Board personas and the hobby...

Dorian Gray's Avatar
The fact that you still use a blackberry tells me everything...
Yes, I'm not into android. I can't type with my nails without pushing the wrong buttons. So far its the one that suits me best. If my phone tells you about me then that explains a lot about you lol. Who the fuck cares what kind of phone I have. I have 4 phones, so what??
surcher's Avatar
I said you never know. Not calling anyone out. To judge purely from what someon e post on a hooker board is stupidity. The girl who misspells words, well she might be a great girl and great person. I can say there are a few jerks (guys), but I don't throw providers under the bus, they are simply trying to provide just as I am. Originally Posted by bustyamy

Please, show me where you said ''you never know.'

Originally Posted by bustyamy
I will say this, the females who are skinny and sooooo beautiful might be a "smoker", and not have much to say because of paranoia reasons. The one who is a post whore (such as myself), might have a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. You choose the way you spend your dollars! I sleep well at night knowing I haven't done any harm to anyone!

I made a decision a long time ago. Intelligence is a must in my choice.

I really can't see Valerie's post, due to my ignore choices. I will say this, and I owe it to noone. I DO NOT think Valerie is on anything! I don't know her personally, but I assume her board personality isn't really who she is with her friends and family. That's not what I was saying, and was aiming it at noone! I was making a point that board personas are not relevant into knowing a person or a personality especially on a hooker board. Ill leave this shit alone, and carry on putting words in my mouth! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Knock, Knock [on Amy's head]! Is there anybody in there? You made accusations and insinuations of skinny, beautiful women and knew full well what you wrote, you are simply trying to backtrack. What you wrote has nothing to do with board persona's, it was a dig aimed at thin women and making choices on who to see. I give up, you'll never admit it and I can't argue with stupid!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Yes, I'm not into android. I can't type with my nails without pushing the wrong buttons. So far its the one that suits me best. If my phone tells you about me then that explains a lot about you lol. Who the fuck cares what kind of phone I have. I have 4 phones, so what?? Originally Posted by bustyamy

You Are What You Buy
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Watch out!

. . . Looks like we've got a cat fight now!

....says the man who has to debase everyone he disagrees with. What does your ECCIE persona, and the need to express yourself so derisively, say about you? If nothing else, you evidently love playing head games.

You don't understand what I mean by "have to be here." It's marketing and strategy, research and development as any business person would do in any field. You have to know what you sell, what your competition is, who your clients are. But business can be ugly, and some work environments are harsh. I don't have to be ruthless, however, just observant. Sometimes I just sit back, watch, and learn.

If you're implying that this is the only job I can get, that's delusional. But it is what I've chosen to do at this time in my life, so why would I NOT have to be here, on what is arguably the most important board in the Hobby at present? To ignore it, and the trends that run with it, would be foolish.

Good thread, but goodnight.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
dearhunter's Avatar
Hoho's for sale.....get your hoho's right here.......ijs
Well I was told earlier I have a 'bitch' persona...Not quite sure I agree with that though...
Wakeup's Avatar
You're right hun, you're FAR too big a cunt to be bitchy...just sayin'...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Love them boobies! ijs....
Wakeup's Avatar
Bun in the oven enhanced boobies too...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Fucker!! Val!! Come on now post a pic of them bun in the oven boobies...... Plllllleasssseeee
Kinda Random's Avatar
The only persona that annoys me is that fucking cat guy.
So I'm curious, and this pertains to both men and women here...

Does one's board persona have an impact on your decision to see someone or put you off from seeing them?

For example if someone writes something on here or their style intrigues me a bit, then I'm far more interested in seeing them...Before I ever met WU in person I always thought I would probably want to have really rough angry sex with him and slap each other around a bit

Guys- Do you get put off by providers that are constantly creating drama on the boards/attention whores etc..To the point that you wouldn't even consider booking them?

Ladies- Would you let someone who maybe has a more abrasive posting style (Example Wakeup) stop you from agreeing to a booking if they asked, or does their board persona have any impact on your decision at all?

Just curious...and bored..and humour me Originally Posted by Valerie
Not real sure about this one. I have met people from these type boards that were complete assholes, that are really very docile and meek in person, who wouldn't dream of being the way they are online with people face to face.

It does say something about ones personality when you see their posting style. What they really harbor deep down inside comes out on an anonymous internet board. What they really think they wouldn't say to people in a social setting or face to face, but say so openly on an internet board.


In psychology it is called the disinhibition effect:
Click Link to read the psychology of internet peronas:

"While online people may feel they have more opportunities to present themselves as they would like to present themselves, particularly in the carefully composed text of asynchronous communication. They may have more chances to convey thoughts and emotions that go "deeper" than the seemingly superficial persona of everyday living. These opportunities are very valuable aspects of cyberspace, but not necessarily evidence of a more true self. What we reveal about ourselves spontaneously, often right on the surface for others to see but without our being consciously awareness of it, may be just as real and true".
Fucker!! Val!! Come on now post a pic of them bun in the oven boobies...... Plllllleasssseeee Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
That pic in WU avatar is just from last week, my cleavage is getting a bit out of control at the moment
The only persona that annoys me is that fucking cat guy. Originally Posted by Kinda Random
Where the hell is boardman anyways?