Confederate flag was the flag of traitors


Talk about a hijacking douchebag! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Life's Good...BITCH

Yssup Rider's Avatar

what does any of this have to do with the Confederate flag?
Your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass finally admitted that without Virginia's consent, creating the state of West Virginia was both bogus and illegal!

Except that Virgina was no longer in the Union. They seceded. Remember, little twat? The Constitution no longer applied to them, right? Isn't that what you have been telling us? Taking a seceding West Virginia from Virginia was just taking a territory of a foreign country. Virginia's permission wasn't needed. Heh.

And, oh, yeah, it was ratified by the Supreme Court, remember, tranny fucker?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep spinning, little twat.

And keep looking for a state - ANY state - including a non-slave state, that seceded for reasons that did not include slavery.

what does any of this have to do with the Confederate flag? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I B Hankering's Avatar
Except that Virgina was no longer in the Union. They seceded. Remember, little twat? The Constitution no longer applied to them, right? Not according to Mr. Lincoln, you racist, dumb-fuck, Yankee jackass ... or how else could he promulgate his war for Union based solely on his position as executive officer?

Isn't that what you have been telling us? Taking a seceding West Virginia from Virginia was just taking a territory of a foreign country. Not according to Mr. Lincoln, you racist, dumb-fuck, Yankee jackass, Mr. Lincoln never once conceded that the Confederacy was a foreign country, you racist, dumb-fuck, Yankee jackass. Virginia's permission wasn't needed. Heh. Then why was it necessary for Mr. Lincoln, et al, to create a fiction and "pretend" like Virginia had actually permitted West Virginia to become a state, you racist, dumb-fuck, Yankee jackass?

And, oh, yeah, it was ratified by the Supreme Court, remember, tranny fucker? No, you racist, dumb-fuck, Yankee jackass, the U.S. Supreme Court never actually ruled on the constitutionality of the West Virginia's creation.

Keep spinning, little twat.

And keep looking for a state - ANY state - including a non-slave state, that seceded for reasons that did not include slavery.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
BTW, your racist dumb-fuck Yankee ass never answered this question: "Why didn't Indiana's governor Morton ever allow the Indiana legislature to go into session from May 1861 to 1864", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Further, you never addressed Mr. Lincoln's actions in Frederick, MD:
"On August 7, Maryland's General Assembly adjourned, intending to meet again on September 17. However, on that day Federal troops and Baltimore police officers arrived in Frederick with orders to arrest the pro-Confederate members of the General Assembly."

Plus, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, you never addressed whether you've heard of the pro-secessionist Indiana-mick named Lambdin Purdy Milligan, or other pro-peace, pro-southern northerners like Congressman Clement Vallandigham and Senator Alexander J. Douglas. Nor did your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass address how Mr. Lincoln, et al, suspended Habeas corpus and tended to arrest any and all who dissented from his dictatorial suspension of civil rights and argued for a negotiated peace with the South, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Mr. Lincoln governed with the bayonet, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and his objective from the outset was "Union" and not "emancipation". So you can take your "touchy-feel-good", hobbyhorse fairytales about Yankee morale superiority and shove them up your pretentious, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Hon. Horace Greeley:
Dear Sir.

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it ..."

A. Lincoln
Executive Mansion,
Washington, August 22, 1862.
BTW, your racist dumb-fuck Yankee ass never answered this question: "Why didn't Indiana's governor Morton ever allow the Indiana legislature to go into session from May 1861 to 1864", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Further, you never addressed Mr. Lincoln's actions in Frederick, MD:
"On August 7, Maryland's General Assembly adjourned, intending to meet again on September 17. However, on that day Federal troops and Baltimore police officers arrived in Frederick with orders to arrest the pro-Confederate members of the General Assembly."
Plus, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, you never addressed whether you've heard of the pro-secessionist Indiana-mick named Lambdin Purdy Milligan, or other pro-peace, pro-southern northerners like Congressman Clement Vallandigham and Senator Alexander J. Douglas. Nor did your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass address how Mr. Lincoln, et al, suspended Habeas corpus and tended to arrest any and all who dissented from his dictatorial suspension of civil rights and argued for a negotiated peace with the South, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Mr. Lincoln governed with the bayonet, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and his objective from the outset was "Union" and not "emancipation". So you can take your "touchy-feel-good", hobbyhorse fairytales about Yankee morale superiority and shove them up your pretentious, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Hon. Horace Greeley:
Dear Sir.

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it ..."

A. Lincoln
Executive Mansion,
Washington, August 22, 1862.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Dear shithead:

There are a LOT of things I never addressed because: 1) they were never brought up before; or 2) they are irrelevant; or 3) you are trying to change the subject.

And you are citing events and quotations that occurred long AFTER the South had already seceded. I don't care what Lincoln said in 1862. The southern states had already seceded by then, so Lincoln's statement wasn't a cause. You have a timeline problem, as always.

