Sayin No AA in Ads is somewhat offensive

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Strike a nerve, did I?

Let me clue you in...
You have no clue about me, my ass, or how many reviews I have..

I'll take that as a no, then. You don't have any pride. You'd rather sit on a whore board like a whiny bitch wondering why some white girls don't want to suck your two toned dick, then when a sister chimes in that's your response. You, and all like you, are pathetic as fuck AND A DISGRACE TO YOUR OWN RACE. I slap bitch ass ni**as like you on a consistent basis, just for being one. Grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Check my history and resume/reviews every lady I seen looks 10 X's better than you- even the ladies I gave NO reviews.
Also, show me one post where I complained about a white girl not seeing me- FYI I have seen 3 ladies who have NBA policy- must say something about me if they break their own rule huh?
Did you mention I am a disgrace to my race? Hmmmm, 3 degrees, one of them a doctorate- own home, nice car all done legally and there's a few ladies who have posted in this forum who can verify what I just mentioned.
You said you slap " bitch ass ni**as like me? Good job of helping to support the common stereotype of a angry Black woman. Anyone reading your post could tell you are a classless low level provider- who can't even debate without using profanity or promoting violence.
However, work on getting more clients- 2 reviews in 8 months it's pretty darn pathetic. If you were to post NBA in your ads - AA guys would laugh because honestly from your looks no AA guy would lose sleep or give a rat's ass if you didn't see them- honestly I think you would be a plan D, E, or F for most white men. So please stop trying to speak for the AA sisters because you are not on that level. I digress!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Well this thread went stupid fast. Ladies if you don't want to see AA then thats your choice. Pimps reading this, if you don't want your ladies to see AA thats your choice. At the end of the day my money is still green and I'm still paying the same rate that the next guy is. If you choose to pass up my $ then some other willing AA friendly lady will gladly take it. For those of you that are AA "curious" here are a few tips that might help you decide if AA applicant X is right for you.

1) Screen! There was a lady on here a while back in Dallas that had an no AA policy but decided to lift it. Instead of making her first AA client someone trusted and well known she decided to see some nobody without premium access. Despite my inquiries to her about setting up an appointment, she decided to see that dumb ass and ignore my PM's. Needless to say the session with that guy went south and she put up an alert, and went back to being NBA. Whoever that asshole was....thanks.

2) look at the reviews. Kind of piggybacking off point 1. If AA X has been with other white women he's probably safe. I personally don't give a fuck what color you are as long as you look good and you have a decent menu. I've been with black, white, Hispanic an Asian women, 70ish reviews an P411--but yet you won't see me? What kind of logic is that? Also if you are using BP and seeing AA men from there verses seeing established AA men from ECCIE thats your own fault for getting burned...

3) Prepare: Yes I'm dick is just as long as most white men. Only difference between me and a white guy is maybe I have I little more stroke in my poke. You have to come into the situation with an open mind. Don't say you don't like AA if you have never even tried are just ASSuming you don't. And please stop with this "I had a bad experience" excuses. I used to hate squash once upon a time but I tried it again and I love it..key is it had to be presented properly. (see topic 6)

4) Educate yourself: Not every black man is a pimp trying to recruit you. Some of us just like to fuck. Yeah we AA may tend to be "aggressive" at times...its called a struggle. We have had to work our way up the ladder of success and really don't need to be interrogated when I'm trying to PAY YOU to FUCK ME. All this, send me a picture and how old are you BS isn't screening, its over kill. you don't do that with white clients, don't do it with us. (especially the established ones on ECCIE). We come in all different shapes, sizes and attitudes...but so does everyone else right?

5) Stop listening to BS stereotypes. Not all black men are sporting 10-12 inches of rock solid cock ready to split you in two. We don't all have STD's and felonies. I would go on a limb and say that most "established" AA men here on ECCIE have decent jobs and educations. I mean we can afford to pay you right? If we couldn't conduct ourselves properly in the real world then we would't be able to afford all the sessions that we have written reviews for on ECCIE right?

