The 2020 Presidential Election

Bush didn't report for duty and was suspended for it. You're saying it isn't true. Where's your source? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Mine is ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Reuters, Politico, Politifact, even Fox, and the Air National Guard itself.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Oh, I love the comparing a single story done by Dan Rather with the UNPRECEDENTED, irrefutable (unless you aren't using your brain) and blatant TRUMP LIES. This fucking pile of crap of a president lies more in a week, than most presidents do in an entire term.

Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy were mass-murderers. They murdered far more often than most murderers. Trump lies like the #1 all-time mass-murderer of truth.

You could like Trump for his positions, if you choose, but ignoring his pathological lying is fucking bizarre.
Precious_b's Avatar
Really - you know that for a fact? The press was not around back then to report on that. So how do you really know that - and please, start with George Washington -you know, the one who chopped down the cherry tree. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
DAY-UM! Pass the lady some Preparation H. Somebody got butthurt.
Why you trying to slay the messenger. I quoted my source. Go after them. *BUT* I asked you in the past who you considered reputable media and from your criteria, this Pulitzer winner of a source is well qualified.

I keep hearing Nancy say our president is a liar, but she never specifies what those lies are; just like some members in these posts. I wish someone would clerify to me what lies they are talking about. ... Originally Posted by Low-T
The source that I listed that got Ellen in an uproar.

No, Ellen, you are wrong on two counts.

Much of Trump's stupid lies/errors have nothing to do with how much or little the press covers him, they are lies/errors he puts out there himself in Tweets, etc.

And as far as when the press does cover him, that does not explain why he has so many more lies/errors per 100 words spoken.

The man is a pathalogical liar who does so even when he has no need to lie.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Someone gets it

You don't remember Dan Rather and his fake news Bush story. Off the top of my head - it had to do with Bush's National Guard duty. In fact, it left Rather's legacy in shreds it was so bad. I'll get links if you don't remember. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
On the contrary. *IMO* his legacy is sound. Now, I didn't much like Dan after the Most Trusted Man In America retired. But the guy didn't interject opinion as much as Walter did (not that I minded him doing so.) But when the typing was found to be faked on the National Guard stuff, I was surprised that he took such a step to leave. He was just an Anchor. He wasn't a reporter. I know he didn't pound the pavement to get the story. I know it wasn't his reponsibility to get it vetted. He was just the guy reading it into the camera. But he rose above the controversy and took the hit publically and accepted it for whoever came up with the story.

Why won't the Donny Marmalade do that with *ANY* of his lies? (I got a big laugh when he couldn't get out of the limo fast enough for Stephanopolis (sp) ).

Ok, I'll close up the rally by saying "Damn, Trump is a rock star!"
For Trump supporters it's a great rally!
I'm sure the dems will have their rallys and rhetoric and it will be interesting to see the differences. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ah, the old 'let me change the direction this goes since I can't counter the facts presented' song and dance you repeatedly do.

We know you love the guy.
Just stop trying to pass your rose coloured glasses to us. I updated my prescription and he still looks the same.
I don't get it. What happened with the Dan Rather thing? Did Bush get suspended, or not? Everything I've read said that's what happened. What did Dan Rather "lie" about?

DAY-UM! Pass the lady some Preparation H. Somebody got butthurt.
Why you trying to slay the messenger. I quoted my source. Go after them. *BUT* I asked you in the past who you considered reputable media and from your criteria, this Pulitzer winner of a source is well qualified.

The source that I listed that got Ellen in an uproar.

Someone gets it

On the contrary. *IMO* his legacy is sound. Now, I didn't much like Dan after the Most Trusted Man In America retired. But the guy didn't interject opinion as much as Walter did (not that I minded him doing so.) But when the typing was found to be faked on the National Guard stuff, I was surprised that he took such a step to leave. He was just an Anchor. He wasn't a reporter. I know he didn't pound the pavement to get the story. I know it wasn't his reponsibility to get it vetted. He was just the guy reading it into the camera. But he rose above the controversy and took the hit publically and accepted it for whoever came up with the story.

Why won't the Donny Marmalade do that with *ANY* of his lies? (I got a big laugh when he couldn't get out of the limo fast enough for Stephanopolis (sp) ).

Ah, the old 'let me change the direction this goes since I can't counter the facts presented' song and dance you repeatedly do.

We know you love the guy.
Just stop trying to pass your rose coloured glasses to us. I updated my prescription and he still looks the same. Originally Posted by Precious_b
^^^^^^ Your Honor. I rest my case. ^^^^^^
After doing some reading, it turns out that Dan Rather and 60 Minutes didn't vet some documents properly, and they could have possibly been faked. However, nearly everything in the documents were confirmed by the Air National Guard, itself. Bush was suspended for not reporting for duty, he never flew again (didn't fly much in the 1st place) and was honorably discharged before his service was over.

Back then, the Air National Guard was where you went to avoid service in Vietnam. Then Bush stole the presidency and started forcing the ANG to fly combat missions in Iraq to try and make his own cowardly service look better. What a fucking fraud.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
^^^^^^ Your Honor. I rest my case. ^^^^^^ Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

You have shown a lack of understanding and unwillingness to learn from your mistakes. With no need for deliberation, I find you guilty. Your crime is so blatant, I have no choice but to bring down a sentence that will hurt you the most.


