Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

winn dixie's Avatar
Tucker Carlson != Responsibility Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Txdot is starting to get it! lolling
matchingmole's Avatar
Tucker Carlson is still losing!!!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
We're all losing, Mole.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Honestly I'd be surprised if you hadn't gotten the vaccine, as you come across as rational, intelligent and well informed. I'm not sure why I think that -- probably either your writing style or the sports jacket in your avatar. My favorite jacket! That's Savanna, the most beautiful porn star that ever lived beside me, one of the best days of my life!

I just think you're inclined to jump through hoops to defend Tucker Carlson, maybe like I would do to defend Jeff Flake, even though I'm far apart from him on some social issues.

And I'm far apart on matters of religion and that subject that is being legalized in many states. I guess it looks like I'm "jumping through hoops" but that implies I'm don't really believe what I'm saying to merely defend him but that isn't the case. I'm just offering a different opinion that I happen to believe in.

Kudos for bringing up the Wrap article. I ran across that before because I remember having to battle about 10 pop up windows before I could read the article. This article would indicate that Carlson is slippery. He's trying to have it both ways -- appeal to informed individuals like you and also to the anti-vaxxers.

Except that he goes out of his way, time and time again, he doesn't support anti-vaxxers. I'll give you another example. Tonight he had Sen. Ron Johnson, whipping boy for the Democrats, explaining why he isn't going to get vaccinated. Just imagine what they said about that over at MSNBC which I'll address in a minute. The reason Johnson isn't getting vaccinated, is because he has already had Covid. He talked to his doctor and his doctor gave him an anti-bodies test. He compared his results to the doctors results who has been vaccinated and found his ant-bodies were as high as his doctors. He therefore decided that there was no need to get vaccinated and Carlson says "sounds like the right decision" but guess what Johnson is being labeled by the Left? Yep, he's an "anti-vaxxer".

These people can't help but lie because they are to invested in the stand they have taken and truth matters not to these people. So Tucker, as he is want to do, puts up a clip of Brian Williams over at MSNBC, the only job he could get after being fired for lying, accusing Sen. Johnson for deciding not to get vaccinated and tell this to the public like all those people demanding to know if Tucker, the man they don't believe, has been vaccinated, that he could be a RUSSIAN AGENT! I damn near fell out of my chair. Are you hearing this? A US Senator, explains rationally why he isn't going to get vaccinated right now because he has sufficient antibodies and not only is he an anti-vaxxer, which he is not, he has been vaccinated for the flu every year he said, but is called a AGENT FOR PUTIN! Who knew Putin was against vaccines. IT IS FUCKING INSANE the lengths that some people will go through to discredit other people uh hummm.

People wearing masks after they get vaccinated, or when and where Joe Biden chooses to wear a mask, or whether Kamala insists on her husband wearing a mask while they fuck (just like Yoko in the AMP a couple of blocks away from where I live), what does all that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with the message the Biden administration is putting out. Come on man! If you want people to believe the vaccine works and if you get the vaccine, you can return to normal life, you don't act like you don't believe it! Biden should stop wearing a mask outside around other vaccinated people! Come on man. This isn't rocket science. By doing what he and the others are doing, is sending the message that either the vaccine doesn't work or that even if you get it, you still have to wear a mask and social distance so why put this drug into your body?

Yes, Democrats are peculiar creatures. So what?

"Peculiar"? Now that's an understatement.

No rational person should consider any of that when making the decision whether to get vaccinated. Did you? No. You considered the risk and the benefits. The relative upside and downside. And based on that it was an easy decision.

My decision was based on the idea that I wanted to stop wearing that damn mask and I didn't want to get sick and possibly die. I no longer wear my mask based on what the CDC has said. Follow the science Biden says and then doesn't follow the science. Maybe I'm like you and just worried about all the stupid, less smart people out there that just might rationalize that if he really believed what he is saying, he wouldn't be wearing that mask and even Democrats are now asking that question that Tucker started. Saw it on CNN asking why are you still wearing that mask if you've been vaccinated. It's a reasonable question IMHO.

As to this in your post:

The CDC has recorded that more than 245 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the U.S. from December 14, 2020, to May 3, 2021.
Over this period there were 4,178 reported deaths (0.0017 percent) among those who had the vaccine.

WTF! Didn't Tucker just get slammed for saying exactly that?

