Biden Administration to distribute 400 Million N95 masks for free

  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 06:31 AM
Nothing like an ignorant, internet shrink! "Paranoia"?

Aren't you the one who has taken the vaccine et al and masked up?

Of what are you afraid? Death? Perhaps you should be then!

FYI: The only ones in this country who are "paranoid" or those letting the government stick shit in the arms and cover their faces the sheep they are! A long, long time ago in this country a group of people died to stop a King from ordering them around and controlling their lives ... while sopping up on their production so the King and his "men" could live "high on the hog" .... sound familiar? It's happening all around you. Grow up child. But while doing so please keep your face covered with a mask. I'm ashamed of you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
First you compare people who choose to mask up and get vaccinated to Jews in Germany. Presumably you mean we’re docile sheep headed to the gas chambers. Now you’ve come up with some kind of an analogy about the revolutionary war. Please note that Washington made his men get variolated (vaccinated) for small pox. They didn’t have a choice. Several percent died from the variolations. Nobody in the USA had to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Yes some who work for airlines and the like may have had to choose between vaccination and their jobs, but they had a choice.

I’ve never had to present my vaccine card in the USA. I haven’t had to wear a mask where I live in over a year and a half. Yes, from where I’m sitting you’re overly paranoid about this.
bambino's Avatar
First you compare people who choose to mask up and get vaccinated to Jews in Germany. Presumably you mean we’re docile sheep headed to the gas chambers. Now you’ve come up with some kind of an analogy about the revolutionary war. Please note that Washington made his men get variolated (vaccinated) for small pox. They didn’t have a choice. Several percent died from the variolations. Nobody in the USA had to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Yes some who work for airlines and the like may have had to choose between vaccination and their jobs, but they had a choice. Originally Posted by Tiny
“They had a choice”. Get vaccinated or lose your job/career. Wow, what a choice!!!!!! Tryrants never give you much of a choice. That’s like the Nazis saying, “get in the shower or we’ll shoot you.” Well, that’s why industries from Air travel, Trucking, HC workers and the Military are under staffed. That effects everyone’s lives. Countries like the UK, Scotland and Denmark have ended all mandates. As Denmark said, return to normal life before Covid. Time for the US to do the same. You can get shot #4 and wear your N95s. Knock yourself out.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yesterday I was in the gym and I was talking with a friend who had just been talking with a woman who frequents the gym. He hadn't seen her in a while and asked where she had been. She said her father caught Covid in December and died in January. Unvaccinated.

Last Sunday in our church Sunday school class during prayer time, a woman asked for prayers for one of our members who just lost a second son to Covid. Vaccination status was not mentioned.

I understand that the anti-vaxxers deny the statistics which show that 90+% of those being hospitalized with Covid and/or dying from Covid are unvaccinated. However, I support the choice of anyone chooses to not be vaccinated.
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 07:20 AM
I support the choice of employers like airlines to tell employees to get vaccinated or take a hike. I guess I would have been a Nazi in Germany, supporting those who rounded up people and sent them to the “showers.”

At this point though, with most people vaccinated and/or previously infected, vaccine requirements don’t necessarily make a lot of sense. Employers are dropping vaccine requirements, as Bambino noted in a post in this thread.

This really isn’t much of an issue any more, unless you’re paranoid.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How are the masks “free”? Government only has money they confiscated off of productive people, so those people paid for them unless some mask company donated them out of the kindness of their heart, which I highly doubt.
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 09:20 AM
How are the masks “free”? Government only has money they confiscated off of productive people, so those people paid for them unless some mask company donated them out of the kindness of their heart, which I highly doubt. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The $5 trillion+ the politicians spent on COVID relief and stimulus will have to be confiscated off of productive people too. KN95 masks in large quantities cost less than $0.25 a piece. A stay in the hospital because of COVID may run between $20,000 and $400,000. We have to pay for that, through higher insurance premiums and taxes.

The 400 million mask thing will probably be a one shot deal, to help deal with Omicron. Considering government inefficiencies and they're distributing N95 masks instead of KN95 masks, I figure the cost may be around $500 million. Hedonist figures $2 billion+. Either way the cost is a drop in the bucket, compared to the $5 trillion.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
KN95 masks in large quantities cost less than $0.25 a piece. Originally Posted by Tiny
I know what you are saying but they are a little more expensive now. It's not a material amount though. It's just a little over a dollar a mask. I bought a 25 pack of KN95 masks for I believe $27.99 on Amazon a couple of weeks ago. It was funny that people were bitching in the reviews about the increase in cost now... I get your ~$500MM estimation. Fully landed, you have to add some more millions to the cost but close enough.

Anyway, I don't really see how these free masks help. People who are going to wear them are already wearing them, and those who refuse to do so will not. I get the message though from Biden - "just wear it and stop being stupid, you can get them for free."
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 10:08 AM
I know what you are saying but they are a little more expensive now. It's not a material amount though. It's just a little over a dollar a mask. I bought a 25 pack of KN95 masks for I believe $27.99 on Amazon a couple of weeks ago. It was funny that people were bitching in the reviews about the increase in cost now... I get your ~$500MM estimation. Fully landed, you have to add some more millions to the cost but close enough.

Anyway, I don't really see how these free masks help. People who are going to wear them are already wearing them, and those who refuse to do so will not. I get the message though from Biden - "just wear it and stop being stupid, you can get them for free." Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
By large quantities I meant, say, 100,000 masks.

