Hardly Anyone At The Hospital. Where's this National Emergency?

We should be buying time to implement testing and tracing and get masks. But we're not doing a good job of it.

How do we know the projected 1.2 million U.S. deaths without social distancing was wrong? OK, I'll admit that's probably high, but if people were doing absolutely nothing it's easy to get to a 500,000+ number. Originally Posted by Tiny
The model the CDC used to project 1.2 Million US deaths included social distancing. They've updated the figure several times. Last time I heard it was down to like 80-60,000? deaths. Its a terror tactic.

Remember when they said "Masks don't work?" Remember when they said "The test for CV that the Chinese developed was accurate?" Remember when they said "If we don't get these ventilators we'll have to decide who lives and who dies?" Are you starting to get the picture?

Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Mods: We need a Smilie of Lizzo snaking her head.
How many dead in Pittsburgh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I hear it was a few old and fat people who were about to die anyway.

If you code them (for billing purposes, not Code Red) as COVID - 19 you get full pay quickly from the government.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Are you saying the medical community is gaming the system in the Great White South?
No, I'm not. You don't remember correctly nor understand, Irrelevant.

It's always been about deaths since people can have it and be asymptomatic.

The issue was whether the disease was growing at an exponential rate. From a death standpoint, it wasn't. Friendly Fred put the Texas death numbers up proving it. No daily increase in death in Texas represented an exponential increase. For many sample sets, the curve was flat or "flattening" or "even decreasing." The number of non-death cases are, especially at the beginning with inaccurate testing, are irrelevant like you.

"You opposed everything that was being done, right from the beginning." Hardly. Everything? I was definitely for sending the US Military hospital ship to NY. I was for building more ventilators though I thought they weren't needed in the numbers asked for.

I said "Don't Panic." Several times. We here in Texas aren't panicking. In my opinion, the people in Mexia have nothing to worry out. Stop doing things out of an "Abundance of Caution". Have a good reason for doing or not doing things that will change people's lives forever.

The model that predicted 1.2MM deaths was wildly inaccurate. The CDC death rate prediction was off a factor of about four in this country. We were shutting down the economy to keep the medical industry from collapsing. We bought that time. Time to start staging the re-opening in 95% of the country. It was time many weeks ago.

Don't Panic Irrelevant. This isn't Polio. It's not smallpox. It's not scarlet fever. You'll be OK. At this rate, as some people predicted, its generating the same numbers as the seasonal flu. Remember? We don't shut down the entire country because of the seasonal flu.

Thanks for the opportunity to correct you again Irrelevant. I was going to on other threads but friendly fred was doing exemplary work.

But maybe I'm wrong Irrelevant, you should panic. President Trump may win another term. Let's be honest, that's the nightmare scenario you and many others fear. Sad. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Lies, lies, and more lies.

You wrote: "It's always been about deaths since people can have it and be asymptomatic."

Bullshit. You have posted in several threads about the lack of patients - how hospitals were empty, how they closed some aid station in Seattle, how your drove past some drive-in testing facility and there were only a few people.

You were CLEARLY saying that there were no cases to justify the measures being taken.

And, of course, you ignore the fact that the number of deaths in INEXTRICABLY linked to the number of cases. The more cases, the more deaths. Especially once the hospital capacity is reached.

You wrote:

"The model that predicted 1.2MM deaths was wildly inaccurate. The CDC death rate prediction was off a factor of about four in this country."

More bullshit.

How do you know the model was off? The model said that if we did NOTHING, we would get 1.2M deaths. So, to avoid that we did SOMETHING - social distancing, self-isolation, lock downs, obsessive hand washing, face masks. That was the WHOLE POINT of those measures.

And BECAUSE we did something, we BENT THE CURVE and CHANGED THE MODEL. The new low estimates are because of the measures we took.

And, JUST AS PREDICTED, you are using the success of those measures to say they were not needed in the first place.

You have no shame. Which is worse than your overall lack of intelligence.
The model the CDC used to project 1.2 Million US deaths included social distancing. Originally Posted by gnadfly
NO, IT DIDN'T. Post a link or shut up. Also, we did a lot more than social distancing. Did the CDC model also include lock downs and quarantines?

Remember when they said "Masks don't work?" Remember when they said "The test for CV that the Chinese developed was accurate?" Remember when they said "If we don't get these ventilators we'll have to decide who lives and who dies?" Are you starting to get the picture? Originally Posted by gnadfly
No. We aren't getting the picture. Is there a point or argument in any of your drivel?