Yeah, and if he was aware that health care providers must report all deaths that occur after the COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, but they do not have to report deaths after other types of vaccines, then he was disingenuous. Actually the health care providers are falling down on their jobs. Over 100,000 people have died after getting a COVID vaccine in the USA. I can say that with 100% confidence, knowing that about 8200 people die in the USA every day, and knowing that about 48% of the population has received at least one dose. But as of May 3, only 4178 people had died after receiving the vaccine according to the VAERS database.

Carlson should have explained this, if he knew it. But he didn't.

If I remember the show correctly, his guest did and and they talked about the complexities and how this information could be mis-interpreted. That's my memory of the segment.

It's very possible that some of his viewers who are not as rational as you saw this, took it at face value, decided not to get vaccinated last week or this week, caught COVID, and are now going to die.

And would you agree since you have no proof of this that you have shared, that this is also not possible, that you just made this up and maybe, just maybe, nobody took it at face value and nobody died? But here is your chance. If you have any documented evidence that anybody watched Tucker, decided not to get vaccinated and died, please share that information with us or admit that this is a "possibility" just like the possibility that everybody living will die? And that it's just as possible, nobody did what you have suggested. Is that not possible, that you could be wrong about all this? And again, are you making the same case against VP Harris and all those Democrats who said they wouldn't be getting vaccinated as long as Trump was President? Have you accused them in the same way you are accusing Tucker?

Carlson has every right to say what he said. But he should be more responsible. Originally Posted by Tiny

And the reasonable, responsible, doesn't jump to conclusions me, believe he is trying to be responsible. You don't and that's fine. We'll disagree on his motive. I hope you watched Tucker tonight because it may shed new light on his thinking. He put up a poll of what vaccinated people feel comfortable doing and the conclusion is, the majority do not feel comfortable after being vaccinated, doing a number of things, inside and outside. He said Quote "this is irrational thinking". Now, does that sound like a guy who doesn't believe the vaccine works? I'm going to check and see if this portion of his show is available on line because I think you might find it interesting along with Tucker being the only person on air (well, first, now Hannity and all the rest are following suit ) tying Dr. Fauci to the "gain of function" research that was being done at the Wuhan lab. Oh, is he ever going to be called a traitor for this!!! The so called "conspiracy" is starting to get legs!

So they decided to get vaccinated but don't truly trust what they are being told, that they are free to resume their normal life because they can not get or give Covid but they aren't taking any chances and will continue to wear their mask even if they don't have to like in my gym starting this week. I no longer wear my mask at the gym. They are fearful, just the way the Biden administration wants them to be because that means more money to fight Covid. If this whole thing is almost over because everybody is vaccinated, the money stops.

But here is the thing I keep coming back to. I admit I watch Tucker every night because he talks about things that none of the MSM talk about. They are all to busy covering for Biden and Democrats. But I got vaccinated even though I think ( still not 100% sure ) you think he is telling people not to get vaccinated. So nothing he said dissuaded me from getting vaccinated. Am I that much smarter than the average FOX viewer? OK, of course I am but I won't dwell on that.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Tapper presses WH Covid-19 coordinator on vaccinated Biden wearing a mask

Watch the video Tiny. It isn't just Tucker or me asking the question.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tucker Carlson is still losing!!! Originally Posted by matchingmole

all the way to the top of the ratings .. and the bank.
  • Tiny
  • 05-12-2021, 10:31 PM
And the reasonable, responsible, doesn't jump to conclusions me, believe he is trying to be responsible. You don't and that's fine. We'll disagree on his motive. I hope you watched Tucker tonight because it may shed new light on his thinking. He put up a poll of what vaccinated people feel comfortable doing and the conclusion is, the majority do not feel comfortable after being vaccinated, doing a number of things, inside and outside. He said Quote "this is irrational thinking". Now, does that sound like a guy who doesn't believe the vaccine works? I'm going to check and see if this portion of his show is available on line because I think you might find it interesting along with Tucker being the only person on air (well, first, now Hannity and all the rest are following suit ) tying Dr. Fauci to the "gain of function" research that was being done at the Wuhan lab. Oh, is he ever going to be called a traitor for this!!! The so called "conspiracy" is starting to get legs!

