New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

MT Pockets's Avatar
The Republicans have had a bad name for decades. Trump might actually bring some dignity and independence back to the name, once the diehard Establishment is tossed out. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They all have a bad name.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here is how I see it. We all ask the other citizens to accept our guy if they win the election right? I think that as a Patriot you should honor the system we have in place or go through the proper channels to alter it. So if Trump wins do you not ask me to support him as our leader? The main reason I despise Trump is he saw an opportunity. He out smarted out slandered and out connected his opponents. There were a several good candidates on the conservative side. he turned it into a freak show. Now you have to live with it. Most likely for 8 years. There will be a whole new crowd of Republicans a year from now. Hopefully you will learn from all of this. I would prefer we go back to the runner up is the VP but that will never happen. So instead I use my vote to support getting a third party on the ballot. All I ask of that party is to have conviction. I do not have to agree with one thing they do besides integrity. The Constitutional party has proven to be that in my opinion. I hope they never win an election but the will end the two party monopoly. The Teaparty started out with the same ideas but went off the rails about 20 minutes into it.

As for me being unprincipled or an idiot I am far from both. You all know that the POTUS is not a dictator and has limited power but you still get caught up in it. You let fear control you. You know Trump is of the hinge but you know congress will save us from him. Just as they will Hillary. Wake up! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I will not support ANY politician who has as their policy the reduction of freedom and growth of government. Hillary will destroy this country with just two SCOTUS nominations. And if my candidate wins, I don't give a fuck whether you support him/her or not. No Patriot will support Hillary. She is totally globalist, and anti-American.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I will not support ANY politician who has as their policy the reduction of freedom and growth of government. Hillary will destroy this country with just two SCOTUS nominations. And if my candidate wins, I don't give a fuck whether you support him/her or not. No Patriot will support Hillary. She is totally globalist, and anti-American. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then you sir do not follow the Constitution. By the way what party was Abe Lincoln? If you recall didn't he impose the reduction of freedom and growth of the Government? You not giving a fuck is why the GOP is in the shape it is. The Republican party has not balanced a budget or reduced the deficit in how many years? Also when have they reduced the size or reach of the Government while you are at it. Name one policy they have passed that gave you back even one liberty.
Then you sir do not follow the Constitution. By the way what party was Abe Lincoln? If you recall didn't he impose the reduction of freedom and growth of the Government? You not giving a fuck is why the GOP is in the shape it is. The Republican party has not balanced a budget or reduced the deficit in how many years? Also when have they reduced the size or reach of the Government while you are at it. Name one policy they have passed that gave you back even one liberty. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
One problem in your supposition is that balanced budgets only happened when both houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives were in office.
I will not support ANY politician who has as their policy the reduction of freedom and growth of government. Hillary will destroy this country with just two SCOTUS nominations. And if my candidate wins, I don't give a fuck whether you support him/her or not. No Patriot will support Hillary. She is totally globalist, and anti-American. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Go fuck off with your stupid rhetoric. Trump has no military record and he disgrace soldiers by claiming he always wanted a purple heart- no "real" solider would support an asshole who made that claim unless he served. By the way, quit ignoring me are you ready to see my DD-214 or not?
Go fuck off with your stupid rhetoric. Trump has no military record and he disgrace soldiers by claiming he always wanted a purple heart- no "real" solider would support an asshole who made that claim unless he served. By the way, quit ignoring me are you ready to see my DD-214 or not? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I do recall when Obama could not have the respect for his military that he just raised a coffee cup to them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump has no military record ... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I keep forgetting HillaryNoMore's "military record" ...

... refused admission into the United States Marine Corps and
... dodging sniper fire on the tarmac in Europe ...

Oh, yea, "fraternizing" with draft dodgers ...

It's never been confirmed if she preferred cigars or dick.
Go fuck off with your stupid rhetoric. Trump has no military record and he disgrace soldiers by claiming he always wanted a purple heart- no "real" solider would support an asshole who made that claim unless he served. By the way, quit ignoring me are you ready to see my DD-214 or not? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Proverbs

The greatest secret of all, it is not what you know, it is who you surround yourself with, and Mr Trump certainly knows he cannot be the "do all end all". In each of his business endeavors he has surrounded himself with people who know their area of expertise. Many of them being females, who by the way get paid the same as their male counterparts.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Proverbs

The greatest secret of all, it is not what you know, it is who you surround yourself with, and Mr Trump certainly knows he cannot be the "do all end all". In each of his business endeavors he has surrounded himself with people who know their area of expertise. Many of them being females, who by the way get paid the same as their male counterparts. Originally Posted by Cherie

The Republicans have had a bad name for decades. Trump might actually bring some dignity and independence back to the name, Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Take note, this is where you've lost all credibility forever regarding politics.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Take note, this is where you've lost all credibility forever regarding politics. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie

Take note, this is where you've lost all credibility forever regarding politics. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
He never was too bright but since he stared sniffing Trump's ass, he has gone off the deep end.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do you have any idea how little I care whether I have credibility with you clowns? I call them as I see them, regardless of race, color, gender, party or anything else. Right now, Trump is the most presidential looking one one field. That doesn't say much for the field, but it's a fact. And he has more class than either Clinton, Bush II, or Obama. Deal with it . . . or not.
Do you have any idea how little I care whether I have credibility with you clowns? I call them as I see them, regardless of race, color, gender, party or anything else. Right now, Trump is the most presidential looking one one field. That doesn't say much for the field, but it's a fact. And he has more class than either Clinton, Bush II, or Obama. Deal with it . . . or not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
MT Pockets's Avatar
One problem in your supposition is that balanced budgets only happened when both houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives were in office. Originally Posted by Cherie
While I agree with your statement, I don't see where it has a bearing on COG thinking Clinton is a big spender. I asked him to show an example and he has said nothing besides a comment about not caring what anyone thinks. So I will ask you to answer one of the questions I posed to him. I mentioned the Republicans in the context that he has no basis for his opinion.