If the government was wrong about whether masks work or if they trusted the Chinese when they shouldn't have, that has nothing to do with the danger of CV. Do you honestly expect that in a crisis this large that everything will be spot-on accurate. It's a bureaucracy. Mistakes are always made. Not everything is a secret plot asshole.

And, thanks to the measures we have taken, we may not get to the point where doctors decide who lives or dies due to a ventilator shortage.
NO, IT DIDN'T. Post a link or shut up. Also, we did a lot more than social distancing. Did the CDC model also include lock downs and quarantines?

No. We aren't getting the picture. Is there a point or argument in any of your drivel?

If the government was wrong about whether masks work or if they trusted the Chinese when they shouldn't have, that has nothing to do with the danger of CV. Do you honestly expect that in a crisis this large that everything will be spot-on accurate. It's a bureaucracy. Mistakes are always made. Not everything is a secret plot asshole.

And, thanks to the measures we have taken, we may not get to the point where doctors decide who lives or dies due to a ventilator shortage. Originally Posted by Revenant
You have reading comprehension and inability to draw logical conclusion problems Irrelevant. There are many articles saying the model was off and they included "social distancing factors." Here's one that references other articles:


Here's another

There are many others. Google is your friend.

Carry on. Keep Panicking. I can see nothing me or others can say to dissuade you.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
@ Revenant

Dude you have no fucking idea and are guessing, just like the modelers who’ve been wrong at every step. I’ve seen some unquestionably qualified scientists, as in the head guy at Stanford, say that we’ve done exactly the wrong thing locking the country down. Keep thinking you’ve got some grand insight, but fact of the matter is that a kindergartner’s guess is every bit as likely to be accurate.
Ironically, the huge numbers of ventilators being made are going to be Irrelevant, also.

All those old folks who "stayed home" at the nursing homes should have been outside!
You have reading comprehension and inability to draw logical conclusion problems Irrelevant. There are many articles saying the model was off and they included "social distancing factors." Here's one that references other articles:


Here's another

There are many others. Google is your friend.

Carry on. Keep Panicking. I can see nothing me or others can say to dissuade you. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Jesus Christ. The GatewayPundit (not exactly a reputable source) doesn't even say what the Business Insider article it quotes says. The BI article says:

"Without implementing strategies like lockdowns to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, there would have been 7 billion infections and 40 million deaths in 2020 alone, according to a report published Thursday from researchers at the Imperial College of London…

…They modeled how many infections, deaths, critical cases, and hospital bed shortages there could be based on four different scenarios: no government intervention, some social distancing, enhanced social distancing protecting the elderly, and wide-scale intensive social distancing.

Their models predict that if authorities took steps to shield the elderly and slow viral transmission, 20 million lives could be saved worldwide.


“But we predict that even in this scenario, health systems in all countries will be quickly overwhelmed,” the authors wrote…

…If such measures are adopted “immediately” and sustained for a long period, the researchers predict 38.7 million lives could be spared worldwide. If those measures are not implemented until the death rate is higher, their model shows 30.7 million lives could be saved."

The Gateway Pundit spun that article to reach the conclusion it wanted and you followed along like a sheep.
playerplano's Avatar
ALL MODELS ARE WRONG they are inherently flawed because they all make assumptions. I don’t have a source but I read that the new models predicting under 60,000 deaths assumed we stay in lockdown until August? If you discuss models you have to define the assumed parameters. I tell my friends and family it happened in China , Italy , New York , Washington and Louisiana. I don’t believe the virus is different in those cities . If it’s the same virus then the difference in outcomes between Texas and NY is the social distancing and lockdown.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Ironically, the huge numbers of ventilators being made are going to be Irrelevant, also. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Kushner can adds them to his “stockpiles.”

How’s come Trump took him out of the game so fast?
How’s come Trump took him out of the game so fast? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Only you HOE would can this disaster a game!!
Kushner can adds them to his “stockpiles.”

How’s come Trump took him out of the game so fast? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Do you have any actual citation on that happening or just throwing shit at the wall?
Kushner can adds them to his “stockpiles.”

How’s come Trump took him out of the game so fast? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I think Trump was alarmed at the massive amount of hatred the left directed at his son-in-law, and suspected it was anti-Semitic, and wished to protect his daughter's husband.

Trump is a good man who fights anti-Semitism.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Do you have any actual citation on that happening or just throwing shit at the wall? Originally Posted by eccielover

