A great deal of you will be very happy

The very fact of your joining in on the attacks on Sofia when everybody else attacks her de facto makes you a part of the lynch mob...

A real man - honorable people, would never join in, even if they had a legitimate grudge against her. Just because to do so is cowardly. Originally Posted by Raphael
Not true. Sometimes people's reveal themselves to be full of shit, bat shit crazy and even dangerous; at minimum totally classless leaving one to wonder if you want to do business with them. I have dealt with several agencies. Gina is the gold standard in Texas. She will posture if attacked and she is a smart lady. I have never seen her use the boards to the detriment of her agency or the ladies she represents the way SS has.

The one who is at fault here is Gina from P411, who failed to take Sofia's alert seriously because she does not like Sofia. Could she at least have considered the fact that the assault was on Alex, not Sofia? Originally Posted by Raphael
ASPD is gone as well as her post. It must be ina ladies only area on HD. Why she didnt put it on here. providerbuzz.com, or nationalblacklist.com is a good question. Why didn't she have Alex communicate with Gina? Gina deals with thousands of working girls and with her experience, she does not have the time for those who cannot be concise with the facts and drama queens like SS do not have much credibility... and what is all that shit about recording her calls?

And this theft of ASPD material is quite illegal, too, as Amber's sister is not Amber's heir. In all probability, the courts will give it all to her son, who want be getting much as hobby reviews don't have lasting market value, such as it is. Originally Posted by Raphael
I concur. I suspect that is why they avoided probate court. A trustee would have been appointed and the rest of the family would probably not see any more funds. Additionally, it might have attracted the attention of the IRS. The ASPD domain, membership, and its database of info had value. There was significant revenue and value the kid got fucked out of.
However, it is not the first time I have seen some fucked up shit in this world. They should have sold the domain name. It may still have a little value left, but their may be obstacles to get it since the estate was not probated. Someone could possibly file suit on behalf of the minor survivor, but I do not think it would be financially feasible at this point.

The "lynch mob" and "gutter snipes" you refer to are folks who have matured in the hobby enough to realize that these are just silly hooker message boards. Yes they are weird and have a warped sense of humor. They can also laugh at themselves. The folks who are social climbers do not realize they are they are on the bottom rungs of the societal ladder. "woo hoo! look at me. I am king of the scumbags". I oppose having career mods on SHMB's. Why do they want to do it? Giving back is fine. Succumbing to the ego of it all and staying on because you think no one else can do it right is arrogant thinking or not wanting to be a "regular johns" makes others suspicious of their motives. Why would a previous admin quit, later get banned , and then make the largest power play in SHMB history to try to be the big dawg again only to piss off the membership he helped originally foster.

This shit is supposed to be entertaining and about getting laid. If it means more than that to the hobbyist, then you have to question what is going on with them. The hobby is not a cult or a religion, but some seem to behave that way. It is a business endeavor for many. I understand people who are in it for the money take it more seriously. They should. But if they are smart, they do not create, foster or continue to perpetuate drama. They carefully cultivate their online persona to maximize their opportunities for profit and credibility. SS and some others are just not able to control their emotions to achieve that goal and they get called out on it. And they should. When the impulsively stupid take the bait, even the short bus people become aware of the red flags brought up in the ensuing mess.

Ribbons, medals, and "rep power" meters are bullshit and completely counter productive to eliminating the very "abuses" that people fear in the hobby community.

Sorry to be long winded, but I didn't get laid tonight and I only took 5th in the poker tourney today.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Is there anything higher than a White Knight cause someone has gone above and beyond the cause of White Knightdom. I mean really sheesh, it is just a SHMB. This is like a White Calvary .....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sofia, sometimes people become lightening rods for controversy.

Personally, and I don't mind saying this in public, I felt a little hurt each time you posted something just 2 make conversation and some block head would say something nasty just 2 put you down.

What exactly was the purpose of such conduct? To win friends?

I'd like to see more girls flock to this site and mingle, but when you're harassed each time you say something, why would you stay?

Why couldn't the knuckleheads that behaved in that boorish manner predict the certain consequences of their actions?

Please accept my apologies, Sofia. Okay, I'd better slip into my flame suit, because I sense rumbles out there.

