Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So, what?

Every day in trials in this country one's mental state is being proven ... in fact it is MANDATORY in criminal trials, because the prosecution must prove some level of mental state for the defendant to be found guilty of a crime and they do it 99% of the time by circumstantial evidence (which is describing the actions and reactions) ...

the same applies to self-defense ... or protection of third-parties ... the defense must prove a "state of mind" in both actors in that scenario ...

It's easy for me to make the connection based on an UNEDITTED 911 recording ...

... as for your distorted version of the events ...

.."that therefore Zimmerman did not single out Martin because he was a tall black kid in a hoodie."

In REALITY ... Martin singled himself out ... by ... apparently being the only one walking around in the complex at night (there is no report of anyone else walking around in the vicinity at least .. or they would be a witness near the incident) AND he was wearing a "hoodie" ....

... if YOU cannot know what ZIMMERMAN was thinking ... and if you are correct ....

... then NEITHER YOU nor ANYONE ELSE can say Zimmerman had racial motives.

In my opinion based on listening to MANY 911 calls on recordings ... had Zimmerman been "singling out a Black man" ... he would have initially called in informing the dispatcher that there was a "Black guy" (or something similar) walking suspiciously through an apartment complex. He didn't do that. And the dispatcher had to ask him whether he were black or white. That is some evidence he wasn't "profiling" black people. (Note: from all that has been reported there was only Martin walking around.)

Identification of race to a dispatcher who will be DISPATCHING officers to a scene is critical for the efficient handling of the incident as the officer is arriving ... also critical is gender, hair color, cap/hood/hat cover, clothing, and shoes....height, weight, blah, blah. Otherwise the arriving officer would have NO CLUE who he was supposed to be contacting as the complainant and who the complainant was identifying as the actor that was behaving suspiciously ... and if upon arriving the officer saw someone running from the scene ... he would not know if that person was involved in the incident ... or just a scared bystander. ...

You mean they didn't teach you that in Graduate school?

"I am a white guy living in a predominantly white neighborhood and if I saw a person such as Martin in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, ..." and

IF you were a "black guy" living in a predominantly Black neighborhood and if YOU saw a person such as Zimmerman in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, ... you might do a double take also .... right? ..... or

IF you were a "black guy" living in a predominantly Black neighborhood and if YOU saw a WHITE person in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, ... you might do a double take also .... right? .... OR

IF you were a "black guy" living in a predominantly Black neighborhood and if YOU saw a BLACK person walking around in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, ... you might do a double take also .... right? ... BECAUSE ...

statistically (%) there is more Black on Black crime than Black on White crime or White on Black crime ... right?

You mean they didn't teach you that in Graduate school? Originally Posted by LexusLover
One thing graduate school taught me is that sooner or later I'd meet up with idiots like you who continually consider their OPINIONS superior to those of others.

I'm sure you're still pissed at me because in a different thread on a different subject I continually found errors and mistakes in several of your statements and not once could you find me factually incorrect. LIVE WITH IT MORON!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The real travesty is that the potential jurors are much more likely to have listened to the lies and distortions published by NBC, et al, and already made up their minds.
Any proof besides Zimmerman's statement he was still not in pursuit of Martian ? Bullies don't usually give up on their target. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I suspect any forensic evidence will allow the Court to re-live the entire occurrence. At least we would hope it does.

I personally do not have a dog in this fight, my whole contention is this was an unfortunate happening that escalated out of control that ended up in a death.

How it escaladed out of control is one of the major facts that the Court will have to determine. If it escaladed out of controle because Zimmerman confronted Travon Martin with gun in hand and said, (paraphrase), "hey boy, what are you doing in this neighborhood", then Zimmerman will be found guilty.

If it escaladed out of control because after the initial encounter, where no firearm was involved, Travon then jumped on Zimmerman and said, (paraphrase), "hey man, your getting ready to get you head pounded", then Zimmerman will in all likely hood be found not guilty.
LexusLover's Avatar
One thing graduate school taught me is that sooner or later I'd meet up with idiots like you who continually consider their OPINIONS superior to those of others. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
On this topic my opinion is superior to yours, and that is apparent from this response.

Which at this moment is all that matters to me, including your opinion of me.

But to say that I know more about this topic than you,...

... is frankly not saying much at all.

Just ask your wife while your cleaning her pool.
If Martin did not attack Zimmerman, he would be alive. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
If Zimmerman had minded his own business, Martin would still be alive....and Zimmerman wouldn't be facing a significant prison sentence. I bet Zimmerman wishes he had stayed home and watched TV that night instead of being out roaming the streets pretending he's a cop.

