"Do Not See" list

berkleigh's Avatar
My "Do Not See" List is dated all the way back to 2006.

Just imagine how long that list is...

If you have sent me a PM, an email or a text message and I have not responded, it's because you are BLOCKED and on that list.

Point Blank -
The last thing I will stand for is someone being disrespectful, rude, annoying, under the influence or not accepting the fact that if I feel we are not compatible, I have the right to decline a future meeting.

Despite my backbone, I am really down to earth and fun, so don't be an asshole
blowmypop23's Avatar
Just to end this game of "mean ass Vi came after me for nothing first"

this was out first interaction ever.... until this point i didn't know you existed.... so just so we ALL KNOW stop playing innocent kid...

this post ALONE put you on my DNS list

then someone who has been harassing me for months decided to use your handle because you were doing the same thing he did lol...so it's very simple to assume the now banned person and the other person was you, since guys keep forgetting i keep my text records of my DNS list to make sure i have as much info as i need if a lady needs it...

#tryagain Originally Posted by !VI!

Yep, I stand by every word of it and I think the 3 days that have happened and the two train-wreck threads prove my point. Every time you get a bad review or someone post something bad all of a sudden there is a thread in alert or coed about how that person is harassing you on the phone and text.

It's a pattern and that was my whole point. Thank you for proving my point about who is on my DNS list and why. Oh and thanks to you I won $300 and a paid session with a lady of my choice.

They didn't think you would do it again. They said no fucking way she does it again. I said yep, I've read the reviews and alerts and I think she will, as a matter of fact I'll bet each of you 50 bucks and a free session she will. I said one post, that's all it will take and a rebuff in the pm you know she will send me after the post and watch how quick she loses it.

Thanks V!

I take the V! to be V! for Vendetta
blowmypop23's Avatar
My "Do Not See" List is dated all the way back to 2006.

Just imagine how long that list is...

If you have sent me a PM, an email or a text message and I have not responded, it's because you are BLOCKED and on that list.

Point Blank -
The last thing I will stand for is someone being disrespectful, rude, annoying, under the influence or not accepting the fact that if I feel we are not compatible, I have the right to decline a future meeting.

Despite my backbone, I am really down to earth and fun, so don't be an asshole
Originally Posted by berkleigh
I had a session with you scheduled years ago. Not sure maybe 2010 ish. Unfortunately I had to cancel so I never got the chance to see you. I remember you came on my radar by referral for a particular lovely item I was looking for in my next beautiful courtesan.

I must say you are as beautiful as ever. It's good to see you.

You would only be on my MSL and MRL (must see list and must return list)
berkleigh's Avatar
I had a session with you scheduled years ago. Not sure maybe 2010 ish. Unfortunately I had to cancel so I never got the chance to see you. I remember you came on my radar by referral for a particular lovely item I was looking for in my next beautiful courtesan.

I must say you are as beautiful as ever. It's good to see you.

You would only be on my MSL and MRL (must see list and must return list) Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Totally understand and Thank You for the compliments.
Feel free to contact whenever you are ready

blowmypop23's Avatar
Look at that,

Berkleigh comes on with all her beauty and grace and everyone, I mean everyone just stops posting. Here is an example of everything a true courtesan should be. No drama, great presence, impeccable TCB and of course

Voted top 5 best looking ladies in Dallas. A true Dallas Icon.

  • !VI!
  • 08-21-2015, 10:40 PM
Yep, I stand by every word of it and I think the 3 days that have happened and the two train-wreck threads prove my point. Every time you get a bad review or someone post something bad all of a sudden there is a thread in alert or coed about how that person is harassing you on the phone and text.

It's a pattern and that was my whole point. Thank you for proving my point about who is on my DNS list and why. Oh and thanks to you I won $300 and a paid session with a lady of my choice.

They didn't think you would do it again. They said no fucking way she does it again. I said yep, I've read the reviews and alerts and I think she will, as a matter of fact I'll bet each of you 50 bucks and a free session she will. I said one post, that's all it will take and a rebuff in the pm you know she will send me after the post and watch how quick she loses it.

Thanks V!

I take the V! to be V! for Vendetta Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Lol FOS just calling it now, you caused the entire issue

But you know, your money is still green.... Anyone who would see you at all need to read up on you

Like you keep saying you did with me lol tell me something recent? No you can't odd
Hercules's Avatar
Every woman that's posted on (or read) this thread must now show us their tits or go on a universal DNS list.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Every woman that's posted on (or read) this thread must now show us their tits or go on a universal DNS list. Originally Posted by Hercules
My vote for best post of this thread. It took a semigod to do it.
  • !VI!
  • 08-22-2015, 09:41 AM
My vote for best post of this thread. It took a semigod to do it. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
hurcules was a Demi

he would never be one my DNS
Chung Tran's Avatar
Look at that,

Berkleigh comes on with all her beauty and grace and everyone, I mean everyone just stops posting. Here is an example of everything a true courtesan should be. No drama, great presence, impeccable TCB and of course

Voted top 5 best looking ladies in Dallas. A true Dallas Icon.

Originally Posted by blowmypop23
that was a classy post.. she could have said "it's been 5 years Motherfucker, get off your ass and set another appointment", and gone off the rails about you being a NCNS, how you changed your handle to keep her from linking you to the NCNS, etc..

but that would make her like, *cough*, someone else in this thread for whom class and brevity are strangers..
blowmypop23's Avatar
that was a classy post.. she could have said "it's been 5 years Motherfucker, get off your ass and set another appointment", and gone off the rails about you being a NCNS, how you changed your handle to keep her from linking you to the NCNS, etc..

but that would make her like, *cough*, someone else in this thread for whom class and brevity are strangers.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

So True,

I've never been a NCNS though. I would never be that inconsiderate. I made the appointment like a week in advance and gave her like 3 days notice that I needed to cancel. It always has to be about mutual respect in those situations.