For those who need proof of election fraud....

bambino's Avatar
��Rep. Anthony Sabatini calls for DECERTIFICATION OF ARIZONA'S 2020 General Election Results...

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VitaMan's Avatar
These are meaningless gestures from a STATE representative who is trying to get ELECTED to Congress in 2022. Of course he will try to gain favor with the Donald. This really is becoming a cult.

This is brainwashing to the nth degree. Complete failure to overturn the AZ election result, more misinformation is given out, and now on to TX and PA and any other state they can find. Just look at the recent posts after the news of the AZ audit were released. Anything to keep the cult going and collect money from the faithful.

bambino's Avatar
There are several AZ Senators and House members calling for decertification. And indictments.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Maricopa County. We have some questions for you.

17% of the signatures counted were duplicates
96% of the duplicates came in after Election Day. Originally Posted by bambino
If you say so.

Arizona Republican ‘audit’ finds even bigger lead for Biden in 2020 election

Biden defeated Trump by about 10,000 votes in Arizona and by about 45,000 votes in Maricopa county. Biden won Arizona’s 11 electoral votes on his way to getting more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history.

Election experts have widely panned the review, which they say was rooted in shoddy practice around a pre-determined effort to show there was fraud. Ben Ginsberg, a longtime Republican election lawyer, told reporters on Thursday that Trump allies were “desperate for a win”. In Maricopa county, he said, they had unprecedented access to look under the hood of an election. If they were not able to prove fraud there, they were unlikely to prove it anywhere else.

Bambino still listening to the crazy. The governor of AZ confirmed Biden win and said no decertification he further said Trump lost AZ and it over. I suspect he gives less than a fuck by someone that won a state senate election. What’s that 30K total votes or thereabouts.
VitaMan's Avatar
Real America’s Voice host David Brody confronted former President Donald Trump over the just-released Arizona audit “apparently confirming Biden’s win,” and asked him “Are you prepared to accept those results?”

In an interview Friday on The Water Cooler, Brody led off by asking Trump about the pro-Trump audit that even Brody, a die-hard Trump supporter, was compelled to tell him did not go his way — and even threw some of Trump’s own words back at him.

“Mr. President, I want to give you a chance also to respond to the news out today about this audit. Maricopa County, Arizona, the draft of the report done by, in your words, highly respected auditors is out, apparently confirming Biden’s win in the state. Are you prepared to accept those results? What’s your sense of it?” Brody asked.

Trump, perhaps not surprisingly, was not receptive:

Well, no, because they they just took a small part and they didn’t look at the real numbers. Now the numbers are going to be announced. The real numbers are going to be announced at four o’clock today.

As I understand it, Arizona is having a conference and they found many votes that were terrible, terrible votes. In other words, they found that they were false votes, phantom votes, whatever you want to call them.

So I have to see, because I’m not involved in it, I’m just watching like everybody else. And we’ll have to see what it is. The from what I heard, the report is a very strong report. But, you know, they wanted to get out ahead of it like they always like to do, whether it’s on Russia or Russia or Ukraine, Ukraine, they want to get out ahead of it. So we’re going to have to wait.

It said it’s going to be, I guess, Eastern Time. It’s going to be released at four o’clock. I’ve actually heard the results of the report is very damning, but they don’t want to say that. They want to get way out ahead where long before the report. I’ve heard the report is very damning.

The audit uncovered ” 99 additional votes for Biden and 261 fewer votes for Trump.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Just the facts, from the Maricopa County recorder,

Take a look at Election Facts and Myth Busters Originally Posted by Tiny
after the fact issue, considering they refused to cooperate with the senate sponsored auditors when they asked questions about their work. seems to me that they don't want their work questioned which is why they were so resistant. theres the matter of a former maricopa offical making a claim that the maricopa county audit they did was a sham.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The AG has the names of the people who deleted data. Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Thoughts on the Arizona Audit Part 4 - Items Missing Or Not Mentioned

The report delivered to the Arizona Senate yesterday is not the final report on the audit. It could be considered an interim report. I say that because many things that were supposed to be turned over to the auditors were not. The list of items not turned over includes splunk logs, routers and network passwords. In addition, only a partial examination of election machines was permitted by the County. Maricopa County has prevented the examination of certain things, which causes me to wonder why. I suspect that the routers, logs and election machines were withheld because they contain the most damning evidence of criminal activity. Fortunately, these items will be turned over for review. At a later date, their contents will be summarized in an additional report to the Senate. (It's possible these items will be impounded by the Attorney General as part of his investigation and made available to the auditors for direct examination.)

You may have noticed that no mention was made in the public report of things like ballot folds and ballots printed on non-standard paper stock. There was no mention of how many voters received mail-in-ballots who did not request them or how many ballots were incorrectly adjudicated. These issues have been discussed previously, but they were not presented to the public yesterday.

We know for a fact there are additional findings from the audit, but for reasons we are not privy to, certain topics were not discussed publicly yesterday.

It's apparent that the audit team took steps to limit bad optics during the presentation of their findings. I would assume that certain matters were omitted from the public report to avoid giving critics things they could criticize. I believe that the matters that were omitted from the public presentation will be submitted to AG Brnovich for his investigation despite the fact that they were not mentioned in the public report.

This is not the end of the Maricopa audit. It is the midway point. It seems likely that more findings will be presented at a future time.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Of course he's weak. He's half a man.

Hey Abbott!

Judge Slams Gov. Abbott 'Shamelessly Taking His Orders' From Trump on Texas Election Audits

"This is a weak Governor openly and shamelessly taking his orders from a disgraced former President. Governor Abbott is wasting taxpayer funds to trample on Texans' freedom to vote, all in order to appease his puppeteer," Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, a Democrat, told the Tribune.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a Democrat, also criticized the audit as "politically motivated," telling the Tribune: "Every time we engage in a conversation about these false allegations, we're lending credence to the lie."

Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley, a Republican, also told the same outlet "it's time to move on," criticizing "conspiracy theorists who want to come up with all these ways" to doubt the election results.

Had to cheat to win it all.

Unlike Biden.
VitaMan's Avatar
This is not the end of the Maricopa audit. It is the midway point. It seems likely that more findings will be presented at a future time. Originally Posted by bambino

It is the end
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
The Dominion Voting machine software patent is owned by Avid Technologies. Richard C Blum, the husband of Dianne Feinstein, owns 60% of Avid Technologies. ��

(H/T): Sam Bardo - Twitter
Any excuse will do. Lol.
  • oeb11
  • 09-25-2021, 05:11 PM
Any Lie will do

So SAD for America!