
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump is sucking Putins dick for some strange reason.

Selective editing? How about more like showing lustlads selective outrage. Trump has not said one thing bad about Putin. Nothing about Putin trying to hack this election. What this whistleblower informed us about I might add.

So lustylad slams Russia but seems to give Trump a free pass for giving Putin a free pass. Originally Posted by WTF
I'll let Lustylad handle that point.

as for Putin, prolly Trump wants to maintain good relations without antagonizing them the way the west did in the past.
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  • WTF
  • 06-11-2017, 08:10 PM
I'll let Lustylad handle that point.

as for Putin, prolly Trump wants to maintain good relations without antagonizing them the way the west did in the past. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yet folks here in this country cried bloody murder when Obama try to improve relationships with Russia's partner, Iran.

Doesn't change the story one iota, moron. Your post about someone keeping a tally on how many times Trump comments on Russia while mendaciously failing to note how jackass reporters guide the conversation to that subject is unequivocal bull-shit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Have you ever had a exchange of posts without insulting someone, you insufferable jackwagon ?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Do the Russians still march in the street shouting Death To America?
Is it a part of the Russian constitution to destroy Israel?
Has Russian declared jihad on the United States?
Russia has nukes and fully understands the consequences of using them, do you thinck the Iranians would have the same restraint?
You are talking apples and onions.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have you ever had a exchange of posts without insulting someone, you insufferable jackwagon ? Originally Posted by wordup666
Yeah. Check out my political posts in the "Diamonds and Tuxedos" forum, but then the more I dealt with your brainwashed and biased ilk, the more I realized that politeness in these forums served no purpose whatsoever.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh so you think this 25 year old is a what, spy? and Snowden is a whistle blower?

You think she should be punished and Snowden given a parade? Originally Posted by WTF
I don't know about this Reality Winner cunt, but Snowden is a fucking spy! He deserves a bullet, not a parade! He masqueraded as a whistle-blower to fool ignorant faggots like you!

I already documented Snowden's espionage crimes in this and other threads - it's not even arguable any more! He's been living in Moscow for 4 years under Putin's protection! You lib-retards keep screaming about how Putin is our enemy but you won't connect the dots and call Snowden a traitor and a spy!
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  • WTF
  • 06-13-2017, 11:59 AM
Well Putin no longer needs spies like Snowden , he has Trump telling him all he needs to know. Who can relay anything to those evil Iranians!

Btw...I do not consider Snowden a spy. Misguided whistle-blower, maybe.

lustylad's Avatar
So lustylad slams Russia but seems to give Trump a free pass for giving Putin a free pass. Originally Posted by WTF
Go fuck yourself, you moronic buffoon. Odumbo is the one whose blundering diplomacy gave Putin a free pass to invade Ukraine and bomb the rebels (but not ISIS) in Syria. Trump is the guy who had the gonads to enforce odumbo's red line with a cruise missile strike on April 6. And YOU are the traitor who screamed "no!" to that action - making it clear YOU prefer to give Assad and Putin a free pass to gas babies to death!

And then you have the fucking chutzpah to accuse me???

lustylad's Avatar
Btw...I do not consider Snowden a spy. Misguided whistle-blower, maybe. Originally Posted by WTF
Open, read and try to comprehend those 3 links in my post #231 above. As I stated, it's not even arguable anymore that he betrayed his country and severely damaged our national security.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't know about this Reality Winner cunt, but Snowden is a fucking spy! He deserves a bullet, not a parade! He masqueraded as a whistle-blower to fool ignorant faggots like you!

I already documented Snowden's espionage crimes in this and other threads - it's not even arguable any more! He's been living in Moscow for 4 years under Putin's protection! You lib-retards keep screaming about how Putin is our enemy but you won't connect the dots and call Snowden a traitor and a spy! Originally Posted by lustylad
Reality Winner is former Air Force Military Intelligence who purportedly can speak three foreign languages, Farsi, Dari and Pashto, in addition to English and no doubt was instructed by the Air Force on the proper handling of classified material. Winner was also a Bernie supporter who has a peculiar fetish for Taliban leaders and Osama bin Laden.

A strange bird, and certainly no "martyred" whistle blower deserving any sympathy from American citizens. Why Winner imagined that revealing Russian espionage activities that occurred on Odumbo's watch would damage Trump politically is unfathomable, but she has admitted that that was her purpose.

May the words of Judge Roy Bean echo in her ears:
"You have been tried by twelve good men and true, not of your peers but as high above you as heaven is of hell, and they have said you are guilty."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2017, 01:00 PM
Trump is the guy who had the gonads to enforce odumbo's red line with a cruise missile strike on April 6. And YOU are the traitor who screamed "no!" to that action - making it clear YOU prefer to give Assad and Putin a free pass to gas babies to death!

! Originally Posted by lustylad're still on those babies!

Trump called his buddy Putin and said "Hey man, I gotta drop a bomb or two on an airfield, have your troops scatter. Makes me look tough to my low information voters back home. I'll fire this Comey guy next if he keeps pressing us on our relationship!"

Let us see if we can straighten this out ...Obama wanted to open Iran up for trade , who trades with Russia , both Russia and Iran support Assad in Syria. Yet doing business with Iran is bad because they support Syria but doing business with Russia is good because they support Assad? Assad hates ISIS , we hate ISIS and Iran hates ISIS

From where did ISIS spring?

According to a Reuters report that cited "jihadist ideologues" as a source, 90% of ISIL's fighters in Iraq are Iraqi, and 70% of its fighters in Syria are Syrian. The article stated that the group has 40,000 fighters and 60,000 supporters across its two primary strongholds in Iraq and Syria.[34] According to scholar Fawaz Gerges writing in ISIS: A History, some "30 percent of the senior figures" in ISIL's military command are former army and police officers from the disbanded Iraqi security forces, drawn to ISIL by the US De-Ba'athification policy and turn towards Islamism by Sunni following the US invasion of Iraq.[136]
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  • WTF
  • 06-13-2017, 02:49 PM
Why Winner imagined that revealing Russian espionage activities that occurred on Odumbo's watch would damage Trump politically is unfathomable, but she has admitted that that was her purpose.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have no idea her intentions...but I want to know things like this.

It was out there being bantered around.
lustylad's Avatar
May the words of Judge Roy Bean echo in her ears:
"You have been tried by twelve good men and true, not of your peers but as high above you as heaven is of hell, and they have said you are guilty."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Good quote... is the judge related to Mr.Bean?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2017, 03:11 PM
I have no idea her intentions...but I want to know things like this.

It was out there being bantered around. Originally Posted by WTF
Good quote... is the judge related to Mr.Bean?

Originally Posted by lustylad
I picture you as a Mr Bean look alike.
lustylad's Avatar
Let us see if we can straighten this out ...Obama wanted to open Iran up for trade , who trades with Russia , both Russia and Iran support Assad in Syria. Yet doing business with Iran is bad because they support Syria but doing business with Russia is good because they support Assad? Assad hates ISIS , we hate ISIS and Iran hates ISIS. Originally Posted by WTF
Let me see if we can straighten this out, fagboy... you're obviously flailing and trying to bait me, but your knowledge of foreign policy is far too muddled and confused for you to post anything comprehensible... got it!