Some people can't handle too much truth in one serving and it has 2 be spoon-fed to them like you do infants.
Are we sure Rafael isn't one of the many personalities of sofia. Originally Posted by carkido45
Hmmmm imagine that, I was thinking the same.. It is all going to eventually come out in the wash... Wow,, everything is starting to make since to me now,,, I can actually see a pattern..

The "lynch mob" and "gutter snipes" you refer to are folks who have matured in the hobby enough to realize that these are just silly hooker message boards. Yes they are weird and have a warped sense of humor. They can also laugh at themselves. The folks who are social climbers do not realize they are they are on the bottom rungs of the societal ladder. "woo hoo! look at me. I am king of the scumbags". I oppose having career mods on SHMB's. Why do they want to do it? Giving back is fine. Succumbing to the ego of it all and staying on because you think no one else can do it right is arrogant thinking or not wanting to be a "regular johns" makes others suspicious of their motives. Why would a previous admin quit, later get banned , and then make the largest power play in SHMB history to try to be the big dawg again only to piss off the membership he helped originally foster.

This shit is supposed to be entertaining and about getting laid. If it means more than that to the hobbyist, then you have to question what is going on with them. The hobby is not a cult or a religion, but some seem to behave that way. It is a business endeavor for many. I understand people who are in it for the money take it more seriously. They should. But if they are smart, they do not create, foster or continue to perpetuate drama. They carefully cultivate their online persona to maximize their opportunities for profit and credibility. SS and some others are just not able to control their emotions to achieve that goal and they get called out on it. And they should. When the impulsively stupid take the bait, even the short bus people become aware of the red flags brought up in the ensuing mess.

Ribbons, medals, and "rep power" meters are bullshit and completely counter productive to eliminating the very "abuses" that people fear in the hobby community. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Wayward's Avatar
And so Wayward can do no better than to refer to an upscale provider - much too upscale for him, thus his frustration - as to a "cunt."

Is it a wonder that loser is never among those who get favors, extra time, lunches, entertainment for the sake of entertainment, freebies even - consideration - from these ladies?

Thus his envy. Originally Posted by Raphael
Okay cunt-puppet, I'll continue the ass raping that you fantasize about, what's the appeal of that anyway, low self esteem or just not ready to come out of the closet? I have some really sick demented sessions, but I don't need to write a script. You should write about it, seriously it might help. Recommend the best strap-on or lube, which pillows can really take a biting. That kind of stuff.

Now since you ignored all my questions we'll revisit them in a minute with answers. But first that "Upscale Slore" you are referring to, my first knowledge of sofia (under another name) was at a informal social some friends have. An acquaintance of mine gave the cunt a ride home. She demanded session fees for the ride. There was never any session! Then attempted to blackmail him when he refused to pay. So no that is not the kind of slunt I hangout with.

As for the other blather, the folks that know me are laughing and you look like even more of an idiot if that is possible. I wish that you would teach me how to get more medals for writing discounted positive reviews. Then I could be admired like you are!

Raffealla I do not define myself based on my SHMB persona, how many notches got carved onto my bed post this week or if a provider will go and have lunch with me for free. If you were not a complete self absorbed deslooniesanal idiot you might see that.

Let's review:

Pillow biting as raped Pimp for sofia and corndogs - Check

Shilling reviews for free/discounted, sessions, lunch, exrta time - Check check check check!

sofia abusing her girls with double agency fees - Check

sofia thrown off P411 for being a crazy bitch - check

dropped the DaFrog lie when caught lying - check

Gettng ass kicked by SFK - check X 6

Now lets talk about the sofia watching out for her girls on photo shoots, you are going to love this one Raffaella! sofia sweet little cuntress that she is, pays $200 for photo shoot then charges the girl $500 WOW! that is high class, high F'ing class thieving!
Raphael's Avatar
Bravo Fast Gunn! You said it all, in just a few sentences.

Alexis, how about working harder at getting more Johns? [A diet might help; or perhaps deleting all photos. And also, improving your board personality]. Then you wouldn't have so much time to waste badmouthing people on hobby boards.