You will be remanded to a facility where you will have no access to Fox News, radical propaganda or Trump's tweets. You will be assigned a teacher with neither Democratic nor Republican influence. You will not leave until you have rediscovered the difference between truth and lies.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You don't remember Dan Rather and his fake news Bush story. Off the top of my head - it had to do with Bush's National Guard duty. In fact, it left Rather's legacy in shreds it was so bad. I'll get links if you don't remember. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Totally off topic. The discussion is lies and mis-statements of the truth that Trump has made compared to other ex-presidents. Not Fake News. I'm sure ALL presidents have been victims of Fake News. However. Trump calling polls that show him losing in all battleground states is NOT Fake News. It is real news that he does not like.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ok, I'll close up the rally by saying "Damn, Trump is a rock star!"
For Trump supporters it's a great rally!
I'm sure the dems will have their rallys and rhetoric and it will be interesting to see the differences. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Attendance at rallies does nothing to determine who will win an election. Turnout at Trump rallies was fantastic in 2016 and still more people voted for Clinton than Trump. Turnout at Trump rallies prior to the 2018 midterms was fantastic and Republicans got their asses handed to them.

In 2019-2010 Trump rallies will draw more people than rallies for any Democratic candidates. Trump's base is very loyal to him. Trump is a showman and his rallies are just that -- shows. His base eats it up. And his approval rating is at 42.5%. But he remains more popular than Jimmy Carter at the same time in office.
No, but alot money helps. Trump raised $24.8 million in less then 24 hours. That's a record breaker. He blew everyone else out of the water. To compare - Biden raised 6.3 million on the day he announced his candidacy. To date - Biden says his war fund is 20 million. Trump and the RNC is 100 million.
I think that speaks volumns all by it self.
But we shall see.

Attendance at rallies does nothing to determine who will win an election. Turnout at Trump rallies was fantastic in 2016 and still more people voted for Clinton than Trump. Turnout at Trump rallies prior to the 2018 midterms was fantastic and Republicans got their asses handed to them.

In 2019-2010 Trump rallies will draw more people than rallies for any Democratic candidates. Trump's base is very loyal to him. Trump is a showman and his rallies are just that -- shows. His base eats it up. And his approval rating is at 42.5%. But he remains more popular than Jimmy Carter at the same time in office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
At his Hate Rally yesterday, Trump LIED about Veterans healthcare. (surprise, surprise)

"We passed VA Choice" Trump said to a cheering crowd.

The truth is: President Barack Obama signed the VA Choice bill into law on August 7, 2014.

He fucking lies EVERY SINGLE DAY like no one in modern history. Hell, he may very well be the biggest liar in all of history.

He lied about the polls, until the polls were verified as true. He lied about knowledge of his porn payoff, until it was proven he knew. He refused to speak to Mueller because he knew he would perjure himself.

When the truth doesn't matter, we are all screwed. So wake the fuck up, everyone.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No, but alot money helps. Trump raised $24.8 million in less then 24 hours. That's a record breaker. He blew everyone else out of the water. To compare - Biden raised 6.3 million on the day he announced his candidacy. To date - Biden says his war fund is 20 million. Trump and the RNC is 100 million.
I think that speaks volumns all by it self.
But we shall see. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
What if Biden had raised $50 million in the first 24 hours after he announced his candidacy? How would that have impacted your vote? No impact at all I'm willing to bet. My opinion is that 16 1/2 months from election day 2020, the overwhelming majority of people have already decided for whom they will vote for POTUS.

I go back to Trump's approval ratings. Never in the history of approval ratings has there been such a narrow band from high to low as in Trump's ratings. High of about 48% on inauguration day, low of 36.5%. Current 42.5% (Source: FiveThirtyEight). Many of the other presidents reached 70% approval and all reached 60% approval at some point in their first 881 days in office. That speaks volumes to me. Trump has his base supporters who will vote for him no matter what but there is a stronger base opposition who will vote for the Democratic candidate no matter what.
Ha! As long as it ain't California dump central, I'll be ok.


You have shown a lack of understanding and unwillingness to learn from your mistakes. With no need for deliberation, I find you guilty. Your crime is so blatant, I have no choice but to bring down a sentence that will hurt you the most.


You will be remanded to a facility where you will have no access to Fox News, radical propaganda or Trump's tweets. You will be assigned a teacher with neither Democratic nor Republican influence. You will not leave until you have rediscovered the difference between truth and lies.

COURT DISMISSED. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
-No, It would not have impacted a vote but what it does show is how many people are willing to give to Trump's campaign without publicly acknowledging it. Trump was right not to believe those polls. In Florida, the poll showed Biden in front by 6 points. That's a blowout in Florida. Nobody (either side) has won Florida by a blowout. It's not realistic. You can look at the Presidential history in Florida - the margins were closer to 1 to 3 percent. And then the polls blew 2 races in Florida by giving it to the dems and it actually went to the R's.
But we shall see. It's so exciting.

What if Biden had raised $50 million in the first 24 hours after he announced his candidacy? How would that have impacted your vote? No impact at all I'm willing to bet. My opinion is that 16 1/2 months from election day 2020, the overwhelming majority of people have already decided for whom they will vote for POTUS.

I go back to Trump's approval ratings. Never in the history of approval ratings has there been such a narrow band from high to low as in Trump's ratings. High of about 48% on inauguration day, low of 36.5%. Current 42.5% (Source: FiveThirtyEight). Many of the other presidents reached 70% approval and all reached 60% approval at some point in their first 881 days in office. That speaks volumes to me. Trump has his base supporters who will vote for him no matter what but there is a stronger base opposition who will vote for the Democratic candidate no matter what. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX