Kathy Griffin

LexusLover's Avatar
So has Trump over Russia guilty? Originally Posted by bamscram
Trump's had lawyers longer than you've been able to stand up and piss at the same time. Or have you learned to do that yet?

The LIBERAL DUMBSHITS like you think that having a lawyer means someone is "guilty" .... those of us who are conservative and "strict constructionists" understand having a lawyer is a Constitutional Right!!! Just like having a FIREARM!!!!

But THE LATEST LIBERAL VICTIM has a lawyer for her MOST RECENT FUCK UP ..... BTW: Didn't she make money of "outsourcing" to sweat shops hiring "underaged" people to work 60 to 100 hours a week for pennies on the hour?

John Catsup Kerry has done the same!!!! Speaking of "victims"!
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 08:17 AM
He also "thoroughly investigated" the shooting of Martin by Zimmerman and concluded PRIOR TO THE TRIAL that Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" by the Jury.

And you know the rest of the "story"!!!

SELF-ADMITTED homebuilders should stick with avoiding the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act, and stay out of the LEGAL OPINION business!!!!! In this case, the poster should continue trying to OUT other posters without being caught. His batting average is not so good up to this point! They have their hands full dodging ICE and the TDTPA. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hey eccie legal counselor you haven't answered the question ... did what Kathy Griffin do was it against the law? I realize you do not have the balls to answer that because everybody knows it is legal.

Has Trump caught that leaker yet you know the one you said Trump was going to catch after the conversation with the Russians?

Please tell me why you think I need to worry about ICE...or TDTPA?

Is is because you are a snitch and you are trying to threathen me because I have exposed you as such? Because if so , nice try but no cigar.

Now once again, is Kathy Griffith's picture holding Donald Trump's head in her hand against the law

The answer is no.

Oh and do you deny you got 5 points for stalking me around the board?

You still sulking?
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 08:18 AM
Have you seen Kathy's last press conference , She's BSC Fu**ing nuts Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Ifthat was against the law all the pussy in the world would be locked up
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 08:24 AM
Trump's had lawyers longer than you've been able to stand up and piss at the same time. Or have you learned to do that yet?

The LIBERAL DUMBSHITS like you think that having a lawyer means someone is "guilty" .... those of us who are conservative and "strict constructionists" understand having a lawyer is a Constitutional Right!!! Just like having a FIREARM!!!!
! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump was the one who said someone under investigation should not hold office!

So it is okay for Trump to have a lawyer but not Griffin

Stick to snitching LexyLiar.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump's had lawyers longer than you've been able to stand up and piss at the same time. Or have you learned to do that yet?

The LIBERAL DUMBSHITS like you think that having a lawyer means someone is "guilty" .... those of us who are conservative and "strict constructionists" understand having a lawyer is a Constitutional Right!!! Just like having a FIREARM!!!!

But THE LATEST LIBERAL VICTIM has a lawyer for her MOST RECENT FUCK UP ..... BTW: Didn't she make money of "outsourcing" to sweat shops hiring "underaged" people to work 60 to 100 hours a week for pennies on the hour?

John Catsup Kerry has done the same!!!! Speaking of "victims"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Now go fuck your self. Stupid lemming.
rexdutchman's Avatar
"Can't see the forest thru the trees"
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 09:39 AM
Like I said, if somebody cut off Trumps head, I'd celebrate a bit. I think Trump a danger to this country, he wants a Soviet style of government. So , yea, him gone would be a time for celebration depending on who takes his place....Pence would be like the old Ayatollah Khomeini, installing religious law.

I believe change should come through the ballot box though....so I'm not hoping Trump gets his ugly mug cut off. Originally Posted by WTF
You liberals would likely have a much tougher time roughing up Pence to gain electoral advantage, so you actually should want to keep President Trump in office if you truly believe he is so bad that you can win the next election.
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 09:47 AM
They supposedly investigate all threats to see which are actionable and which are not.

This is not even close.

Somebody should mass produce these bloody heads and sell them to Mexicans to hang on their side of the wall.

Kathy may yet to start a movement! ViVa La Kathy! Originally Posted by WTF
You should mass produce cutoff, bloody heads of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed and sell them if you truly believe in this kind of crude, but certainly legal free speech. You should then organize a parade in Detroit, Michigan and have everyone carry one of them. Free speech has to cut both ways.

Yes, I think what she did falls under the category of protected free speech and wasn't a crime. In fact, I think it was honest of her to do what many liberals want to do.

That same free speech gives me the right to take a picture with the bloody, cut off head of a [prohibited word] if that is what I want to do. However, I would be condemned if I did it. That is all that can be done to Kathy Griffin - shun her.
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 09:56 AM
You should mass produce cutoff, bloody heads of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed and sell them if you truly believe in this kind of crude, but certainly legal free speech.

Yes, I think what she did falls under the category of protected free speech and wasn't a crime.

That is all that can be done to Kathy Griffin - shun her. Originally Posted by DSK
I think the more profitable business plan is to sell Trump heads to the Mexicans to hang on their side of the wall.

Please tell our legal eccie expert snitch , LexyLiar that what Kathy did is protected speech and perfectly legal.

You can choose to shun or celebrate. I choose the latter if she continues to show some backbone and tell Trump to go fuck himself.
LexusLover's Avatar
This thread will resurface when the "shoe" is on the other "foot"!

So far as there's been a lot of smoke and hot air about "the Republicans," but I haven't seen a nationally televised and published photograph of "THE REPUBLICANS" holding up the severed head of a sitting President.
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 10:44 AM
I think the more profitable business plan is to sell Trump heads to the Mexicans to hang on their side of the wall.

Please tell our legal eccie expert snitch , LexyLiar that what Kathy did is protected speech and perfectly legal.

You can choose to shun or celebrate. I choose the latter if she continues to show some backbone and tell Trump to go fuck himself. Originally Posted by WTF
I defer to LL on all legal matters, and wouldn't presume to tell him anything on the subject. Now, if the subject were home building, then I would opine to anyone.
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 10:48 AM
NOBODY says it like Emily...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fvogkYIFz4 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Holy chit....you listen to that babble?

It is your right to listen and her right to babble, just as it was Kathys'.

You wanna buy a bloody Trump head Iffy? I'll sell you one cheap...
That same free speech gives me the right to take a picture with the bloody, cut off head of a [prohibited word] if that is what I want to do. However, I would be condemned if I did it...... Originally Posted by DSK

Well, that very act, sir, might be considered by the masses as a Hate Crime then, wouldn't it...? Griffin, on the other hand, skates under the pretense her innocent little antic was regarded by her lawyers (and libturds alike) as Art.
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 03:41 PM
I defer to LL on all legal matters, and wouldn't presume to tell him anything on the subject. Now, if the subject were home building, then I would opine to anyone. Originally Posted by DSK

Well I'm a gambler and will bet you a thousand bucks no charges will come of this because it is not illegal to have a fake head of Donald Fucking Trump.

LexyLiar tries to convince folks that you can not voice record Vice cops...ShysterJohn straightened his lying ass out about that. He is about as goid a legal mind as he is a snitch. DorothyMonroe called his number on that long ago! LL is not going to say Kathy will be charged because even his snitchbo ass knows she did nothing illegal in regards to taking that photo.

Concerning homebuilding, LexyLiar thinks I'm building homes and need to be on the lookout for ICE

Poor bastard, I could convince him I'm Trump's Russian handler if I wanted