(Are you happy now, Alexis?)
auknowho's Avatar
Alexis, how about working harder at getting more Johns? A diet might help. Then you wouldn't have so much time to waste badmouthing people on hobby boards. Originally Posted by Raphael
now look who is slandering! and who is bad mouthing! (you thought nobody would catch that before you edit

Raphael I see you did not answer any of the important questions but brought all sort bitching and slandering, seriously dude you don't have any facts except for getting some for free! Please bring some insight if you like to add, this clearly shows free advertisement and nothing else.
dearhunter's Avatar
All's well that ends well........................
Wayward's Avatar
Bravo Fast Gunn! You said it all, in just a few sentences.

Alexis, how about working harder at getting more Johns? A diet might help. Then you wouldn't have so much time to waste badmouthing people on hobby boards. Originally Posted by Raphael
So charming isn't that what you were just bitching about?

Okay Raffaella let's go with Fast Gunn (who is a little suspect, but we'll address that tomorrow after a phone call)

sofia being all sweet to other providers:

I smell AD. I'm an expert in that too...So is your little pretend website of your fat pics or skinny ones....Get with the program honey we are GFE...Have jobs, computer literate,Brittany Bella could do your site and you need new pics. No ones paying 200 for that. 300 for top GFE, PSE, MAC make up. BCBG MAX Azaria dresses and so on.........and that's for a TOP incall location....

That is how it's done..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston,12-10-2009 06:32 PM
Now that is some fucking charm school shit! It's like a SHMB tea party or cotillion.
Diabolo's Avatar
This is too damn funny... yet very, very sad.

Mystery's solved.

Raphael = sofiaofhouston as one of her multiple personalities/handles, or, at the very list, a "paid" supporter of hers.

Why? pretty simple. "Raphael" portrays himself as a very respectful gentleman, incapable of ever attacking a provider, yet, in true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide fashion (and eerily similar to the many attacks perpetrated by sofia herself), "he" attacks AST with a post such as this one:

Alexis, how about working harder at getting more Johns? Deleting the photos from your ads might help. Then you wouldn't have so much time to waste badmouthing people on hobby boards. Originally Posted by Raphael
sofia, you keep making an ass out of yourself and by doing so, you're negatively affecting the livelihoods of your girls... shame on you.
Bravo Fast Gunn! You said it all, in just a few sentences.

Alexis, how about working harder at getting more Johns? A diet might help. Then you wouldn't have so much time to waste badmouthing people on hobby boards. Originally Posted by Raphael
What is the matter with you,, did you not get the right size dildo up your ass today for your rape fantasy ?
Thanks big boy,,, you just proved my point,, I rest my case! I have how many post in almost a year compared to your board whore/pimp of 500 some in one month? I hope you are happy posting within your multiple selves!! It is easy to see now who is doing the posting under SOH, Fast Gunns and now you fuck nut. You and all your other corndogs persona's are the haters and the shit stirrers here... Go away you jealous hater pimp wantabe's

It amazing on how many of SOH's post that are being reserected as we speak... Watch how many newbies come along and start bumping her tired ass threAD's too.. FWIW,,, I don't bad mouth folks,,, except for the ones who take cheap pot shots at me. ""Mommy,, she started it!!!!"""

SOH, has what she had coming by her running her fucking mouth, and you are in defense of her?? Go back to corndogs you winey ass bitch and STFU!
Wayward's Avatar
Holy gosh darn it, Raffaella what is going on?

Let's review:

Pillow biting as raped Pimp for sofia and corndogs - Check

Shilling reviews for free/discounted, sessions, lunch, exrta time - Check check check check!

sofia abusing her girls with double agency fees - Check

sofia thrown off P411 for being a crazy bitch - check

dropped the DaFrog lie when caught lying - check

Gettng ass kicked by SFK - check X 6

Now lets talk about the sofia watching out for her girls on photo shoots, you are going to love this one Raffaella! sofia sweet little cuntress that she is, pays $200 for photo shoot then charges the girl $500 WOW! that is high class, high F'ing class thieving!

Let's add another if sofia hadn't been so busy spaming the boards and going bat shit crazy maybe someone would have believed the possibly only true alert she ever posted and even that she completely screwed up by not following the rules so it was pulled.

Not even As The Stomach Turns is better than this.

Back to *munching*