Trump news today

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(Bloomberg) -- Former President Donald Trump’s company agreed to pay $750,000 to the District of Columbia to settle a lawsuit claiming it illegally benefited financially from Trump’s 2017 inauguration committee.

The accord, announced Tuesday in a court filing, resolves a suit filed by the district’s attorney general, Karl Racine, who alleged the Trump International Hotel in Washington received inflated payments from the nonprofit committee for space to celebrate Trump’s election.

“After he was elected, one of the first actions Donald Trump took was illegally using his own inauguration to enrich his family,” Racine said in a statement. “We refused to let that corruption stand. With our lawsuit, we are now clawing back money that Trump’s own inaugural committee misused.”

$1 Million Payment
The committee paid the hotel $1.03 million, according to Racine. Under the settlement, Trump’s company will lose most of the money it made from the event, and the money will be directed to charities, the attorney general said.

Racine sued in 2020, alleging the nonprofit inauguration committee’s bylaws bars it from using funds “for unreasonable expenses or to benefit private interests.” At the time, Racine said his investigation found that Trump associate Rick Gates had negotiated payments to the hotel for event space, including a ball room, and that event planner Stephanie Winston Wolkoff raised concerns about the pricing with Trump, Gates, and Ivanka Trump.

“This included issuing a written warning to Gates and Ivanka Trump that the Hotel’s final price proposal was at least twice the market rate,” Racine said.

Gates, with Ivanka Trump’s knowledge, also allowed the committee’s funds to pay for a private after-hours party for the Trump family at their hotel, even after committee staff “initially canceled this event over concerns of improper use of funds,” Racine said.
... Surely GLAD to see this - because you can surely wager
your flat money that ALL of the money Joe Biden made from
Hunter's business partners will be fully investigated next year
by Republican committees. ... And that proper taxes are payed.

... But the difference here is that the Trump thing
surely seems to be a business oversight.

### Salty
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1. More aboutism

2. The Trump Organization and family are as crooked as any mafia family. This is just one tiny tip of the iceberg of how they handle things.
... We know that they are the MOST INVESTIGATED family
in America... And STILL "NO Collusion"...

But the Biden Family will be investigated - and HOW!
Next year.

And Hillary is being investigated NOW.

... oh, almost forgot - didja see all the "TRUMP" candidates WINNING!

### Salty
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