So they decided to get vaccinated but don't truly trust what they are being told, that they are free to resume their normal life because they can not get or give Covid but they aren't taking any chances and will continue to wear their mask even if they don't have to like in my gym starting this week. I no longer wear my mask at the gym. They are fearful, just the way the Biden administration wants them to be because that means more money to fight Covid. If this whole thing is almost over because everybody is vaccinated, the money stops.

But here is the thing I keep coming back to. I admit I watch Tucker every night because he talks about things that none of the MSM talk about. They are all to busy covering for Biden and Democrats. But I got vaccinated even though I think ( still not 100% sure ) you think he is telling people not to get vaccinated. So nothing he said dissuaded me from getting vaccinated. Am I that much smarter than the average FOX viewer? OK, of course I am but I won't dwell on that.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I did see Ron Johnson speak, although not on Tucker Carlson. He said he didn't get vaccinated early on because he'd already had the disease and he knew he should have some immunity. So he figured he shouldn't cut the line in front of others who needed the vaccine more than he did. And the rest of what he said was consistent with your post, except he said he'd consider at a later point in time whether he'll get the vaccine. It sounded to me like he's leaning towards eventually getting vaccinated.

I like Johnson a lot because he's a common sense businessman and has good judgement when it comes to economic policy. I'm not as impressed with his beliefs about Fauci, and the Big Lie

About Tapper, Biden and all the rest of it, I still think it's irrelevant or harmful, in the sense that you have people thinking in terms of politics instead of science. I have no problem with Biden wearing a mask. It's possible we have COVID variants lurking about or that will arise in the future that have resistance to vaccines, and masks may help prevent the spread until we have booster shots. So if you want to be cautious, then wear a mask after you're vaccinated. If you're president of the USA and you want to set a good example for those who haven't been able to get the vaccine yet, then perhaps it makes sense to wear the mask. Maybe Biden is going a little overboard, but I like his approach a lot better than Trump's. Trump's example resulted in a lot of people getting COVID. There were people who were hospitalized and died because of that. Herman Cain might have been one of them. He might have contracted COVID when he wasn't wearing a mask at a Trump campaign rally.

You've got a point about me not being able to prove Carlson's responsible for COVID deaths. It would be difficult to prove Kamala Harris was responsible too. Trump on the other hand, that's a layup.

I just don't subscribe to the idea that getting the vaccine is like a huge carrot because I won't have to wear a mask. It is however a huge carrot because I will be able to travel to Europe. If you believe in the vaccine and you believe in carrots and sticks, then I guess you could require people to get the vaccine before they can travel by plane or go into a post office.

As to another of your interesting (honestly) points, I think the "gain of function" research creating the pandemic is less likely than alternative theories. One that's interesting is the case of the people exposed to a coronavirus, similar genetically to COVID 19, in a mine with bats in China around 2012. Two of them were infected and died. The virus reproduces and mutates rapidly. It's very possible predecessors to COVID 19 that infected the miners or others were lurking in China, and mutating to more effectively infect humans, until the pandemic finally broke out in Wuhan. It's would be easy to mistake COVID 19 for the flu early on.

If there was gain of function research to try to prepare for future pandemics, and the modified virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, well, shit happens. Sometimes people try to do something useful, and it backfires in a big way, although admittedly usually it doesn't result in millions of deaths. Supposedly if a lab used standard techniques of genetic engineering, you would see the fingerprint in the virus, and there is no fingerprint.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I did see Ron Johnson speak, although not on Tucker Carlson. He said he didn't get vaccinated early on because he'd already had the disease and he knew he should have some immunity. So he figured he shouldn't cut the line in front of others who needed the vaccine more than he did. And the rest of what he said was consistent with your post, except he said he'd consider at a later point in time whether he'll get the vaccine. It sounded to me like he's leaning towards eventually getting vaccinated.

I like Johnson a lot because he's a common sense businessman and has good judgement when it comes to economic policy. I'm not as impressed with his beliefs about COVID, Fauci, and January 6.

