LexusLover's Avatar
More irrelevant pictures from our chief irrelevant idiot.... Originally Posted by shanm
If I were your "chief" ... you'd be gone long ago!!!

Who is the IDIOT that posted this?

"Not to mention that most railroad accidents happen on the surface, which makes them easy to clean up. Pipeline accidents, on the other hand, seep inside the ground (and very often) into lakes and other bodies of water. Remember the spills in the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers?"

Here's another pipeline picture!!!!

  • shanm
  • 05-11-2015, 12:14 PM
Who is the IDIOT that posted this? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The keystone pipeline is touted to be built almost 4 feet under the ground, you retrograde idiot. Or do you think they'll have a 1000 mile stretch of pipe running above ground across half our country?

The pipeline will be buried about four feet beneath the ground and require a 50-foot permanent right of way along its entire course.

Keep posting your irrelevant pictures you knuckle-dragging retard.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=shanm;1056707338]Not to mention that most railroad accidents happen on the surface, which makes them easy to clean up. Pipeline accidents, on the other hand, seep inside the ground (and very often) into lakes and other bodies of water. Remember the spills in the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers?

The keystone pipeline is touted to be built almost 4 feet under the ground, .... Originally Posted by shanm

See below ..... You are nothing but a little loud mouth twerp.
  • shanm
  • 05-11-2015, 01:27 PM

See below ..... You are nothing but a little loud mouth twerp. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Didn't bother to read the link did ya ya "little loud mouth twerp"?

Once again, you've been caught shooting your mouth off without actually saying anything substantive or anything even halfway-true. One wonders what it would take for you to shut the fuck up.

Another thing you missed. The word "undetected". A railroad accident is immediately discovered. A pipeline accident, not quite as quickly.
I'm still waiting for you (well not you, you're too stupid) to refute the effect of pipeline oil spills in rivers and aquifers, whether they be above ground or below *cough* the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers *cough*.

Another irrelevant picture, of perhaps a train barreling through lake Michigan, will suffice.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't bother to read the link .... Originally Posted by shanm
You are actually going to provide another opportunity to show just how utterly devoid of intelligence you are? You are well beyond STUPID. No wonder you can't get a job.

"Pipelines have been used to transport American natural gas or oil, including from Canada to the United States, for three quarters of a century. Almost 500,000 miles of interstate pipeline crisscross America, carrying crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. This extensive and operational infrastructure network is heavily regulated by the Department of Transportation, which monitors the very issues central to the Keystone controversy: safety and reliability."

  • shanm
  • 05-11-2015, 02:02 PM
You are actually going to provide another opportunity to show just how utterly devoid of intelligence you are? You are well beyond STUPID. No wonder you can't get a job. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lmao lexie, keep posting away. Maybe, if you bury it under a hundred more posts, no one will click back a few pages to see how utterly fucking moronic you are.
  • shanm
  • 05-11-2015, 02:29 PM
You are actually going to provide another opportunity to show just how utterly devoid of intelligence you are? You are well beyond STUPID. No wonder you can't get a job.

"Pipelines have been used to transport American natural gas or oil, including from Canada to the United States, for three quarters of a century. Almost 500,000 miles of interstate pipeline crisscross America, carrying crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. This extensive and operational infrastructure network is heavily regulated by the Department of Transportation, which monitors the very issues central to the Keystone controversy: safety and reliability."
http://www.manhattan-institute.org/h...m#.VVEK8o5VhBd Originally Posted by LexusLover

I'll just post this again so you can mix and match which one of my points you actually countered with your moronic irrelevant pictures.

Listen, I'm as glad as anyone that you can do 5th grade algebra, shows we haven't been completely wasting our time trying to knock some sense into your thick head.
BUT, once again, you are being deliberately ignorant just to find a way to prove your point. Think about it this way. Which one is harder to control, 6 separate, easily detectable oil railroad accidents, or 1 pipeline accident in ONE location that goes undetected and spills 3 times the load inside the ground or even a lake? My hope is that if you can do 5th grade algebra, this one shouldn't be so hard to figure out.

Not to mention that most railroad accidents happen on the surface, which makes them easy to clean up. Pipeline accidents, on the other hand, seep inside the ground (and very often) into lakes and other bodies of water. Remember the spills in the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers?

