They do this now... they say what you can and can't do with property(zoning, etc.), we have to have tags on our car and we pay for that privilege, there are federal taxes on our cell phone bill and they also document our calls for us, how nice is that? They do all that and so much more. Where have you been? Originally Posted by UnderConstructionIt goes even beyond that, way beyond. Some day the government will have what they call mandatory inspections of a persons home to verify that the appliances, and any electronics are up to Government regulations. They don't want to be met with any armed aggression by home owners. So if that day comes and you are still above ground and you have your grandmothers old ice box and it's still in use. You would be in violation of some energy regulation and you would be fined. Same with your car if it exceeds a certain MPG rating set by the Government you can be fined.