Fauci is the real life Dr. Evil and this isn't a movie

About Tapper, Biden and all the rest of it, I still think it's irrelevant or harmful, in the sense that you have people thinking in terms of politics instead of science. I have no problem with Biden wearing a mask. It's possible we have COVID variants lurking about or that will arise in the future that have resistance to vaccines, and masks may help prevent the spread until we have booster shots. So if you want to be cautious, then wear a mask after you're vaccinated. If you're president of the USA and you want to set a good example for those who haven't been able to get the vaccine yet, then perhaps it makes sense to wear the mask. Maybe Biden is going a little overboard, but I like his approach a lot better than Trump's. Trump's example resulted in a lot of people getting COVID. There were people who were hospitalized and died because of that. Herman Cain might have been one of them. He might have contracted COVID when he wasn't wearing a mask at a Trump campaign rally.

You've got a point about me not being able to prove Carlson's responsible for COVID deaths. It would be difficult to prove Kamala Harris was responsible too. Trump on the other hand, that's a layup.

you are kidding right? prove it. we'll wait

I just don't subscribe to the idea that getting the vaccine is like a huge carrot because I won't have to wear a mask. It is however a huge carrot because I will be able to travel to Europe. If you believe in the vaccine and you believe in carrots and sticks, then I guess you could require people to get the vaccine before they can travel by plane or go into a post office.

As to another of your interesting (honestly) points, I think the "gain of function" research creating the pandemic is less likely than alternative theories. The most interesting is the case of the people exposed to a coronavirus, similar genetically to COVID 19, in a mine with bats in China around 2012. Two of them died. The virus reproduces and mutates rapidly, and it's very possible predecessors to COVID 19 were lurking in China, and mutating to more effectively infect humans, until the pandemic finally broke out in Wuhan. If there was gain of function research to try to prepare for future pandemics, and the modified virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, well, shit happens. Sometimes people try to do something useful, and it backfires in a big way, although admittedly usually it doesn't result in millions of deaths. Supposedly if a lab used standard techniques of genetic engineering, you would see the fingerprint in the virus, and there is no fingerprint. Originally Posted by Tiny

there is no point for gain of function research. none. do they use that to make vaccines? nope. they do it for theoretical purposes for viruses that have a 1 in 1000 chance to cross over from animals to humans by giving them a 1 to 1 chance.

tell me why this isn't insanely stupid and should be banned under penalty of death for anyone like Fauci and Obama who funded this shit
matchingmole's Avatar
all the way to the top of the ratings .. and the bank. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Losing here...not enough votes.. Just like ol Trump

  • Tiny
  • 05-12-2021, 10:54 PM
you are kidding right? prove it. we'll wait Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's easy:


"Extrapolating this figure to the entire sample, we conclude that these eighteen [Trump] rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 incremental confirmed cases of COVID-19. Applying county specific post-event death rates, we conclude that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths (not necessarily among attendees)."

there is no point for gain of function research. none. do they use that to make vaccines? nope. they do it for theoretical purposes for viruses that have a 1 in 1000 chance to cross over from animals to humans by giving them a 1 to 1 chance.

tell me why this isn't insanely stupid and should be banned under penalty of death for anyone like Fauci and Obama who funded this shit Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You want to to put scientists and ex-Presidents under the threat of the death penalty? For funding gain of function research in the USA? Come on man. We'd be a laughingstock.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Losing here...not enough votes.. Just like ol Trump

Originally Posted by matchingmole

where is .. the gif? it's been retired by the powers that be.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's easy:


"Extrapolating this figure to the entire sample, we conclude that these eighteen [Trump] rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 incremental confirmed cases of COVID-19. Applying county specific post-event death rates, we conclude that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths (not necessarily among attendees)."

so by extrapolating the exposure of people in crowds how many people died from being at BLM/Antifa riots? yeah .. you walked right into that one.

now if you can prove Trump forced anyone to attend his rallies you might have a point. but you don't

You want to to put scientists and ex-Presidents under the threat of the death penalty? For funding gain of function research in the USA? Come on man. We'd be a laughingstock. Originally Posted by Tiny

we outsourced it to China. double stupid. first they have terrible safety in those labs which is known and gave them a potential bio-warfare weapon by funding it. it's not like they needed our money to do it but hey a few more Shekels never hurts, right?

Opinion: State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses


and there is this .. you won't see this on MSDNC ..

Leaked, Chinese Document Reveals Malevolent Intent for Coronaviruses


aiding an enemy to develop a deadly (well not so deadly) virus can be considered treason

since we both agree and the numbers bear out our calculations that this virus has less than a 1 percent death rate i guess China will just have to try harder next time
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's easy:


"Extrapolating this figure to the entire sample, we conclude that these eighteen [Trump] rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 incremental confirmed cases of COVID-19. Applying county specific post-event death rates, we conclude that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths (not necessarily among attendees)."

