really lied about because it was not reported. - No 24 hours --in your face - news channels.
Did you see the news the folks waiting for up to 44 hours in line waiting for Trump rally tickets? I think it's 100,000 people wanting tickets for a 20,000 seat arena. The amount of people who disapprove of Trump is truly shocking. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ellen, we are talking about GWB. 2001-2009. The media has not changed that much since then. CNN was founded in 1980. Fox News in 1996. I started using the internet heavily in the mid 1990s. You don't want to compare GWB and Trump because Trump will be shown to be the person he is -- a man who will say whatever he thinks is appropriate at the time despite the facts that come back to bite him in the ass.

We all know that the Trump base will come out to support him. You do realize that the 100,000 ticket request number came from Trump. No verification. I can make an online request for tickets. Trump is the one who claimed that 69,000 requested tickets to attend his rally in El Paso, Texas in February. Trump claimed 10,000 were in the building although the building only holds 6,500 and authorities said that is how many people were in the building. Another lie. He also claimed that a total of 35,000 total attended the rally, inside and outside. The crowd estimate by police was in the 13,000 range. Another lie. And he claimed that the rally across town held by O'Rourke had "200-300 people" yet the estimated attendance there was somewhere between 7,000 and 15,000. Another lie.
You're awesome, SpeedRacer! Way to to put the smackdown on these Trumptards with facts and logic! We need to keep up the pressure. They're running out of excuses and places to hide.

There is a book called "Mein Kampf", written by a fascist named Adolf Hitler. This book is a playbook. It is instructions to fascists on how to become the establishment. In it, Hitler wrote "tell a bigger lie". He was telling his thrall to spread and pretend to believe in blatant lies. That is all that is necessary to keep the lie floating in the open marketplace of ideas. Doing that lends the lie legitimacy, and that's when you can push policy based on the lie.

This why Trumptards love that women are being raped and children are being starved to death in cages at the border. They believe the lies on immigration, because they want to implement harsh, racist solutions. They want that to be the punishment for brown people trying to get into the country.

This is why Trump lies, and his followers repeat the lies over and over.
You don't remember Dan Rather and his fake news Bush story. Off the top of my head - it had to do with Bush's National Guard duty. In fact, it left Rather's legacy in shreds it was so bad. I'll get links if you don't remember.

First, there is no deal with Mexico that will bring in any significant amount of revenue to the U.S. treasury. The revised NAFTA, the USMCA, from what I can read, will aid a handful of milk producers in this country. If you have any information that predicts the U.S. government will make trillions that will pay for the wall, please supply that information.

I can give you many links to websites that point out the misrepresentations of facts that Trump makes on an almost daily basis.

All False statements involving Donald Trump

Donald Trump and the Art of the Lie

The Trump camp’s latest lies cannot obscure what’s now been exposed

100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.

Donald Trump lies more often than you wash your hands every day

Trump’s Prodigious Lying Threatens Our Democracy

Even after 10,000 falsehoods, many in the media find themselves unable to call a president who lies a liar.

So Low-T, I ask you explore the few links I've provided (there are many more) and come to your own conclusions. Many Trump supporters like Ellen try to say "All presidents lie" and "The press treats Trump unfairly". Then I ask Trump supporters to point out how the press treated George W. Bush unfairly. No one can because GWB never recreated the truth like Trump does. This is NOT exaggeration. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I disagree. If twitter would of been around in Washinton's day he would of tweeted "I cannot tell a lie" and would of gotton roasted by social media. Why does everybody forget about the Cherry Tree?

No, Ellen, you are wrong on two counts.

Much of Trump's stupid lies/errors have nothing to do with how much or little the press covers him, they are lies/errors he puts out there himself in Tweets, etc.

And as far as when the press does cover him, that does not explain why he has so many more lies/errors per 100 words spoken.

The man is a pathalogical liar who does so even when he has no need to lie.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Oh, you mean when Dan Rather told the TRUTH about Bush being suspended because he went AWOL?

To say nothing about the fact that he got his daddy to put him in the Air National Guard to avoid Vietnam (a coward and traitor, like all Republican presidents), he couldn't even be bothered to show up.
Ok, I'll close up the rally by saying "Damn, Trump is a rock star!"
For Trump supporters it's a great rally!
I'm sure the dems will have their rallys and rhetoric and it will be interesting to see the differences.
Stop --Before you embarrass yourself further -- google it. Google is your friend.

Oh, you mean when Dan Rather told the TRUTH about Bush being suspended because he went AWOL?

To say nothing about the fact that he got his daddy to put him in the Air National Guard to avoid Vietnam (a coward and traitor, like all Republican presidents), he couldn't even be bothered to show up. Originally Posted by supercold1