Look, just take a minute and be honest with yourself. You know that republitards don't give a shit about the environment. Remember when that half-wit senator brought in a snowball to prove that global warming doesn't exist? Yeah. It's fine if you don't believe in climate change, but to completely ignore that there even might be a problem, especially after all the science and research backs it up, well...that's just fucking dishonest and I'm sure you know that.
It's also perfectly fine if you want to delude yourself into thinking that repubtards care about the environment, but if you want to prove that pipelines are somehow "better for the environment", you better come up with something more substantive than the crock-of-shit you just posted. Originally Posted by shanm
He's a fucking moron. He keeps posting pretty pictures of above-ground pipelines, which we've already said won't be the keystone, as it goes UNDERGROUND. He's too fucking dumb to breathe in and out.
He's a fucking moron. He keeps posting pretty pictures of above-ground pipelines, which we've already said won't be the keystone, as it goes UNDERGROUND. He's too fucking dumb to breathe in and out. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Here's a pretty picture for you ThugLuver/BabyKiller, Hope you like it...

And that video you requested, Thanks!

lustylad's Avatar
You're incorrect again. Not only that, you've fallen into my little trap. You've been handed your ass so many times, it must be embarrassing. You gave up on proving god, I guess. Since that was a losing proposition that even Aquinas couldn't manage. And you sir, are no Thomas Aquinas.

That little equation of yours has only been the case for the last four years, since the economics allowed the tar sands to be a viable source of oil. 30 years previous, it was not the case and trains were quite safe. So suck on all that dick, you buffoon. You've been grubered, you odumbo sodomite. You've lied and misrepresented those numbers as having always been true and they weren't. I knew you couldn't pass up showing everyone what a big man you were and you fell right into my trap you gruberized odumbo cum-guzzling cocktard.

Go build the Golden Gate Bridge and SHOVE it up your ass. Everyone has seen you for the lying and misrepresenting turd that you are. A feckless turd that not even the toilet bowl would take without recoiling in horror. You have misrepresented and lied about the safety of transporting oil by rail. For 30 plus years, it was safe. Until greed and incompetence took over. Greed on the part of your republitard kin. They can almost taste the money flowing in through that pipeline, the environment be goddamned. Right dickhole? Originally Posted by WombRaider

Daayyuumm! This is jolly good fun! I get to hand you your ass over and over and over again on the same point – and you keep coming back for more! Doesn't your reamed-out libtarded butthole deserve a rest? Aren't you worried about running out of lube? You obviously have a strong masochistic streak because you sure do enjoy being intellectually molested and humiliated! So bend over again, undercunt. Close your eyes, clench your teeth, here we go.... Let's start with your brilliant original post:

Not to mention, the myth of pipelines being safer, it's bullshit:

The International Energy Agency’s eight-year analysis of oil spills found the risk of a spill is six times higher for rail than pipeline shipments, but a pipeline accident spills three times as much oil as a rail shipment. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I didn't cherry-pick the IEA's eight-year analysis to make a point. YOU DID. I didn't pick an eight-year analysis (as opposed to say, a 30-year study) thinking it was a fair sampling of the available data. YOU DID. With incredible carelessness and stupidity, YOU picked it as evidence, not me. YOU didn't even notice it refuted your argument. YOU stupidly thought it supported you. YOU got caught with your pants down - again! Now YOU are so desperate you are flip-flopping and asking us to reject YOUR OWN CHERRY-PICKED STUDY for not covering a long enough timeframe. Then why did YOU fucking use it in the first place, you dipshit moron? Hahahaha.... good one, undercunt! You are the laughingstock of eccie!

The only trap you set here was for yourself, you lying libtarded grubered freelance cocksucking faggot from Arkansas! And yes, you fell right into your own little trap. You've been hoisted with your own petard. Well done, jackass! Now run along and order more lube, you're running out, you self-loathing masochistic fraud!

Daayyuumm! This is jolly good fun! I get to hand you your ass over and over and over again on the same point – and you keep coming back for more! Doesn't your reamed-out libtard butthole deserve a rest? Aren't you worried about running out of lube? You obviously have a strong masochistic streak because you sure do enjoy being intellectually molested and humiliated! So bend over again, undercunt. Close your eyes, clench your teeth, here we go.... Let's start with your brilliant original post:

I didn't cherry-pick the IEA's eight-year analysis to make a point. YOU DID. I didn't pick an eight-year analysis (as opposed to say, a 30-year study) thinking it was a fair and representative sampling of the available data. YOU DID. With incredible carelessness and stupidity, YOU picked it as evidence, not me. YOU didn't even notice it refuted your argument. YOU stupidly thought it supported you. YOU got caught with your pants down - again! Now YOU are so desperate you are flip-flopping and asking us to reject YOUR OWN CHERRY-PICKED STUDY for not covering a long enough timeframe. Then why did YOU fucking use it in the first place, you dipshit moron? Hahahaha.... good one, undercunt! You are the laughingstock of eccie!

