Ukraine invasion ?

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Too soon. Fog of war... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Pepperidge Farms remembers when Hillary was married to that phrase: Fog of War. Sure covers a multitude of sins and ineptitude.

Saw Fog of War emblazoned on the CNN chyron the other day when they were showing pictures and videos they had scraped from social media posts. Dang shame they no longer have the budget for fact checking them first.
lustylad's Avatar
We are dealing with word-class super-powers in the misinformation space: Russia, US and untold numbers of Moldavian trolls. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You mean Moldavan, not Moldavian. The Principality of Moldavia saw its territory broken up in 1859, with Moldava as the modern-day descendant.

But to your point, does Moldava have better troll farms than Montenegro? You probably recall Hillary blaming Montenegrin trolls as one of her 40+ excuses for losing to Trump in 2016.
bambino's Avatar
Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble | Lee Smith

Yes, Putin wants to prevent NATO from expanding to Russia’s border. But the larger answer is that he finds the U.S. government’s relationship with Ukraine genuinely threatening.

That’s because for nearly two decades, the U.S. national security establishment under both Democratic and Republican administrations has used Ukraine as an instrument to destabilize Russia, and specifically to target Putin.

Why can’t the American security establishment shoulder responsibility for its role in the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine?

Because to discuss American responsibility openly would mean exposing the national security establishment’s role in two separate, destructive coups.

This is a game that Biden and key figures in his administration have been playing for a long time, beginning with the 2013-14 Obama administration-backed coup that toppled a Russia-friendly government in Kyiv.

The Obama administration helped organize street demonstrations for what became history’s most tech-savvy and PR-driven regime change operation, marketed to the global public variously as Maidan.

In February 2014, the protests forced Yanukovych into exile in Moscow. Consequently, Obama administration officials worked to assemble a new Ukrainian government friendly to the United States and therefore hostile to Russia.

In late February, the Russians responded to the American soft coup in Ukraine by invading Crimea and eventually annexing it and creating chaos in Eastern Ukraine.

In 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign came calling on Ukrainian officials and activists to lend some Slavic authenticity to its Russia collusion narrative targeting Donald Trump.

With the CIA’s Brennan and a host of senior FBI and DOJ officials pushing Russiagate into the press—and running an illegal espionage campaign against the Trump team—Ukrainian political figures gladly joined in.

Key participants included Kyiv’s ambassador to Washington, who wrote a Trump-Russia piece for the U.S. press, and a member of the Ukrainian parliament who allegedly contributed to the dossier.

Russiagate was the kind of vanity project that a buffer state with a plunging GDP and an army equipped with 40-year-old ex-Soviet weapons in a notoriously risky area of the world can ill afford—especially one that lacked a nuclear arsenal.

In July 2019, U.S. national security officials injected yet another Ukraine-related narrative into the public sphere to target the American president.

This one appears to have been initiated by Ukrainian American White House official Alexander Vindman and his colleague Eric Ciaramella, a CIA analyst who had served as Vice President Biden’s point man on Ukraine.

When Vindman told Ciaramella about a phone call in which Trump had asked the Ukrainian president for information regarding allegations about the Biden family’s corrupt activities in Kyiv, they called on help from U.S. intelligence services, the State Department, the Pentagon, Democratic Party officials, and the press.

In order to cover up for what the Bidens and perhaps other senior Obama officials had done in Ukraine, a Democratic Congress impeached Trump for trying to figure out what American policymakers had been doing in Ukraine over the past decade.

The end result was that the Ukrainians had helped weaken an American president who, unlike Obama, gave them arms to defend themselves against the Russians.

More seriously, they reinforced Putin’s view that, especially in partnership with the Democrats, Ukraine did not understand its true place in the world as a buffer state—and would continue to allow themselves to be used as an instrument by policymakers whose combination of narcissism and fecklessness made them particularly prone to dangerous miscalculations.

bambino's Avatar
From “LOL there are no bio weapons labs in Ukraine!” to “Well ok there ARE some bio weapons labs in Ukraine after all..b-b-but they’re NOT funded by the US Dept. of Defense, you silly wingnuts!” in less than one week. Now watch, here’s the next narrative that’s coming: “Well ok turns out there ARE a buncha bio weapons labs in Ukraine and it turns out ALL these bio weapons labs were being funded by the US, b-b-but the US wasn’t funding ANY GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH on any biological agents in these bio weapons labs you silly wingnuts !”
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Follow the Money

$1,935,557 paid by the USA for bio lab equipment to Ukraine…who was VP at the time and who was spending LOTS of time there?

VP Biden…

And on Burisma board…
Baby Biden Hunter
Baby Pelosi
Baby step-son Kerry

Destruction of bio labs happening?


Precious_b's Avatar
I would not invest in what you see. That video was already debunked and shown not to be a tank. A heavy vehicle? Sure. Did you fall for the Ghost of Kiev? <--rhetorical

We are dealing with word-class super-powers in the misinformation space: Russia, US and untold numbers of Moldavian trolls. I would avoid getting hitched to much of any reporting at this point, which means Putin knows that too. Biden? Not so much. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Got a link showing the debunking?
You convince the internet it ain't a tank and i'll retract the statement. So, go out there and fix it for us like a good fellow.

That Dancing Bear place is definitely working overtime. What do they call it? Asymetrical warfare. (I ain't going to spell check it so as to give you a valid point correcting.) When did Scripps people get involved with this affair?
Precious_b's Avatar
And you have "Fog of war" experience? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Okay, give us an accurate body count figure that you can take to the bank.
Precious_b's Avatar
Pepperidge Farms remembers when Hillary was married to that phrase: Fog of War. Sure covers a multitude of sins and ineptitude.

Saw Fog of War emblazoned on the CNN chyron the other day when they were showing pictures and videos they had scraped from social media posts. Dang shame they no longer have the budget for fact checking them first. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
And what does this have to do with the price of tea in china?
Precious_b's Avatar
You mean Moldavan, not Moldavian. The Principality of Moldavia saw its territory broken up in 1859, with Moldava as the modern-day descendant.

But to your point, does Moldava have better troll farms than Montenegro? You probably recall Hillary blaming Montenegrin trolls as one of her 40+ excuses for losing to Trump in 2016. Originally Posted by lustylad
You missed the spelling bee world leaders
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You got this Precious!
VitaMan's Avatar
In a major shift, the traditional neutral Switzerland has joined in the sanctions imposed on Russia.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Majority of Americans say Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president

Are you ready to join & know the truth ⁉️ Originally Posted by bambino

Putin couldn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president because for the first time since the 1940's the US was completely energy independent and a net exporter of oil.

for those rabid far leftists here who continue to be deluded into thinking Trump was a Russian asset ask yourselves why would Trump make the US energy independent? did Putin tell him to do that? of course not. it severely reduced Russia's revenues and thus prevented Putin from invading Ukraine.

anyone want to make a guess how much this war is costing Russia? A BILLION a day would about right. how did Putin get the cash for this invasion? he got it from Biden. the moment that idiot made the US a net importer again it began fulling Russia's coffers with war loot. Russia needed the price of Oil north of at least $60 a barrel. and that's exactly what the real Russian asset, Biden gave him.