Off the Clock

Wow, just getting to this. I hate when I come in at the end (hopefully) of a good thread. I have agreed thoroughly with London and Naomi, as meeting a guy off the clock is a prerogative, not a requirement. I do have a few friends that I love spending time with, and if they want a friend to enjoy a movie with or don't want to dine alone, I oblige when I have the time.

As a lady, I have to admit, I find it funny how some gents are using a lady's willingness to meet off the clock to make us feel like what we already are. I thought this was a civvie world tactic. Like they use it as a marker to determine if we're really worth the money. "Yeah, I just paid you for sex, but if you don't accept my invitation to go out to dinner with me you're a REAL whore!" London made a really good point when she said that no one asks their dentist if he likes digging around in mouths all day, or if he's in it for the money. And they charge you for everything. He doesn't 'comp' a procedure or take you out to eat, even when you've had so many procedures done, or if you refer your whole family to him. But their job doesn't require touching people in such sensitive spots either.

Mr. CT, I think we need to take up a fund to send you to therapy. You don't just have a low opinion of women in the industry, you have a low opinion of women period. And an even worse view of yourself. What I feel is that you cut your nose to spite your face, and blame women for not loving you for who you are. But I'm not saying you're all wrong. All women are whores in some context. If you took money out of the equation with a lot of relationships, you'd have a swarm of divorces and breakups. Then there are some who make their money on their backs, and take care of men who don't have jobs, just to prove to them (and themselves) that they're not all about the money, and are in some capacity capable of love. But you aren't lucky enough to be that guy. I understand, and I know there is nothing anyone can say to change how you feel. But it's no accident you're here. Here come the hugs from the whore!

This industry is a mirror of real life. I think men ask for time off the clock because they need to have a reason not to feel like Charles. This is where the humanity in our job becomes apparent. When you see something good in a person, you want to believe that is real despite the fantasy. And to surround yourself with like-minded people whose character you admire is very human. I feel for any man who hasn't met a woman that injects a bit of herself, or one who can be her good self despite the pay for play situation. I feel for a woman who feels like in order to survive this industry she has to be someone else completely. This is why balance is so important. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
wonderful post!!
phatdaty's Avatar
%3Cbr> London made a really good point when she said that no one asks their dentist if he likes digging around in mouths all day, or if he's in it for the money. And they charge you for everything. He doesn't 'comp' a procedure or take you out to eat, even when you've had so many procedures done, or if you refer your whole family to him. Originally Posted by Tiffani
Not that it translates well as a metaphor, but my dentist took me out to lunch last month.

Come to think of it, a number of people court my business by taking me to sporting events, buying me drinks, taking me to dinner on a fairly regular basis. Quite often I am given extras and comps to encourage my continued consumer loyalty.

I don't really expect this from my sex providers, but I am thinking that maybe London's point was not as great as you think it was.

The reality is, she is wrong. In this economy businesses are doing everything they can to get a client's dollar and even more important their return dollars.

That notion will probably offend most ladies, so I will stop it at that, but folks might want to rethink throwing something out there that sounds logical, but upon closer examination it might just backfire on them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2011, 10:03 AM
Not that it translates well as a metaphor, but my dentist took me out to lunch last month.
. Originally Posted by phatdaty
Really? You expect us to believe that?

Come to think of it, a number of people court my business by taking me to sporting events, buying me drinks, taking me to dinner on a fairly regular basis. Quite often I am given extras and comps to encourage my continued consumer loyalty. Originally Posted by phatdaty
When I really want consumer loyalty, I give them a good product. But if ladies know that some insecure fella needs his ego boosted by taking him to lunch....I see nothing wrong with that.

When I want a quality roof put on my house I do not go with who ever took me to lunch. If you are that easily manipulated , I am not surprised, many are just like you.

I don't really expect this from my sex providers, but I am thinking that maybe London's point was not as great as you think it was.

The reality is, she is wrong. . Originally Posted by phatdaty
The reality is that she has a different business model than maybe what you care for. That is not right or wrong. It just is. Remember what your parents taught you...not to question one's business model.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Escorts are paid for their time so it makes not sense to give their time for free.

As I said before I have spent OTC time with a regular of mine. He is someone I see regularly, fun to be around and good looking so I don't look at time spent with him as some marketing scheme. If that were the case, I'd do it with everyone else. I have no desire to give my time for free. When business slows down what does everyone do? Change pics, Change text, Add vids.. that is always enough.