You want to to put scientists and ex-Presidents under the threat of the death penalty? For funding gain of function research in the USA? Come on man. We'd be a laughingstock. Originally Posted by Tiny

btw i'm sure u recall people were howling for Trump to be charged with manslaughter over covid deaths, yeah? won't bore any posters here with LINKS butt the media was jabbering about it for months. seems to have gone silent now.

of course Cuomo also faced calls for manslaughter over putting covid patients in nursing homes .. but since he's not Trump the press portrayed him as "courageous and brave" in the face of these obviously politically motivated charges!

HedonistForever's Avatar
I did see Ron Johnson speak, although not on Tucker Carlson. He said he didn't get vaccinated early on because he'd already had the disease and he knew he should have some immunity. So he figured he shouldn't cut the line in front of others who needed the vaccine more than he did. And the rest of what he said was consistent with your post, except he said he'd consider at a later point in time whether he'll get the vaccine. It sounded to me like he's leaning towards eventually getting vaccinated.

And my point is........ why didn't the Left wing media say that instead of calling him an anti-vaxxer and a Russian agent? While this thread was mostly about the harm Tucker may or may not have done, only one mention from you as to the harm Harris might have done with none from the media on that topic and you causally tossed the idea aside that Harris's outright statement saying she would not get the vaccine which I'll remind you Tucker never said was the more likely to have caused deaths and neither of us can prove any of that, so it never should have been raised to begin with.

I like Johnson a lot because he's a common sense businessman and has good judgement when it comes to economic policy. I'm not as impressed with his beliefs about Fauci, and the Big Lie

I think his beliefs about Fauci are coming true.

About Tapper, Biden and all the rest of it, I still think it's irrelevant or harmful, in the sense that you have people thinking in terms of politics instead of science.

Come on Tiny! It was Biden thinking about poitics over science! You really can't see that?

I have no problem with Biden wearing a mask. It's possible we have COVID variants lurking about or that will arise in the future that have resistance to vaccines, and masks may help prevent the spread until we have booster shots.

And yet the CDC just said, "no more masks needed inside or outside if you are vaccinated" but most scientist knew this months ago but Biden had to be obeyed.

So if you want to be cautious, then wear a mask after you're vaccinated. If you're president of the USA and you want to set a good example for those who haven't been able to get the vaccine yet, then perhaps it makes sense to wear the mask.

But not if you want to encourage rather than sympathize and encourage is what everybody is talking about now.

Maybe Biden is going a little overboard, but I like his approach a lot better than Trump's. Trump's example resulted in a lot of people getting COVID. There were people who were hospitalized and died because of that. Herman Cain might have been one of them. He might have contracted COVID when he wasn't wearing a mask at a Trump campaign rally.

Like you said, it was up to each individual to make the best decision for themselves. If those people based their decision solely on what Trump thought and was doing, that's on them not Trump.

You've got a point about me not being able to prove Carlson's responsible for COVID deaths. It would be difficult to prove Kamala Harris was responsible too. Trump on the other hand, that's a layup.

Disagree. If neither Tucker or Harris can be blamed for the words they spoke and actions they took, then neither can Trump. Some people made bad choices, that's on them and nobody else. For your point to be valid, you would need proof that an individual made their decision ( that cost them their life ) based solely on what Trump did or said and that would be impossible to do. I would dare say that many, many people died who never heard anything Tucker, Harris or Trump ever said. It's just to easy to play the blame game without proof.

I just don't subscribe to the idea that getting the vaccine is like a huge carrot because I won't have to wear a mask.

But Tiny, not wearing the mask means you can't get Covid. Your not going to wear amask because you can't get Covid. They are one in the same thing.

It is however a huge carrot because I will be able to travel to Europe. If you believe in the vaccine and you believe in carrots and sticks, then I guess you could require people to get the vaccine before they can travel by plane or go into a post office.

This will be the next test for the country and Democrats are already discussing whether you will have to provide proof of vaccination before you can enter a Federal building. So what happens if you have to go to court but choose not to be vaccinated? Do you lose your right not to be vaccinated? A quote from the site posted below

"Maybe there should be laws that allow them to be kept out of the building," says the dumbo on TV.
As to another of your interesting (honestly) points, I think the "gain of function" research creating the pandemic is less likely than alternative theories.

