Trump's red line

MT Pockets's Avatar
Your stupidity on full display once again. Trumps daddy, or granddaddy didn't put him in the White House you fucking idiot. He got there by winning a free and just election you shithead. The American people elected him as Commander in Chief like every POTUS before him. Go back to your hole and strategize how you can make an ass out of yourself...............again. Originally Posted by bambino

Could you show me where I said he was given the election from his daddy? And do you think had he been born to a middle class family he was be the POTUS?

And no he did not win a free and just election you idiot.
When we gonna bet smartass? I hope Trump takes your food stamps.
LexusLover's Avatar
And no he did not win a free and just election you idiot. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
When you add a phrase like "you idiot" do you believe that everything you posted before it is true? Or are you just trying to convince those who don't know any better that what you posted before it is true?

Or were you talking to yourself when you said "you idiot"?

I think option 3 is the best answer.
MT Pockets's Avatar

Once again I ask. How has that worked out?

How many years do you think it will take Kim to have access to a multistage Rocket that can carry a multi megaton Fusion Bomb.

Oh. That's years away. Right?

That's what the "moderates" were saying just a few years ago about Kim having a viable Fission Weapon and the means to deliver it.

Wheather we like it or not, History is repeating.

By the way. It is totally absurd to compare the Leader of North Korea, a brutal dictator who has no qualms about killing or imprisoning any who oppose him, and the elected President of the World's Greatest Democracy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree with the repeating part. This was how Hitler came to power. The rest of your reply is garbage and has little to do with the question. So how you going to bomb NK and not effect any other Country? And are China and Russia just going to sit on their hands while we do this? Since we are the only Country to actually bomb another Country of that magnitude, why are we supposed to be the ones that determine who should or should not have them?
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  • 08-14-2017, 12:16 PM
Did someone say "preemptive strike"?

Here's a "preemptive strike"!

.. and here is a more recent ... "preemptive strike"!

... or would you rather wait until this x10 .... if not x 100.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is ChickenLittle posting pic's yet again to justify starting another preemptive War.

I love how the ChickenHawks want to sacrifice nothing. Not a tax hike to pay for the war costs or their lives.

No the so called conservatives now want to send others to their death at no monetary cost to themselves.
Did someone say "preemptive strike"?

Here's a "preemptive strike"!

.. and here is a more recent ... "preemptive strike"!

... or would you rather wait until this x10 .... if not x 100.

Originally Posted by LexusLover

Yeah only fucking piece of cowardly scums would have plotted this kind of despicable shit.
Aside from blowing North Korea off the map, nobody has a viable solution. Except, do more of the same.

How's that worked out? Originally Posted by Jackie S
It hasn't. BUT the left is always willing to keep kicking the can down the road, leaving it to be someone else's problem to solve.
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  • 08-14-2017, 12:59 PM
It hasn't. BUT the left is always willing to keep kicking the can down the road, leaving it to be someone else's problem to solve. Originally Posted by garhkal
So the answer is War?

How do you think South Korea will fare in that selection?

So you want to restart the Korean War?

You do realize that Trump is playing the American public and China is playing Trump.

There will be no war,

So what we will have is a negotiations, just like all other prior Presidents.
LexusLover's Avatar
It hasn't. BUT the left is always willing to keep kicking the can down the road, leaving it to be someone else's problem to solve. Originally Posted by garhkal
This is the end of the road.

So the other than the can rattling around I don't want to hear anything from the can kickers any more. It's moderately annoying.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-14-2017, 01:06 PM
This is the end of the road.

So the other than the can rattling around I don't want to hear anything from the can kickers any more. It's moderately annoying. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like anybody cares wtf you think. You think anyone will shut up because you're annoyed?

MT Pockets's Avatar
This is the end of the road.

So the other than the can rattling around I don't want to hear anything from the can kickers any more. It's moderately annoying. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So tell me, what is at the end of the road? War? Is that all you can see? That is why I despise a certain section of conservatives. War and hate is always the go-to answer for your kind. Unless of course one of your kin may need to serve then lets call in a few favors. And I know about that firsthand. I have had family members get the royal pass from other family members. I wonder if Trumps kids have bone spurs. Plus as many have said before, who is gonna fund the war? You do not want to pay for Bush's. You certainly would not have paid for Obama's, proof being the de-funding and causing Benghazi.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So tell me, what is at the end of the road? War? Is that all you can see? That is why I despise a certain section of conservatives. War and hate is always the go-to answer for your kind. Unless of course one of your kin may need to serve then lets call in a few favors. And I know about that firsthand. I have had family members get the royal pass from other family members. I wonder if Trumps kids have bone spurs. Plus as many have said before, who is gonna fund the war? You do not want to pay for Bush's. You certainly would not have paid for Obama's, proof being the de-funding and causing Benghazi. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're "beliefs" are not supported by history, M T Brain Socket. Dim-retards are pretty fond of stumbling into wars ass backwards, M T Brain Socket.

WWI - Wilson dim-retard
WWII - FDR dim-retard
Korea -Truman dim-retard
Vietnam - Kennedy/LBJ dim-retards

Bin Laden declared war on the U.S. on Slick Willie's watch and Mogadishu AKA: "Black Hawk Down" happened on his watch as well.

And hildebeest was sure as hell quick to take out Libya's dictator when she thought it would advance her personal bid for the presidency, M T Brain Socket.
bamscram's Avatar
Ekim the inbred chimp avoids the ongoing wars or anything else under Republicans.
LexusLover's Avatar
[IMG]Yeah only fucking piece of cowardly scums would have plotted this kind of despicable shit. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Someone "plotted" it?
LexusLover's Avatar

Vietnam - Kennedy/LBJ dim-retards

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually, Eisenhower started our intrusion into S.E. Asia.

When Kennedy was sworn there were roughly 8,500 U.S. soldiers on the ground and one carrier group flying sorties for ground cover.

Kennedy was not informed during the transition briefings and was not told until his first security briefing after he was sworn.

It would not surprise me if Trump has gone through a similar experience given the other "dirty tricks" going on.
bambino's Avatar
Could you show me where I said he was given the election from his daddy? And do you think had he been born to a middle class family he was be the POTUS?

And no he did not win a free and just election you idiot.
When we gonna bet smartass? I hope Trump takes your food stamps. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're stupidity is on high. It was you who compared Un to Trump. It was you that said Trumps dad put him in power like Un's dad did. Trumps dad died 18yrs ago you idiot. He had nothing to do with Trumps rise to the Presidency. And to suggest thatTrump or anyone else from modest means couldn't be elected POTUS is ill informed and ignorant. Bill Clinton and Obama came from modest means. And besides you ignoramus, Trumps dad started out as a carpenter, he started at the bottom. He grew a business from the bottom. Something you know nothing about. Trump took over that business, like many sons and daughters do in this great country and built it into a global, multi billion dollar business. If anbodies daddies put them in power it would be JFK and Bush 43 you chalooch. So what rat hole do you live in? Trump is the 45th POTUS. That's a fact that seems to escape you. But you have have shit for brains.