What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

discreetgent's Avatar
So true. Many ladies and gents on the board do a lot of traveling, the chances are that someone passing through a city will take the time to meet those they've befriended online. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I'm anti-social; wouldn't meet anyone willing to meet me (apologies to Groucho Marx)
Sisyphus's Avatar
YOU, are a very cheeky monkey
Naturally, that resonates well me with so I'm NOT complainin'...just sayin'

My sis had me in hysterics the other day when she used a term that has dropped completely out of my vocabulary set over the last 7 years.
I was asking her how she was managing with the heavy snow they have had in the North (of England) and she said, "Oh I've been fine. My car is the SNIZZLE in the snow!!"

I haven't used/heard that word since I moved here lol.
"Snizzle" of course being a northern colloquialism (sp?) for "great".

C xx Originally Posted by Camille
Your sis is Snoop Dogg?!?!?!?

Oh wait.... that's shizzle....

Never mind...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2010, 06:15 AM
I thought this was a thread about how good/bad one's smelt, not Snoop Dawg!
Not how good/bad one's smelt - I'd say how good/bad one's could get their points across without repeating themselves ad nauseum. I know the rule in marketing is three's, but if you repeat the same thing three times in one post multiplied by 10 posts you now have a log function. Thereby breaking all rules

And smelt fresh from Lake Superior and boiled makes a good feed, like a crawfish or shrimp boil
so i read this thru and found that HDHs are a myth indeed. As i once stated. no one that advertises as escort or charges between 300 and 500 $ an hour is a HDH in my eyes. The ones that state on their page that they have a somehow inflated sense of self and a superiourity complex (aka the elitists) are even less so :-).

True HDHs are celebrities of some sort and start at 10 000 per session. So the "me me me" is better than all the other escorts mentality i find somehow ridiculous.
Since Victorias Secret Angels hardly post here, or TRUE HDHS even rarely post on eros or advertise as escorts - i consider them to be a myth. In forums as such at least :-)...

here my post again i posted somewhere else on elitism because some seem to confuse bragging about qualities with what a HDH constitutes of (which is primarily the MONEY Factor and not the quality factor, since we are all of the same quality as humans)

as an old communist i believe that all people are the same "quality". Now some believe that there are hierarchies in people (aka different classes in citizenship ) for example that someone plays in league a and others play in league b. so league a is better than league b because -- hmmm--- they can afford gucci sunglasses or are harvard educated . or are white. or believe they "offer quality over quantity" (which means racism elitist because they must - implement to distinct themselves over people that offer "quality over quantity"....) it a word play. An elitist is a snob pretending that they are "the better " people out there. And someone that cannot afford gucci or has not studied at harvard is a worse class of person.

here it is more precise:

or simple snobism:

snobism might be most suitable for the "elite HDHs": "Such a snob idolizes and imitates, if possible, the manners, worldview, and lifestyle of a classification of people to which they aspire, but do not belong, and to which they may never belong (wealthy, famous, intellectual, beautiful, etc.)."

or simly a "limousine liberal":
or a"champaign socialist":

an escort who pretends to be better than some of her collegues and only caters to the elite or offers "quality over quantity" already judges her collegues as inferiour. Because stating that you "only cater to the elite" means that not everyone is elite. or that some are there who offer only quantity. which is judgemental. so i am especially rude to elitists. to show them i am better and offer more quality than them

that would make me a pluralist so to speak - the natural enemy of an elitist snob, a champaign socialist or even the term HDH:


or better yet an egalitarian who believes we are all of equal quality:

So for me:
a HDH is someone that CHARGE SIGNIFICANTLY more money than others because she can get away with it due to her status as MODEL/CELEBRITY/TV-HOSTESS.. I did not find anyone in that league here in that board. we are all in the same variety of providers. A few no names advertising between 300 and 500 an hour are no HDHs in my view
And the Victorias Secret Angels do usually not advertise here ... hehehehe
True HDHs are celebrities of some sort and start at 10 000 per session. Originally Posted by ninasastri
No POA is worth that. I admit some fucks are better than others, but none approaches that price range. After all, it's still just a fuck.

You can, of course, exceed that figure by getting married...or getting divorced.
so i read this thru and found that HDHs are a myth indeed. Originally Posted by ninasastri
HDH's are not a myth. We actually have a list of them around here somewhere. Say gang, where did we leave that list?
sure... but the ones who get paid that amount of money do so because they are celebrities not because they are fucks. I know for a fact that some women some hollywood starts "date" officially are also for sale. Just not that obvious. Note: Italy. Lago di Como. George? Ring bells? I mean THAT many italian filmactresses and NO ONE ever saw a movie with them?? Ha Ha. But they are good and they get their money. Those are the true HDHs.
HDH's are not a myth. We actually have a list of them around here somewhere. Say gang, where did we leave that list? Originally Posted by pjorourke

oh you mean the one with Paris Hilton and her friends on it? But she would never say she is a whore? So its a myth? Once you claim you are an escort you already are NOT a HDH anymore. sorry :-)
discreetgent's Avatar
HDH's are not a myth. We actually have a list of them around here somewhere. Say gang, where did we leave that list? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Becky posted in the last week or so that Edward ate it.
http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=22124&postcount=6 Originally Posted by pjorourke
+1 love it
and the difference between real HDHs (like the notorious filmactresses and models) is that they don`t NEED the money that is why they get it in the first place , plus they are connected with the right sources. Imagine fashion week in NYC ....boy do i wish i was a model :-)....

so there are people out there - incredibly rich ones - that get a kick out of buying such women (hypotetically that is- because i can`t really proof it - although word of mouth has it....) like others buy escorts.

So they can say "oh i fucked the latest VS model". Word of mouth has that too. But then again. I might be wrong (but i doubt it...;-))...)
But some women with inflated sense of self pretending to be ivy league educated and therefor superiour? Not really HDH quality in my opinion since the tricky thing with a HDH is
that she has to offer something BESIDE being fuckable and available to do.
Most of them DO have REAL careers (as opposed to imaginative ones and pretentious ones) and that is what makes them so intriguing.

They are not necessarily escorts. But sometimes available for screwing the right people if the $$ is right.

so a HDH is NOT an escort. They never are. Nor will anyone find them on eros or whatnot.
Rudyard K's Avatar
No POA is worth that. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I think that merits some discussion. What makes a POA worth this amount or that amount?
I think that merits some discussion. What makes a POA worth this amount or that amount? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Well there's an original idea.
I don't think we've ever explored that topic.