ECCIE Favourite Frazes Repository

What did it used to be?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What did it used to be? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
you just want my paw to wack my snout with a newspaper don't ya
doctorisin's Avatar
Whenever the husband wants the butt, it's his.
...crap I sound like GP errrr WTF Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Ever wonder if GP is back and what handle he uses now???......
offshoredrilling's Avatar
not really
Ya know he's back.....ijs
offshoredrilling's Avatar
is he on or off the rag?
Don't know.
Haven't figured out his new handle.
XY must of tutored him well.....
nope ...yer plastic man takes ...advantage ...of them free abortions ya ...compassionate ...libs think are so ...sweeeeeeeeeeeeet

fuckin gold.....
Carlos Danger's Avatar
but I do act rather white at work
offshoredrilling's Avatar
but I do act rather white at work Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
your in the city more than me
have you seen any Lot Lady's working parking lots ??
I just wonder if this is something new so just askin
Carlos Danger's Avatar
spraying "armour all" on the exclusive hobby rims,

This is pure poetry:

She typically oils up the shaft in Farmington/canandaigua. Weathered by the sun, looks like she enjoyed her youth many years ago. Her chain smoking has kept her thin well into her 50s whew.

Thanks Carlos.....
doctorisin's Avatar
This is pure poetry:

She typically oils up the shaft in Farmington/canandaigua. Weathered by the sun, looks like she enjoyed her youth many years ago. Her chain smoking has kept her thin well into her 50s whew.

Thanks Carlos..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Agreed Paulie... this is Earnest Hemingpuss stuff! Carlos rules!