Like I said earlier in the thread, Biden's a day late and a dollar short. If his administration had done this 9 months ago, he might have gotten some people used to the idea of wearing the more effective N95 and KN95 masks instead of the rinky dink ones. Regardless, if he'd gotten these out a few weeks ago, before the all time peak in number of hospitalizations we're experiencing right now, it could have been a great idea. You'd have people with effective masks laying around the house and maybe they'd use them.

Even though he's late to the party, I still believe the 400 million masks, as a one shot deal, is worth the money.

We'll probably be mostly through the Omicron wave in a few weeks. And then perhaps COVID won't be much more of a threat than the flu, as most of us will have some immunity from vaccines and infection. At that point, yes, more masks may be overkill. We need to keep a stockpile though, for new viruses and potentially for new variants.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Cost is secondary to the ridiculousness of spending any amount of money for a couple days use. If the government isn't going to provide masks "consistently" until the epidemic is over, it is just plain stupid in my opinion and demand will absolutely increase price.

And yeah, anybody not already wearing a mask, will more than likely not wear a "free" mask for 2-3 days.

It's all just so absurd. A drop in the bucket when the bucket is already overflowing, is to much.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Come on now Tiny. Do you realistically think it even matters when he got this out? Look at the highly misinformed people in this forum. Do you really think it would have made a difference if he got these masks out weeks or months ago?

  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 10:46 AM
Cost is secondary to the ridiculousness of spending any amount of money for a couple days use. If the government isn't going to provide masks "consistently" until the epidemic is over, it is just plain stupid in my opinion and demand will absolutely increase price.

And yeah, anybody not already wearing a mask, will more than likely not wear a "free" mask for 2-3 days.

It's all just so absurd. A drop in the bucket when the bucket is already overflowing, is to much. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I would wear an N95 for a couple of weeks in 2020, baking it in the oven to sterilize it. And the epidemic may be over in a matter of weeks, after which COVID may be endemic and less deadly. Omicron is fast providing immunity to the unvaccinated.
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 10:52 AM
Come on now Tiny. Do you realistically think it even matters when he got this out? Look at the highly misinformed people in this forum. Do you really think it would have made a difference if he got these masks out weeks or months ago?

You would have gotten a bang for your buck IMO just by getting some believers to use the more effective N95 and KN95 masks instead of single ply cloth masks. Some epidemiologist or immunologist early on in the epidemic said we would have gotten rid of COVID 19 if everyone had worn N95 masks everywhere, including in the home, for 2 or 3 weeks. Now that's probably not right, because you also would have had to cut off the USA from the rest of the world like China did. And then when the vaccines came along a lot of people wouldn't get them. But still smoothing this out so that the hospitals aren't overloaded is a good idea. And earlier on buying time by voluntarily masking up and social distancing until more people got vaccinated was a good idea.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You would have gotten a bang for your buck IMO just by getting some believers to use the more effective N95 and KN95 masks instead of single ply cloth masks. Some epidemiologist or immunologist early on in the epidemic said we would have gotten rid of COVID 19 if everyone had worn N95 masks everywhere, including in the home, for 2 or 3 weeks. Now that's probably not right, because you also would have had to cut off the USA from the rest of the world like China did. And then when the vaccines came along a lot of people wouldn't get them. But still smoothing this out so that the hospitals aren't overloaded is a good idea. And earlier on buying time by voluntarily masking up and social distancing until more people got vaccinated was a good idea. Originally Posted by Tiny

Maybe then, certainly not now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Yes some who work for airlines and the like may have had to choose between vaccination and their jobs, but they had a choice... Originally Posted by Tiny

Sounds like the George Floyd defense to me, where that pregnant lady turned over her money after Floyd knocked her to the ground and stuck a loaded gun to her belly and gave her a choice to hand over her money or have her and her baby killed. She had a choice too.
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2022, 02:35 PM
“They had a choice”. Get vaccinated or lose your job/career. Wow, what a choice!!!!!! Tryrants never give you much of a choice. That’s like the Nazis saying, “get in the shower or we’ll shoot you.” Well, that’s why industries from Air travel, Trucking, HC workers and the Military are under staffed. That effects everyone’s lives. Countries like the UK, Scotland and Denmark have ended all mandates. As Denmark said, return to normal life before Covid. Time for the US to do the same. You can get shot #4 and wear your N95s. Knock yourself out. Originally Posted by bambino
Sounds like the George Floyd defense to me, where that pregnant lady turned over her money after Floyd knocked her to the ground and stuck a loaded gun to her belly and gave her a choice to hand over her money or have her and her baby killed. She had a choice too. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Employers are begging for employees. If someone has to choose between getting vaccinated and losing his job, he won't have much trouble finding another one if he's willing to work.

There's a woman who works out in my gym named Mary Kay. She's one of the few who always wears a mask. She's in her 60's, and she's been on chemo for 15 years. Her immune system is depressed because of the drugs she's on.

Say she wants to go to a restaurant where the customers and employees are all vaccinated. Or maybe she wants to work in just such a restaurant. Well in Texas that's illegal. A business owner can't require customers or employees to be vaccinated. Texas has taken away the rights of employers, employees and customers to work, hire and shop as they wish. That's not right.

Do I think the feds should get involved? Well, no. Government should be closest to the people. But this is the case of a majority riding roughshod over the rights of a minority.