Giving free time is absurd to me unless you want to and even then you might want to rethink that. It's very easy for a client to become clingy and later on feel like you OWE him free time. Tiffany/WTF, once again you hit the nail on the head.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 03-26-2011, 10:09 AM
Come to think of it, a number of people court my business by taking me to sporting events, buying me drinks, taking me to dinner on a fairly regular basis. Quite often I am given extras and comps to encourage my continued consumer loyalty. Originally Posted by phatdaty
That's actually a pretty good point.

When I want a quality roof put on my house I do not go with who ever took me to lunch. If you are that easily manipulated , I am not surprised, many are just like you. Originally Posted by WTF
But then, so is that.

Now i don't know what to think!
Escorts are paid for their time so it makes not sense to give their time for free....
Giving free time is absurd to me unless you want to and even then you might want to rethink that.... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Now I get it!! So when we have dinner together, I'll be at another table or at an entirely different restaurant....right!?!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Now I get it!! So when we have dinner together, I'll be at another table or at an entirely different restaurant....right!?! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Giving free time is absurd to me unless you want to and even then you might want to rethink that.
Aren't you special? I simply made an exception. That is something I don't do very often. If a guy annoys the hell out of me why would I spend time with him? Hell if he annoys me I don't even want to take his money. I'm not going to trade my sanity for $300 an hour. No.
Aren't you special? ...That's just how I am. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yes....yes I am!! More and more so...every day!! Thanks for noticing!! (unless I'm the "guy that annoys the hell out of you"....then, maybe not so much)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2011, 10:32 AM
That's actually a pretty good point.

But then, so is that.

Now i don't know what to think! Originally Posted by Doove

There is no wrong or right IMHO.
That was my point to phat.

Usually the people that can be swayed by a meal are not the one's actually paying for the service. In this case the ladies that are actually doing OTC options have already factored in that possibility. So in fact it is just a marketing tool that some choose to use and others do not.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes....yes I am!! More and more so...every day!! Thanks for noticing!! (unless I'm the "guy that annoys the hell out of you"....then, maybe not so much) Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
No. LOL!

Back to the OP, There's a girl here in the carolinas that gives freebies. She has a bill-me-later types thing going on for her regulars. So if you're a regular of hers and see her today you don't have to pay her today because she gives you up to a week. She stays very busy.
Not that it translates well as a metaphor, but my dentist took me out to lunch last month. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I assume he/she made you floss afterwards.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I assume he/she made you floss afterwards. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I figured they just had like 3 dessert courses, red wine & coffee in an effort create demand for his services

Not that it translates well as a metaphor, but my dentist took me out to lunch last month.

Come to think of it, a number of people court my business by taking me to sporting events, buying me drinks, taking me to dinner on a fairly regular basis. Quite often I am given extras and comps to encourage my continued consumer loyalty.

I don't really expect this from my sex providers, but I am thinking that maybe London's point was not as great as you think it was.

The reality is, she is wrong. In this economy businesses are doing everything they can to get a client's dollar and even more important their return dollars.

That notion will probably offend most ladies, so I will stop it at that, but folks might want to rethink throwing something out there that sounds logical, but upon closer examination it might just backfire on them. Originally Posted by phatdaty
This notion comes up in variations anytime a "business model" thread starts. You've pointed out a contradiction some have in their logic. You compare similarities to common practices in other professions (dentistry, consulting, etc.) and the response is, "but escorting is different..."

Then 10 or so posts later the retort to someone's point is, "but this is a business...this is how I put food on the table..."
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  • Doove
  • 03-26-2011, 12:56 PM
This notion comes up in variations anytime a "business model" thread starts. You've pointed out a contradiction some have in their logic. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think WTF pretty much has it right. There is no right or wrong answer - similar to the "do you tip a provider" debate.

You compare similarities to common practices in other professions (dentistry, consulting, etc.) and the response is, "but escorting is different..."
And it is. Clearly, business practices in the escorting biz will never make it into advanced level text books.
I think there is a point being missed...

Uisng the example of the dentist. Ok, so he takes you for lunch...but what is he offering you during that time that he would offer you in his office? A clean/exam? Nope. He is not offering anything he would ordinarily charge for as a dentist. The problem with OTC time for escorts is they usually have a rate structure that includes dinner/sporting events/whatever floats your they avoid giving it away for free. It can lead to complications and ambiguity. Now if a good client of mine wanted to have lunch to utilize a skillset I have away from escorting then sure I'd give him some of my time. Why not? It's not like I offer consulting as part of my escort fees....

How much for a blow job and a new business plan?