I don't subscribe to the notion that Martin deserved what he got because he smokes weed and had a picture of a pistol on his phone. I also don't subscribe to the notion that he deserved to get shot because he happened to be walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood. Bottom line is that Zimmerman should have been minding his own business. I haven't seen any evidence that Martin was doing anything wrong....walking through the neighborhood with some candy and a drink. Zimmerman initiated the confrontation and when it started going bad for him, he shoots Martin.

I predict a hung jury. I don't know what the racial make-up of the jury pool will be but the case will be won or lost during voir dire.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If Zimmerman had minded his own business, Martin would still be alive....and Zimmerman wouldn't be facing a significant prison sentence. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah, Little Timmy, you're just like one of those "civic" Londoners who watched that soldier get hacked to death last week: they all stood by and "minded their own business" while the soldier died.
Budman's Avatar
All of you libs that are defending Martin and convicting Zimmerman are way off base. Martin did not get shot because he was walking thru the neighborhood drinking a soda and eating a candy bar. He got shot because he started beating the shit out of Zimmerman. He could have just kept on walking and told Zimmerman to fuck off. Instead he decided to resort to a physical confrontation. That is why he got shot.
Yeah, Little Timmy, you're just like one of those "civic" Londoners who watched that soldier get hacked to death last week: they all stood by and "minded their own business" while the soldier died. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Good analogy.
All of you libs that are defending Martin and convicting Zimmerman are way off base. Martin did not get shot because he was walking thru the neighborhood drinking a soda and eating a candy bar. He got shot because he started beating the shit out of Zimmerman. He could have just kept on walking and told Zimmerman to fuck off. Instead he decided to resort to a physical confrontation. That is why he got shot. Originally Posted by Budman

What do you not get? Isn't it also absolutely correct that if Zimmerman had simply minded his own business, none of this would have occurred? There is not one iota of evidence that Martin was doing anything wrong....he was walking through the neighborhood. That, of course, is the whole reason that him smoking weed, sending texts and having a photo of a gun on his cell phone have become important to the Zimmerman try to create some sort of justification for him getting shot to death while he was walking through Zimmerman's neighorhood. He was a black, weed-smoking, gun-loving thug. Right?
Budman's Avatar
Zimmerman had every right to ask him what he was doing. Martin had every right to tell him to fuck off. He did not have the right to beat his ass. You seem to think that just because someone ask you a question you don't like it is a green light to kick his ass. That is some fucked up logic.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Kitty Genovese-- nothing to see here, nothing to get yourself involved in, nothing for you to do

Budman is right. I do have a right (just like Zimmerman) to ask someone who they are doing in my neighborhood if I think they are suspicious. Martin has a right to be snotty but only that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Good analogy. Originally Posted by timpage
+1 Your analysis is correct, even though your sincerity -- like your intellect -- is obviously always in question, Little Timmy.

Zimmerman had every right to ask him what he was doing. Martin had every right to tell him to fuck off. He did not have the right to beat his ass. You seem to think that just because someone ask you a question you don't like it is a green light to kick his ass. That is some fucked up logic. Originally Posted by Budman
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
On this topic my opinion is superior to yours, and that is apparent from this response.

Which at this moment is all that matters to me, including your opinion of me.

But to say that I know more about this topic than you,...

... is frankly not saying much at all.

Just ask your wife while your cleaning her pool. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As I've said to you before, which you are obviously too ignorant to understand, true opinions are neither right nor wrong. If they are based on faulty information then they can be wrong. So if you can find any of my OPINIONS that are based on faulty information, let me know. You've never been able to do so in the past.

I could go into detail on your original response to me and highlight your incorrect statements that you made concerning my post, but I'll allow you to go ahead and consider yourself superior to me in any way you feel fit to do so.

And I would appreciate you not making any comments at all at any time about my wife.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Zimmerman had every right to ask him what he was doing. Martin had every right to tell him to fuck off. He did not have the right to beat his ass. You seem to think that just because someone ask you a question you don't like it is a green light to kick his ass. That is some fucked up logic. Originally Posted by Budman
If I am walking down the street in your neighborhood, you can certainly ask me what I am doing there. And it is my legal right to ignore you. I agree that Martin should have kept on walking. But the point many of us are making is that we do not know for certain what transpired between Martin and Zimmerman when they met face-to-face. Hopefully that will come out in the trail and if Zimmerman is found not guilty based on the evidence, I for one will certainly accept the jury's verdict.
Right wingers will use any means possible to justify a black kid (good or bad) getting shot. I honestly think if the Z man was unarmed he would have done what the 911 operator recommended and kept his nosey ass in the car and let law enforcement sort it out.