6) this one if for my AA brothers out there. Stop fucking it up for the rest of us. You can't go into a session with a girl smelling like ass, not groomed, and feeding into the stereotype. Show up looking decent....fuck that, look amazing. You are representing a race so be an ambassador for the shit. Anytime I have seen a person outside my race I have had no problem letting her know who she can trust in the hobby that are AA. Some of you mofos on here have benefited from that shit because those ladies have asked me about you before they set up an appointment with you. ;-)

7) last but not least...ladies. its perfectly okay for you put on a front for these racist white guys on here. I don't even mind. Last thing I want to do is fuck up YOUR money. I know some of these guys wont see you if you see a man of color but the joke is on them because we know you do or we know you have. Next time an AA guy sends you a PM and tries to set up an appointment don't say no immediately. Look at his post, look at his reviews, contact a few ladies he has seen recently. YOU DON'T NEED OUR PERMISSION TO SCREEN US. Its fairly easy to do. You don't want us to write a review...that's cool but we are going to recommend you to some of other AA partners out there. Its a win win for everyone. We get to see you, you get paid and secretly build an AA clientele, and those racist guys on her will never know.

Come on ladies...Hobby smarter and harder. This shit is simple and everyone on here complicates it because of their stupid ass racist views. 15 pages of dumb shit...White women and black men, White men and black men, black women on black men and I'm sure in PM white men on white women. Everyone needs to get over themselves. This is a business for the ladies and guys its a fantasy for us. Pay for your session, pull up your pants and take your asses home.

I'm done with this thread. Any one that want to respond to me directly about anything I said here, PM me DIRECTLY. I'm not stopping in here again this shit is toxic. Originally Posted by txboi817
Well said me brother - well said!!!!!
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
Dayum....if TXBOI's thread didn't make this a wrap, I don't know what thread someone trying to build some ECCIE credit, appreciate it.
Oh man, this post and others like it are getting very tiresome.

It's not about fuckin' racism but self preservation. Like it or not, these ladies have to "profile" the clients. This is no place for racism but definitely no place for political correctness. You expect the ladies to do background checks and get medical records on clients? It's a fucking fact. Young AA males are high risk. The ladies take heavy risk taking on a young AA client when you look at the numbers. STOP BITCHING ABOUT THE LADIES making self preservation decisions.

Let the ladies alone, will ya!!! It's got to be tough enough. Let them manage their affairs how they see fit to keep themselves safe.

There are plenty of ladies who are willing to take the risk. Fuck them! And STOP FUCKING WHINING ABOUT RACISM! IT'S GETTING REALLY FUCKING OLD!!!!!!
You know how it goes, we all fit the description. Or shall I say.
U no how it goe we awl da same
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh man, this post and others like it are getting very tiresome.

It's not about fuckin' racism but self preservation. Like it or not, these ladies have to "profile" the clients. This is no place for racism but definitely no place for political correctness. You expect the ladies to do background checks and get medical records on clients? It's a fucking fact. Young AA males are high risk. The ladies take heavy risk taking on a young AA client when you look at the numbers. STOP BITCHING ABOUT THE LADIES making self preservation decisions.

Let the ladies alone, will ya!!! It's got to be tough enough. Let them manage their affairs how they see fit to keep themselves safe.

There are plenty of ladies who are willing to take the risk. Fuck them! And STOP FUCKING WHINING ABOUT RACISM! IT'S GETTING REALLY FUCKING OLD!!!!!! Originally Posted by Muscleup
Really- get off the steroids man- can you back up your claim and not a 15 year old report that you posted in another thread that made you look silly- here's the stats that show in this country White men 30 and up are responsible for 52 % of rapes-
So produce your stats showing young AA are high risk or basically STFU!!! Also, if you were to take a poll of AA's who hobby I am almost certain they wouldn't fit the mold of young AA's- do you think the avg AA male on this site is 18 to 21???? I would assure you tht the average AA who hobby's is >40- so are they at a risk too?

You don't have the right to tell a group of people to stop whining about racism if you don't share our experience. It doesn't matter if it get's old to you, you're not black so don't tell us how to feel or react.
JennerJammer's Avatar
Racism has no place in a public forum.

When i see "No AA" in ads it means that no matter how educated, nice, respectfull, courteous or genteel that I am I will never be as acceptable as a dope addicted, drunken, woman beating person of other ethnic groups because i'm AA.

Can we limit this preferance to private screening in lieu of placing it in the disney daylight like the euro version of the little mermaid showing both surf and turf tits.

I really dont need to be reminded that because i'm black i'll never be good enuf for some people.

