NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-18-2012, 09:03 PM
Totally agree with what you boys said in the above posts. I still can't believe that game...P
8-1 vs 1-8.... That's why I said "any given Sunday" & why we play the game.

On one of posts I said I wanted to see how the Texans play from behind. Well, we got our answer- they were down by 17 and eventually came back and won. We have won in every way possible. Some were ugly, but ended up a "W"...

On a personal note, Cat-Man, you picked the wrong game not to attend bro....this was the best game I've ever seen and there is no way I can work this week with no voice....
TheDon's Avatar
I wouldn't be that confident if we were down early like that against one of the better teams, we did it today, but against the playoff teams, I wouldn't like our chances.


Someone get one of the Dynamo Fuckers out there..
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
I don't know about the kicker, but the D. This looked like the D who played Green Bay. In the end they woke the fuck up cause I thought they lost it when the Jags got into the red zone.

Also it seemed like they abandoned the play action most of today. Is it me or is that what happened?
TheDon's Avatar
Well, they used play action all throughout that first drive to get the opening TD, after that, they were essentially playing from behind all game, so they were forced to abandon it.

Just looked back at the game. My man, Merciless, made a huge Fucking mistake that nearly cost the team the win. He was supposed to stay on the outside and contain the run, but he decided to shoot through the inside instead, the gap integrity was totally lost, and that resulted in a huge run by Parmele that nearly won them the game. Thankfully, KJ made the stop, and the defense held their ground. Also, after Schaub threw that pick in OT, Cox had a pretty decent run back, and could have potentially taken it back for a TD had Daniels not stopped him, it was a great Fucking effort on his part to make the tackle.

There were so many big plays in this game...

But there are a lot of positives I think the Texans can take away, and I think this will make them better moving forward. Especially knowing that Dre has still got it, that was probably the biggest thing to come out of the game.

Btw we should be throwing more bubble screens, and not just to Dre, but the other guys, too, those plays are money, in Madden, and in real life...The Broncos run them almost better than any other team with Decker and Thomas.
To me the big positive of that game was that Schaub stayed cool and threw some big time balls in order to catch up and win. Sure he also had two picks but even the very greatest QB's will throw some picks when you are throwing that often.
kerwil62's Avatar
That game damn near made me have a heart attack!

I figured if the Texans needed to learn how to play from behind it would be this game. The Jags simply outplayed them the first three quarters.

If the Texans would've lost, it would be the first time since 1986 that a 1-8 team beat a 8-1 team or better. Houston got too many fucked up stats already, we damn sure didn't need another one!

9 - 1 BABY!!!! Now on to Detroit for Thanksgiving.
TheDon's Avatar
I really think we should consider benching some guys for that game, Fuck Detroit. I can see one of those guys on defense taking some cheap shots on our guys. We have some old guys as it is, and it's a game coming in a short week.
Solemate62's Avatar
I despise the Cowboys & Jones, BUT really do want your Team to go to the Big Dance this year. However....I, and I am sure most of you Houstonians must be quite nervous when such a poor team like the Jaguars was able to put up 37 points against that defense and push the Texans to the brink. Play like that will not get the Texans past the first round of the playoofs IMO!
Dopey Dopey Dopey!!! Way to go Dopes!! Or actually way to go Dre!!! Whats up with Foster running like a pussy? Forsett out played his ass yesterday. Actually Dopey still earned his nickname rather well for me. First half was shitty. Taking unnesssary sacks are drive killers, just throw the ball away and wake the fuck up earlier in the game so you can play like you did late in this great mfing game!!

9-1 is sweet, JJo pulled a hammy, who is gonna cover Megatron? We better pressure and sack that puffy faced mfer on Thanksgiving!! SWatt down alot of passes too from that short puffy mfer!! Detroit will be desperate and usually play thier ass off on Thanksgiving, should be a good game!!
Go Texans!! 10-1 has damn fine ring too it!!!
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
You know I was more afraid of the tie than a loss. Not twice in one year. Not to us.

I was thinking about it more, I wonder if our defense didn't get worse but just under-prepared for Henne. You have to think they were planning to bully Blaine all day and they knocked him out the box. Henne came in an changed that up a bit airing the ball out more than Blaine has ever been given the option. I don't think Blackmon ever got going last time the Texans beat him. They ever get a QB to combo with him are division might get tougher again.

Also back to back games we take the QB out? Better knock that off before the NFL investigates the Texans for a bounty program. ^_^
TheDon's Avatar
McGahee just tore his MCL. So the top two teams that are the Texan's greatest threat in the conference just got a couple of significant injuries.

Now I really wouldn't mind if we rested guys this Thursday.
TheDon's Avatar
Another issue about the Texans, what do y'all think of the closed roof and the turf? Brett Hartmann is trying to sue Reliant for their turf, I hope something comes of the lawsuit. I don't like the turf, Martin slipped on what should have been a TD because of it, and many other players have been injured on that field.
Dopey Dopey Dopey!!! Way to go Dopes!!...............Actually Dopey still earned his nickname rather well for me. First half was shitty. Taking unnesssary sacks are drive killers, just throw the ball away and wake the fuck up earlier in the game so you can play like you did late in this great mfing game!! Originally Posted by Daddio

That's the spirit DDude. Schaub throws for the 2nd most yards in one game in NFL history and you still find something to bitch and moan about. I knew if anyone could find something to cry about, it would be you! You didn't disappoint!

It's too bad that worthless Matt Schaub is not as good of a QB as you must be. It must come so easy for someone with your skill set!

Perhaps you can convince Kubes to let you be Schaub's qb coach next year. That way you can share all of your technical expertise and personal insight with Schaub. Oh that's right, Kubes is not going to hire you bcause you don't like him either.

Hey, I have another great idea. Maybe you can convince McNair to allow you to be the Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, QB Coach and QB next year. Just think of all the money McNair would save!

We could finally have a QB and Coach (all rolled into one) that could get us to 10-0, instead of a shitty 9-1 record!
carkido45's Avatar
Dopey Dopey Dopey!!! Way to go Dopes!! Or actually way to go Dre!!! Whats up with Foster running like a pussy? Forsett out played his ass yesterday. Actually Dopey still earned his nickname rather well for me. First half was shitty. Taking unnesssary sacks are drive killers, just throw the ball away and wake the fuck up earlier in the game so you can play like you did late in this great mfing game!!

9-1 is sweet, JJo pulled a hammy, who is gonna cover Megatron? We better pressure and sack that puffy faced mfer on Thanksgiving!! SWatt down alot of passes too from that short puffy mfer!! Detroit will be desperate and usually play thier ass off on Thanksgiving, should be a good game!!
Go Texans!! 10-1 has damn fine ring too it!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I think you're DOPEy DOPEy DOPEY . Fans who complain when the Texans win are just that DOPEY
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Let's remember we're the reason Cutler wasn't in the game tonight AND we beat them in less than stellar conditions.