Who gives a fuck about some pacifist Irishman? Are you bringing that up again because I'm Irish and you are a bigot trying to bait me? Who gives a fuck about so-called "pro-southern northerners"? There is NEVER uniformity of opinion. There are always minority opinions.

There were also "pro-northern southerners". I noticed you didn't bring them up.

In fact, there are a lot of things YOU have not brought up, including things I specifically asked you about.

For example: if there were reasons OTHER than slavery for a state to secede, why didn't any of the non-slave holding states secede for THOSE reasons? I think I asked specifically why some state like Maine or Ohio did not secede in response to Lincoln's "call to arms" as you like to allege.

Instead, only states that were trying to preserve slavery seceded.

You have been lying, spinning, and deflecting for days and days now. And all because you tried to stake out a position that is untenable: that Southern secession was not about preserving slavery.

When you start out with a false premise, you end up bending logic and offending common sense trying to defend it.

Hence, your meltdown.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some people here really don't get it. West Virginia seceded from Virginia, not the Union. Part of Massachusetts seceded from that state to be with Maine, not the Union. Part of Delaware seceded from that state to be part of Pennsylvania, not the Union. Counties in Colorado and California want to secede from those states and not the Union. You seem to think that if you go with your divorced dad instead of mom that you have divorced your sister who stayed with her mother.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Q: What do the D.C. Sniper and IBIdiot have in common?

A: They both went on a psychotic rampage for 23 days!

Q: What happened to them?

A: One of them was stopped. The other is still MELTING DOWN and smearing shit on ECCIE!
JCM800's Avatar
does IB own a 1990 Chevy Caprice?

Q: What do the D.C. Sniper and IBIdiot have in common?

A: They both went on a psychotic rampage for 23 days!

Q: What happened to them?

A: One of them was stopped. The other is still MELTING DOWN and smearing shit on ECCIE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know you tried to be GAY and you SUCKED....
I know you tried to be GAY and you SUCKED.... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This knowledge is from first-hand experience, no doubt.
U wanna take up for the USSR or Red China being better than the USA get your shanty town lovin' ass over there Mick!
U wanna take up for the USSR or Red China being better than the USA get your shanty town lovin' ass over there Mick! Originally Posted by flsts08b
I see you can't read.

Not surprising, since you are from Louisiana.

No one said the USSR or Red China was better than the USA.

The argument was that the average slave in the Confederacy was worse off than the average person living under Russian or Chinese communism.

The Confederacy is not the USA, despite what rednecks may think.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what's this Mick shit, you scum sucking troglodyte?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dear shithead:

There are a LOT of things I never addressed because: 1) they were never brought up before; or 2) they are irrelevant; or 3) you are trying to change the subject.

And you are citing events and quotations that occurred long AFTER the South had already seceded. I don't care what Lincoln said in 1862. The southern states had already seceded by then, so Lincoln's statement wasn't a cause. You have a timeline problem, as always.

Who gives a fuck about some pacifist Irishman? Are you bringing that up again because I'm Irish and you are a bigot trying to bait me? Who gives a fuck about so-called "pro-southern northerners"? There is NEVER uniformity of opinion. There are always minority opinions.

There were also "pro-northern southerners". I noticed you didn't bring them up.

In fact, there are a lot of things YOU have not brought up, including things I specifically asked you about.

For example: if there were reasons OTHER than slavery for a state to secede, why didn't any of the non-slave holding states secede for THOSE reasons? I think I asked specifically why some state like Maine or Ohio did not secede in response to Lincoln's "call to arms" as you like to allege.

Instead, only states that were trying to preserve slavery seceded.

You have been lying, spinning, and deflecting for days and days now. And all because you tried to stake out a position that is untenable: that Southern secession was not about preserving slavery.

When you start out with a false premise, you end up bending logic and offending common sense trying to defend it.

Hence, your meltdown. Originally Posted by ExNYer
So now you're plagiarizing the dumb-fuck golem jackass, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass? Oh, how original, and aren't you *aspiring to a higher intellectual level*, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass?

Everything posted was to challenge and prove false your ignorant, lying assertions, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Indiana most likely did not secede because the governor resorted to illegal tactics to prevent the legislature from meeting; plus, any and all who spoke openly against Lincoln and the war were arrested and imprisoned. Lincoln similalrly arrested all of the Maryland legislators that spoke against him, and the same thing happened to dissenters in Illinois, Ohio and throughout the North.

BTW, how is that everything you claim to be "irrelevant" are the factual details most at odds with your ignorant POV, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. And Mr. Lincoln promulgated his war for "Union" -- not emancipation, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

does IB own a 1990 Chevy Caprice?
Originally Posted by JCM800
It's just like you, JCM800, to have a Freudian affinity for a trunk that's been modified to accommodate easy access by men with long guns.