GA Election Case - Back Open!

Precious_b's Avatar
Beat it? LOL... this shit is going to get dismissed because of unethical behviour on the part of the DA. LOL... Originally Posted by texassapper
Kinda makes me chuckle.

Dropping his pants for Stormy and y'all blow it off.

She supposedly drops her knickers for someone on the case and it is unethical.

One gets a pass and the other gets screamed at.

You guys can't play it both ways.

Carry on.
Boots into SAFE MODE.

That's command line access with Admin creds.

That means they can add/delete/edit files and file contents to the hearts content.

oopsie. Originally Posted by texassapper
... Too Right, mate...

Michigan Professor J. Halderman and Auburn Security Research
Professor Drew Sringall wrote a report about discovering
many exploitable vulnerabilities in the Dominion voting
system's "Image-Cast X System"... Seems that Sec. of State
Raffensperger sat on this report and hid it for two years.

... No wonder Raffensperger didn't want to testify at
Friday's hearing === where Pro. Halderman showed
Judge Totenberg just how easy it is to HACK a Dominion machine!

... That's how he did it, 'Sapper! ...

... See? ... Georgia voter fraud was EASY.

Not-onley is it easy to "mis-count machine tabulations"
but hack and change voting results in the machines themselves!

... But wherever you go - and whatever you do - Stay tuned!

##### Salty
... G'day Mates,

... Did wanna let you mates know that me Political "Insiders"
have mentioned a few things... Problems with the Georgia
vote counts. ... Apparently "Me Votes" won't actually be
released for review - but Gov. Kemp's office has now
ADMITTED that those "mysterious ballots" that Fulton County
wouldn't show - were invalid and shoud NOT have been counted.

Which means they are fake. ... FAKE!

Along-with 3000 machine ballots that are duplicate.

And of course we already know that in Fulton County, they
OVER-COUNTED 4081 Absentee ballots for Joe Biden.

... Still don't believe me? ... Then you can join Mr.
Joseph Rossi - who will be at the special meetings
of the Georgia State Elections Board.

The meetings are next Tuesday - 19 December and the
next day on Wednesday. ... Georgia State Capitol Building.

The meeting are open to the public.


... You mates and bludger-mates o' mine can surely
issue your APOLOGIES to me right here.

Ya know... those calling me a liar and what-not....

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You're exhibit A for sterilization
You're exhibit A for sterilization Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
... Are YOU just here to do insults, or are you gonna
address the issues here?

#### Salty
... Hee Hee! ... Prof. Halderman actually changed the
Dominion machine votes with a pen - hacked the machine and
changed votes for "George Washington" over to votes for
"Benedict Arnold"... ... Judge Totenberg looked sick
when it happened.

'Course doesn't Judge Totenberg's sister run NPR news?
ah, no reason to even mention that... ... But I will mention
the before winning the Governourship - Brian Kemp himself was
Secretary of State... Hmmmm... He might have been the first one
to champion for the Dominion Machines.

... Let's see how the rest of the Hearing goes.

#### Salty
... Are YOU just here to do insults, or are you gonna
address the issues here?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The "issues" only exist in your sick mind little man...I look forward to you guys crying when you lose again. I HOPE you try and overthrow the government again, we have something for you BOY
... Hee Hee! ... Prof. Halderman actually changed the
Dominion machine votes with a pen - hacked the machine and
changed votes for "George Washington" over to votes for
"Benedict Arnold"... ... Judge Totenberg looked sick
when it happened.

'Course doesn't Judge Totenberg's sister run NPR news?
ah, no reason to even mention that... ... But I will mention
the before winning the Governourship - Brian Kemp himself was
Secretary of State... Hmmmm... He might have been the first one
to champion for the Dominion Machines.

... Let's see how the rest of the Hearing goes. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Then explain why Fox News had to pony up 3/4 of a billion for airing that bullshit on Dominion Voting Systems? C'mon little boy...let's hear you explain that ??

Hey everyone, watch the cultist run like a pussy!!!
The "issues" only exist in your sick mind little man...I look forward to you guys crying when you lose again. I HOPE you try and overthrow the government again, we have something for you BOY Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Hmmmmm... "sick mind" would be YOU questioning me health.

And you can call me - BIG Man.

But what's with yer other comments? ... They sound like THREATS.

... or is this a thread hijack??

#### Salty
... Blimey! ... Surely was thinkin' we'd need to go a week
before you addressed a thread topic.

... You raise a good point on Dominion and Fox-News.
But we don't know to this point IF Fox has even payed them.

But with these machine revelations - and no doubt more coming,
It just might be Dominion's time to "GIVE BACK"..

#### Salty
Hmmmmm... "sick mind" would be YOU questioning me health.

And you can call me - BIG Man.

But what's with yer other comments? ... They sound like THREATS.

... or is this a thread hijack??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's called facts..NOT alternate facts
... I'll have MORE Facts on the Dominion voter machine situation
and the Hearing - later today.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar

... You raise a good point on Dominion and Fox-News.
But we don't know to this point IF Fox has even payed them.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Such a predictable comment from

How many payments has Trump not made ?
biomed1's Avatar
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SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... I'll have MORE Facts on the Dominion voter machine situation
and the Hearing - later today.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So how did the hearing go yesterday? Or is it "just wait"?
adav8s28's Avatar
Beat it? LOL... this shit is going to get dismissed because of unethical behviour on the part of the DA. LOL...

But the reality is this just makes Trumps assassination that much more likely as it's one less roadblock to his election. And they cannot let him take office. Originally Posted by texassapper
Splitting hairs a little? I wrote that Trump would beat the case. I did not write that Trump would be found "not guilty". Big difference.