The argument that providers have the right to put whatever they want in their showcases and ads here is simply wrong.

Placing an ad is not a right, its a privilege.
It is granted by the owners of eccie to facilitate commerce in this profession and eccie has the Right to moderate the contents of those ads using standards.

At the very least we can use that privilege to support interethnic courtesy rather than continue to proactively promote exclusionary practices that keep us divided as a nation.

Keep yer racism out of the public view. It makes eccie appear as if its supporting it.

Nobody needs to be reminded that you think they aren't good enuf because of their skin color.

Keep it in your screening process. Saying "No AA" is not the same as saying "No 'N_ggers" but its pretty damn close. Originally Posted by JuspenDover
Oversensitive pansy crap. Cry me a river.
You don't have the right to tell a group of people to stop whining about racism if you don't share our experience. It doesn't matter if it get's old to you, you're not black so don't tell us how to feel or react.[/QUOTE]

Just look at this post. He is telling everyone the black experience have to be respected but screw the experiences of the provider. Nobody has to respect that. They are knocked for reacting to their experiences. How many times have we seen this?
Well...can't the provider get to know the man before she sees him to feel at ease? Besides you even implied yourself multiple times that ANY black man (including myself) can be a thug due to stats, etc. So this scenario can apply. I'm sure in your disgusting personal life you view anybody black as a thug. Originally Posted by BlackJedi
LOL. Yeah provider are going to start spending time getting to know clients before they meet for 30 minutes. LOL.

Anyone black or white can be a thug. Just the FACT is if you meet a strange black then the chances are greater that he will be a thug then if you meet a strange white guy. Its really pretty simple and you are really starting to sound like a moron for not getting that. Also once again you left out preference. Some providers just might not be attracted to black men. That's ok., that's not evil.

My disgusting life? So knowing there is a huge problem with a staggering percentage of blacks and understanding why some providers would have a no AA policy makes me disgusting? Talk about PC bullshit. are not attracted to black woman? Gee...what a surprise? Since you feel any black man can potentially be a thug God only knows what you think about black woman.

Rough hands and feet off black people? LOL. Anybody can have rough hands and feet. I've seen woman soles who look like they been used as stopping brakes. And they weren't black woman either. You are something else.... Originally Posted by BlackJedi

I told him what some people have told me for why they are not attracted to blacks and he transfer it as a knock on me..This idiot can't grasp anything.

. Yeah we AA may tend to be "aggressive" at times...
. . Originally Posted by txboi817

Did everyone see this? This is exactly what a lot of providers complain about.
Really- get off the steroids man- can you back up your claim and not a 15 year old report that you posted in another thread that made you look silly- here's the stats that show in this country White men 30 and up are responsible for 52 % of rapes-
So produce your stats showing young AA are high risk or basically STFU!!! Also, if you were to take a poll of AA's who hobby I am almost certain they wouldn't fit the mold of young AA's- do you think the avg AA male on this site is 18 to 21???? I would assure you tht the average AA who hobby's is >40- so are they at a risk too? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Why are you limiting this to rape stats? And why are you lever limiting this to crime stats period. A lot of providers have complained that aggressive and disrespectful. Are you saying you haven't notice that as a rule blacks are more aggressive and disrespectful?
You don't have the right to tell a group of people to stop whining about racism if you don't share our experience. It doesn't matter if it get's old to you, you're not black so don't tell us how to feel or react. Originally Posted by brianjackson

Just look at this post. He is telling everyone the black experience have to be respected but screw the experiences of the provider. Nobody has to respect that. They are knocked for reacting to their experiences. How many times have we seen this?[/QUOTE]

Once again you can't tell us how to feel or react to racism. I didn't say nothing about screw the providers experiences.
George N Powell's Avatar
Providers are offended by robbery, rape, theft, beatings, haggling, and bad hygiene. Thats why it says no AA. You can only burn your hand on the stove so many times before you learn your lesson.

Sure....other people of other races cause trouble here and there. But compared to blacks? ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE. Thats the honest truth. You probably are well aware of this, you just wont admit it. If you dont like it, blame the criminals and the ones causing the problems, not their would be victims.

Black pimps(and any business owner) know this too, that blacks can be extremely troublesome. But prostitution is a business where you can still get away with being able to avoid troublesome customers.