I think you are wrong and I think that proof already exists, you just haven't heard it yet or accepted it. "Gain of function" research was being done on this virus. The evidence of that is substantial.

One that's interesting is the case of the people exposed to a coronavirus, similar genetically to COVID 19, in a mine with bats in China around 2012. Two of them were infected and died. The virus reproduces and mutates rapidly. It's very possible predecessors to COVID 19 that infected the miners or others were lurking in China, and mutating to more effectively infect humans, until the pandemic finally broke out in Wuhan. It's would be easy to mistake COVID 19 for the flu early on.

Possible but the evidence is now pointing at gain of function research in the Wuhan lab that got out or was put out.

If there was gain of function research to try to prepare for future pandemics, and the modified virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, well, shit happens.

Shit happens is not a legal defense for causing injury in a liability suit. Add to that the idea of gain of function has already been banned but some fool created a work around which allowed Fauci the means to do it anyway.

Sometimes people try to do something useful, and it backfires in a big way, although admittedly usually it doesn't result in millions of deaths.

And when that happens, they must take responsibility for their mistake. You don't get a pass for trying to do some good if you fail and hurt people. That isn't the way the law works

Supposedly if a lab used standard techniques of genetic engineering, you would see the fingerprint in the virus, and there is no fingerprint. Originally Posted by Tiny

Who told you that, the Chinese? The people who may be liable? I don't think we have the evidence of what you just said. There is more evidence to contradict what you just said in my opinion.

From Tucker's show last night


Tucker Carlson: If you don't get the COVID vaccine, you may be an agent of Russia

We have left the realm of science, and moved on to mass hysteria

You hear that a lot: "They’re anti-vaxxers. They don’t believe in vaccines." But pause for a second and think about it. That’s a pretty strange way to talk about science. Science never asks us to believe in anything. Just the opposite. Science is a never-ending attack on settled belief, on faith, on what we imagine we know, on what we assume. Science doesn’t tell us what’s true. Science shows us what’s true. It demands proof, not faith. So the next time you hear some smug mask-wearer harrumphing about how the mouth-breathers out there in middle-America don’t "believe" in vaccines, you can be certain you’re in the presence of someone who has no idea what science is. You’ll know you’re talking to a moron.

But, since we’re on the subject, there do appear to be millions of people out there who don’t believe the COVID vaccine actually works. Who are these people? Pollsters tend to miss them. If you ask 100 Americans, "do you think the COVID vaccine is effective?" about 99 of them will say, "of course, yeah, it’s effective." And they’ll say that because they know what they’re supposed to say. They watch The Today Show. They don’t want to be punished for having the wrong opinions. They don’t want to get fired or ostracized.

But let’s say you phrased the question more cleverly, in a less direct way? What would the results be then? Pollsters at the Morning Consult just did that. Here’s what they found: Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID are more afraid of going outside than Americans who haven’t been vaccinated. Much more afraid. Only a quarter of vaccinated adults say they’d be willing to travel to a work conference or enter a gym. Only 24% of them would take the bus. Less than half would be willing to rent a car, alone. Only 34% would go to a party. Just 17% of them would dare to take a cruise. And so on. These people are absolutely terrified of getting COVID. Yet, again, they’ve all been vaccinated.

Clearly, many vaccinated Americans — most, according to this poll — don’t really believe in the COVID vaccine.

What does this tell us? Among other things, it tells us that we’ve long ago left the realm of science, and are instead in a state of mass hysteria and mass manipulation. Many Americans are too scared to think clearly. If you’ve had the vaccine, which you say you believe is effective, but you’re too afraid to rent a car for fear of getting COVID, you’re not thinking clearly. And you’re not thinking clearly because you’re too afraid. And you’re afraid because you’ve been told for more than a year that you are required to be terrified. And the arrival of the vaccine has not calmed you at all. Instead, demagogues have instructed them to channel their fear into hate, and turn it on anyone who disobeys their orders. The result is vaccinated Americans in masks cannot be happy or feel safe, or feel any relief at all, until every other person in the country joins them in getting the shot, and covering their faces. That’s not rational. That’s not science. It’s something much darker than that. What began as public health measures have become instruments of social control.