For those who need proof of election fraud....

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Che Guevera!!! Originally Posted by bambino

He was forced to wear masks?

Was the thumbs up supposed to be a joke?

Link? Video? PROOF?
VitaMan's Avatar
What war are you suggesting to go to ?
winn dixie's Avatar
Bambino just punked yall! Turnt the tables

Try to keep up please
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The patriot must choose his priority.

The word implies love of country, but that begs the question: “Which country?”

Is America an idea?

Is America a people?

Is America a tradition?

Is America the land?


It is all four. And more.

American patriots recognize that this fallen world isn’t solved by us but by God - specifically Jesus Christ.

But because we are here and, for the time being, God has us here, patriots are responsible for integrating giving God the glory into the things that they DO.

Inaction is not our charge.

Espoused beliefs without corresponding behavior is hypocrisy.

Declaring freedom without using liberty to overcome bondage is futile.

The audits are part of it.

#LiveLocal is part of it.

Preaching the gospel is most of it.

Glorifying God is all of it.

Have the right view of the war we’re in.

Now, go to war.
Originally Posted by bambino

Sermonizing this Sunday morning?

I'll play along. Until the game starts.

I think the withdrawal will have practically no effect on US imperial policy. The current commentary on Afghanistan is almost entirely about what the war cost us. You find virtually nothing about what it cost Afghans.

There are a few interesting articles showing that what the press understood very well twenty years ago, but were ridiculing, was in fact correct: there was no reasonable basis for the war in the first place. Osama bin Laden was only a suspect when the United States started bombing Afghanistan. If there’s a suspect whom you want to apprehend, you carry out a small police operation. They could’ve apprehended him, then worked to discover if he was actually responsible, which they didn’t know.

In fact, that was conceded eight months later. Robert Muller, head of the FBI, gave his first extensive press conference in which he said — after probably the most intensive investigation in the world — that we assume al-Qaeda and Bin Laden were responsible for 9/11, but we haven’t been able to establish it yet. First you bomb, then you check to see if there was any reason.

We now know that the Taliban were willing to surrender in 2001. But defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld proudly announced, “We don’t negotiate surrenders.”

The Taliban’s proposed terms were that their leading figures be allowed to live in dignity. Why not? They hadn’t done anything. The story was that they had harbored terrorists. Don’t we do that? We harbor some of the worst war criminals in modern times — including people who are recognized to be terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada, who were allowed to live happily in Florida under US protection.

There’s no question. Nobody doubted they were terrorists. They were responsible for, among other things, the bombing of a Cubana airliner in which seventy-three people were killed. It’s called terrorism if someone else does it. If we do it, it’s fun and games.

So there was no reason not to allow the Taliban to live in dignity — except for what was explained by the most prominent figure of the anti-Taliban Afghan resistance, Abdul Haq. He was interviewed by a highly regarded Middle East/Central Asia specialist, Anatol Lieven, in the British press. Haq bitterly condemned the invasion, as did other Afghan anti-Taliban activists. He said, “The US is trying to show its muscle, score a victory and scare everyone in the world. They don’t care about the suffering of the Afghans or how many people we will lose.” Abdul Haq was killed by the Taliban soon thereafter.

Anybody who shared Haq’s view at the time was either ignored or ridiculed by the mainstream press. Now they’re conceding that it was correct.

Is this the end of the empire? No. All that’s resulted is the acknowledgment that the War in Afghanistan was too costly to us, so we’ll do things differently going forward.

You’re right about the framework. That’s the way it’s discussed. And it’s true that crazy war spending in general — $753 billion Pentagon budget — is, first of all, endangering us very much. It’s also taking away resources that are badly needed for other purposes. That’s apart from Afghanistan, but the point is correct.

Yes, we’re responsible for doing something to help Afghanistan escape from the wreckage for which we are substantially responsible. There are concrete things we could do. For example, we should be admitting Afghan refugees — and without bureaucratic hassles. They should be treated decently.

You don’t like them. But that’s no reason to punish Afghans. They need the humanitarian aid badly. It’s Afghan people who are starving — not the Taliban leaders. Sanctions in general punish the population and not their leadership. That was true of the sanctions on Iraq, Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela, too.

We know the actual reasons for sanctioning. They’re sometimes even announced. In the case of Cuba during the 1960s, the United States recognized that Castro was very popular. They thought that the only way to overthrow his government was by fomenting discontent. The idea was to make life so impossible that people would topple the government. Of course, it wasn’t the only way: John F. Kennedy also launched a major terrorist war, which practically brought the world to nuclear disaster in 1962.