The only trap you set here was for yourself, you lying libtarded grubered freelance cocksucking faggot from Arkansas! And yes, you fell right into your own little trap. You've been hoisted with your own petard. Well done, jackass! Now run along and order more lube, you're running out, you self-loathing masochistic fraud!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Bullshit. You figured your little problem based on the numbers I gave you, without bothering to check them for yourself and see what span of time they were based on. You are the gruberized sodomite who ate exactly what I put on your plate. Lap up that shit, you cum-guzzling queen. What's for desert? How about the white rain of a thousand ropey loads. I used it in the first place, because I knew the 30 year figures supported my contention, but in order to fuck you in the face, I had to get you to use the 4 year numbers, which you did. You were played like a motherfucking fiddle, you cocktard odumbo minion. Take your reamed out ass and limp back to your cave and let IB console you with his tongue up your ass.
lustylad's Avatar
Bullshit. You figured your little problem based on the numbers I gave you, without bothering to check them for yourself and see what span of time they were based on. You are the gruberized sodomite who ate exactly what I put on your plate. Lap up that shit, you cum-guzzling queen. What's for desert? How about the white rain of a thousand ropey loads. I used it in the first place, because I knew the 30 year figures supported my contention, but in order to fuck you in the face, I had to get you to use the 4 year numbers, which you did. You were played like a motherfucking fiddle, you cocktard odumbo minion. Take your reamed out ass and limp back to your cave and let IB console you with his tongue up your ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hahahaha.... Now you're so throughly beaten up and desperate to save face you reach for your worn-out scoundrel's crutch and pretend you fucked up deliberately! Hahahaha.... good one, undercunt! You're as predictable as a cornered rat. Once again, you are proving to be an endless source of laughs, mirth and ridicule! You're jolly good fun, undercunt, jolly good fun!

Hahahaha.... Now you're so throughly beaten up and desperate to save face you reach for your worn-out scoundrel's crutch and pretend you fucked up deliberately! Hahahaha.... good one, undercunt! You're as predictable as a cornered rat. Once again, you are proving to be an endless source of laughs, mirth and ridicule! You're jolly good fun, undercunt, jolly good fun!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Jolly good? What the fuck. Are you british now? Mirth? Whatever. Anyone with one eye and half sense can see what a profound fuckup you've made of this. Your first mistake was trying to argue the position that republicans actually care about the environment and then using the pipeline to illustrate this fallacy. Yes, I'm sure it's the environment and not the increased flow of crude, leading to an increased lining of pockets. Get real.

lustylad's Avatar
Your first mistake was trying to argue the position that republicans actually care about the environment and then using the pipeline to illustrate this fallacy. Yes, I'm sure it's the environment and not the increased flow of crude, leading to an increased lining of pockets. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Just what does your feckless messiah Odumbo care about, cocksucker? Jobs and infrastructure for American workers? Or collecting $100 million in political slush money from Tom Steyer? Odumbo is just like you, undercunt - a wimpy, convictionless congenital liar who took 7 years to make up his mind about a fucking pipeline! What a wonderful stand-up guy! The fucker could have told us where he stood back in 2009! Let's not forget your hero and role model voted "present" 129 times as an Illinois state senator! Dat boy really knows what he believes in!

Just what does your feckless messiah Odumbo care about, cocksucker? Jobs and infrastructure for American workers? Or collecting $100 million in political slush money from Tom Steyer? Odumbo is just like you, undercunt - a wimpy, convictionless congenital liar who took 7 years to make up his mind about a fucking pipeline! What a wonderful stand-up guy! The fucker could have told us where he stood back in 2009! Let's not forget your hero and role model voted "present" 129 times as an Illinois state senator! Dat boy really knows what he believes in!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Perhaps you don't change your mind once in 7 years, but then no one's ever accused you of being a thinker. Also, check your math. 2009 and 7 is 2016. This is just 2015. I guess in your excited state, you added a year. Not everyone has an opinion on everything, like you. Even on things you know nothing about. I'm still waiting on you to prove god exists. You won't touch that, will you?

You know what your tiny, feeble and overworked mind will allow to seep through the cracks. He has reached the pinnacle. He's POTUS. What have you done? Not a goddamn thing of note. No one will remember you, or care when you leave.