Anyone try the VR Star Wars secret of the empire at cinemark plano?
$30 a ticket. Worth it? Originally Posted by dallasfan
Yes. I think so. I am not sure I would do Star Wars again but they are supposed to have ghost busters soon and I may try it
Watched Bohemian Rhapsody last night....i liked it but honestly the prosthetic Rami Malik wore made him seem like an actor wearing obvious fake fangs to play Dracula....I enjoyed A Star is Born much much more...I thought A Star is Born was birder line awful. Very dull movie.
Been binge watching a show called Counterpart with J.K. Simmons....outfuckingstanding Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
Thanks for the suggestion. I watched all 10 episodes the past couple of days and really enjoyed it. If you have Netflix, check out Hinterland and Shetlands.Just finish watching all 10 Episodes of Season 2 of the Icelandic seriesOriginally Posted by CG2014
Ófærð aka Trapped
What an intelligent. riveting, thrilling, white-knuckle suspenseful show with so many twists and turns you will never see coming:
how many secrets can a small town have and how were they able to keep them all a secret for 20 years???
Season 3 is already in the works.
Why can't American TV make shows like this???
The Chinese love American movies and even if it's a sucky movie, they will flock to the theaters by the millions of people to see it. Originally Posted by CG2014The Chinese, especially the younger generation, seem to love all things Western. You see young people wearing all kinds of clothing with English writing, and sometimes I'm pretty sure they don't really understand the meaning.
China is beating India and the USA in making movies. They have so many movie studios there like we have 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Universal, Disney and so on.They have a lot of experience at making movie-like video. A lot of Chinese TV is what we would think of as a very long mini-series, mostly drama that runs for 30 episodes or so. A lot of them that I have seen seem to be very well done. There are many of them running on TV in original release or sometimes reruns, and many more available online.
But many of their production lots for just one studio are the size of a city. Originally Posted by CG2014
is any technique in a narrative used to move the plot forward. A contrived or arbitrary plot device may annoy or confuse the reader, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief. However a well-crafted plot device, or one that emerges naturally from the setting or characters of the story, may be entirely accepted, or may even be unnoticed by the audience. (source: WIKI)The first half of the movie begins with Celeste (Natalie Portman) being born in 1986.
"Prepare to be Vowed"I was not Vowed one bit. I was bored while at the same time I was puzzled.