Sanctions on Cuba intensified under Bill Clinton. When Cuba was in a desperate position after the Russians pulled out, Clinton outflanked George H. W. Bush from the right to increase the sanctions so as to starve the population and beat them into submission so they’ll overthrow the government. That’s exactly what’s going on now.

Incidentally, the United States is the only country that could impose such sanctions. These are third-party sanctions. Everyone has to obey them, or else they get tossed out of the international financial system. Only the United States has the capacity to do that, and it’s a major form of state terrorism. The case of Afghanistan is another one.

We should also unblock the International Monetary Fund and World Bank funding. Those institutions are blocking funding, of course, under US pressure. That should be stopped. We should make every possibility for the Taliban and the population to solve their own problems.

There were better solutions available in the late 1980s. For example, now everybody’s concerned with women’s rights. How wonderful and touching. What happened in the late 1980s when the Russians had their regime in place, the Najibullah regime, which was protecting women’s rights? Women were going to university and wearing whatever clothes they wanted.

They did have problems: the problems were the US-backed Islamic maniacs like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who were throwing acid in the faces of women with the wrong clothes. Very credible people wrote articles about this and sent them to US journals that wouldn’t publish them because it was a Russian-run regime.
Not Anonymous

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Bambino just punked yall! Turnt the tables

Try to keep up please Originally Posted by winn dixie
I'm right with him. Until the game starts.
bambino's Avatar
From the July AZ Senate hearing:

Per Doug Logan, ballot calibration was off by an average of 1000% leading to bleed-through, which can cause over-votes or inaccurate vote attribution. The County has stated that they use thick VoteSecure paper, which should limit bleed-through. However, the Cyber Ninjas team found a large number of ballots printed on very thin paper stock. The ballots printed on-demand at the voting centers on election day had the worst calibrations issues. More than 168K ballots were affected.

Apparently, this part of the audit has not been completed yet. When the examination is complete, an additional report will be given to the Senate.
bambino's Avatar
This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing and destroying the [DS] system. The [DS] is complex, those who control the system do not want you see it, they use the fake news to control what is seen and heard.
1. The system of fraud must be exposed to the people
2. People must understand how the [DS] committed the fraud
3. People need to understand that this wasn’t in one county, one state, it was wide spread and coordinated
4. Think about the timing of Trump’s letters to GA and TX
5. People need to see how foreign governments were involved in the election fraud
6. People must see how the people who have said that there is no election fraud, lie and cover up their crimes, this is what is playing out right now in AZ
7. The AZ AG job is to investigate and present the crime and bring charges against those who committed the crime, the people must see this, will he do his job?
8. The forensic Audit is not about counting the same fraudulent votes, its about exposing the system of fraud to We The People
9. Once the people see it and understand that the system is controlled the people can then demand change.
10. Those people who have been protecting the fraud will have a choice, tell the truth or continue to lie, most will continue to lie
11. Will the FBI, DOJ, SC etc, get involved in the end once all the evidence is presented, will each state decertify the election in the end?
12 Remember We are at war, the [DS] will fight back, remember they are fighting for their lives, to protect their system of control
13. If the Rule of law is not followed, there is only one way, the military
bambino's Avatar
What war are you suggesting to go to ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
We don’t need you. Stay home.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
I'm right with him. Until the game starts. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No you’re not. You’re with VitaMan
bambino's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Is that a male porn star?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No you’re not. You’re with VitaMan Originally Posted by bambino
You don't even know what I mean.

Buy a clue.
bambino's Avatar
I just bought one;

Maricopa County failed to preserve security logs and many other records. Over a million election files were deleted. And on Feb 1, 2021, the day before the start of the audit, the an Administrative Account purged the general election results from the database.Federal law requires election records to be maintained for 22 months. THIS IS CRIMINAL!!

Maricopa County and the so-called Maricopa County Auditors claimed that they didn’t find any internet history. They lied! Cypher found the evidence. Machines were connected to the internet.

On February 2, 2021, the day before the start of the audit, the RTRAdmin Account PURGED the general election results from the database.

It now been proven that Maricopa County and others lied and tried to cover up election fraud. To this day, they continue to obstruct by denying access to important election information. This is criminal. Many people were involved, and they’ve been caught red-handed. Now it’s time for INDICTMENTS and DECERTIFICATION.

*Remember, this is not about Trump or Biden. It’s about the fact that this election was fraudulent and should not have been certified. Crimes were committed and covered up, resulting in mass voter suppression. The people of Arizona and the United States of America have been disenfranchised. There must be indictments and decertification.

52 USC 20701: "shall retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or primary election"

US Code Violations: