Do gentlemen in the Deep South enjoy a woman with all-natural hairy pussy, armpits, etc.?

Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Aw shucks thanks guys! I sure am happy that I got to meet both of you!
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-11-2014, 10:56 PM
I don't mind hair at all as long as everything is slick as a whistle from clit to anus. I actually, prefer at least a landing strip or something that makes me feel your not 12. Not a big fan of arm pit hair, but then I am not a big fan of armpits in general. Also, texture can be a factor as well. I once dated a girl that had brillo pad hair ... now in that case ... I fall into the no hair or limited hair camp. Not a deal break in any way shape or form --- but i am a firm carpet should match the drapes kind of guy ... so from that perspective shave it of dye it. The only real deal break for me is hair in the saddle area --- it's like sand paper on the pogo stick.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Hair is like sand paper? Funny, I think STUBBLE is like sand paper. The hair on my head, under my arms, and in my wild curly bush is all soft and luscious like fur. I do moisturize it regularly. I find that it makes intimate rubbing much more smooth and pleasurable. Bare skin on bare skin, especially with stubble, is a lot rougher to me.
"soft and luscious like fur"

Yep. And I dislike daty with a woman that normally shaves - but has not for a day or two. THAT is what feels like sandpaper. Thankfully that has only happened to me once in the hobby.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Washington Post article:

Why women are dyeing their armpit hair

Attached Images File Type: jpg armpithair.jpg (273.9 KB, 267 views)
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Yeah I def think that trend is weird. I would not put chemicals anywhere near my armpits like that.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Oops, I neglected to post the linck for that Washington Post article:

Why women are dyeing their armpit hair

Next up, bedazzled armpit hair extensions:

Attached Images File Type: jpg imrs.jpg (62.0 KB, 256 views)
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I'm a newbie. Haven't even had my first date. My wife is bald for much the same reason as my head is balding. Genetics coupled with aging. I'm here partially because I miss the bush The bigger the better. Not so long ago trimmed or especially completely bare pussies were considered more than a step or two up the kinky ladder. That's what I like about bare twats When I was a kid we named a "V jay jay" (that's a new one for me) after nice furry animals. I would rather rub myself against pussy or beaver fur than a camel hoof. Hairy armpits and legs? We're climbing back up that kinky ladder again, but again that's enticing too. The hairiest lady I've been with had very short tummy hairs converging to a point in the top center of her tummy. The shape was somewhat like a lite shadow of an upside down heart. A beautiful Hispanic gal.

The best thing about a good bush is that it it soaks up that divine nectar springing forth from that tender rosebud gazing on heavens gate. It has texture for hands, face and a throbbing prod. The pink that shows through is like an welcoming kiss.
I hate a big bush. I don't mind a short patch on the pubic bone ABOVE the clit. That just tickles the nose.

But I like it smoothly shaved below the clit, from the sides of the labia all the way down around the anus and the entire ass crack.

I don't like picking hair out of my teeth and hair down there traps sweat and odor.

I don't like armpit hair for the same reason.

And because of the trend towards shaving the bush, we have just about conquered the crabs. Doctors very rarely have to treat pubic lice anymore because there is no hair for them to infest. Crabs were common in the 70s, less so in the late 80s (when trimming got fashionable), and just about disappeared by the late 90 and 2000s (when bald came into vogue).
Mojojo's Avatar
Such an enticing image..

...The best thing about a good bush is that it it soaks up that divine nectar springing forth from that tender rosebud gazing on heavens gate. It has texture for hands, face and a throbbing prod. The pink that shows through is like an welcoming kiss. Originally Posted by frolic
john353's Avatar
No...I have no interest in armpit, leg hair...i.e. The all natural look. Nothing personal but yuck. I like women to be soft, shaven and deliciously smooth.

As far as pussy hair...I share the same sentiment except that I find a trimmed and well manicured pubic patch above the clit with all else be incredibly sexy.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with John!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
WOW- I can't believe this thread got revived after laying dormant for almost a year!!

I've learned that body hair is popular amongst men everywhere. Or at least mine is!
finman56's Avatar
I like women with a furry bush. I do not mind a little armpit hair. Leg hair not so much.
But weather furry or bald I like to daty with women, does not matter which.

And Zoey is super sexy.