ITs the 17th Where is Naomi & London??

the volkswagen may need a good car wash considering where its been.....
2.99 a minute!!?? Bloody hell I don't even charge that much Ed! Originally Posted by Valerie the math!!
Gosh I am loving the ignore option!

I can see that all my stalkers/haters are trying to follow me around the board, and I have no idea what they are writing, nor do I care....

I'm flattered that you guys take the time every single day/night to stalk me, but perhaps you guys/gals could find something better to do with your time??Because whatever it is you're trying to accomplish(as I said earlier I can't see what you write) obviously isn't working for ya..... at least contribute some positive energy to the boards...come on, can't be that difficult for ya can it? Originally Posted by Valerie
You can't see this?!? How about this?!?
Naomi4u's Avatar
$2.99 a minute....Thanks Naomi, business is booming!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Haaaa! Wow and I got it for free. I'm so flattered.
Wayward's Avatar
I don't even know what to say.......WayHARD.......will you marry me?
I don't feel like I regret meeting you either, Way. But you're right. It's not fair to attack someone just because they are friends with some one who thincks their smarter than everone else, but can't find their way out of a wet paper sack. Or who wail about the cruelty someone has shown them and damn near in the same breathe turn around and do something far worse, to someone who has earned her place here. You just drove up. These youngsters today thinck they know everything at the ripe old age of 25, a hard 25 at that. Have no idea how quickly things can go wrong. Like putting all there hopes and dreams in their physical appearance. That will be over before they know it. Especially at the rate they're going. Trust and believe. I'm twice their age and have done everything they already have and everything they will in the near future, twice. Experience is speaking here, might behouve you to pay attention...... Try having some respect for the women who were here before you and made these boards what they are. Just remember you will be them, soon enough.......... Originally Posted by onehitwonder got us on ignore like I got you on my Christmas card list......I'm waiting on all that education you've been braggin' about to spill out....just sayin.....

post#218 was edited.I had a moment.....after the proposal.....

Hey y' it my imagination or is Valtrecs english accent fading? Not one " bloody hell " or " brilliant " to be had in quite a while...... I hate to say I told ya......... Originally Posted by onehitwonder
I missed the edit on this wonderful first post and would only add that this is another in a long line of reasons why OHW is a woman we love...

The second one shows a level on ensight that probably shouldn't be ignored either but that is just us trying to be positive and can someone please explain to Valerie that she isn't the only person in the world or the only one that matters posting on eccie. We don't know who that is going to be exactly because she seems to have about half the board on her ignore list. Which is also pretty damn funny and I am postive about that.
Naomi4u's Avatar
LOL! I never noticed the exercise ball in the background!...guess I was too busy staring at your boobs! Originally Posted by Valerie
Did someone say boobs??
TexasGator's Avatar
Gosh I am loving the ignore option!

I can see that all my stalkers/haters are trying to follow me around the board, and I have no idea what they are writing, nor do I care....

I'm flattered that you guys take the time every single day/night to stalk me, but perhaps you guys/gals could find something better to do with your time??Because whatever it is you're trying to accomplish(as I said earlier I can't see what you write) obviously isn't working for ya..... at least contribute some positive energy to the boards...come on, can't be that difficult for ya can it? Originally Posted by Valerie

I don't know if you have me on "Ignore" too, Val (I AM from Houston and we have disagreed about etiquette, albeit devoid of any name calling), but just in case, you just keep doing what you're doing and IGNORE these people,. Don't give them a second thought.

You see I also despise those terribly cruel Houston posters, and their followers from other cities. Like you, I do not care for people who demean others, stoop to childish name calling, and spread stories about others' physical or social "flaws." I'm with you, Val....all the way.

That's why I wouldn't read your blog, even though they keep telling me to. Why would they want me to do that, I asked myself. There can be only one answer. They are probably posting all over your blog and mistreating and belittling you just as they did here. AND, I for one am not about to read any more of that bashing.

I'm sure your blog is all about pleasant things, chronicles of the good times, and free of the mean, childish personal attacks that you had the guts to stand up to from those Houston "assholes" and the "cunts" that follow them.

You're beautiful, a wonderful mother, great friend to many, hard working, literate, worldly....the list goes on and on. They cannot possibly effect your business - I'm sure that too is flourishing as always. Who cares about a few idiots? Good riddance.

We both know they don't bother you in the least - nor should they. You go, girl!

And for all you Houston "assholes" and their "Staff edit, CC" (I'm grateful you'd never use such terms of endearment, Val - ME? I just can't help it sometimes) who don't yet have me on IGNORE -

Certain words simply wont be allowed here; thats one of them, CC
Wayward's Avatar
Great post TxGator and while I understand why that word doesn't belong in National coed find it amusing that it is so often linked to by the "lady" that has everyone on ignore for being rude. We are sort of a big fan of irony.
London Rayne's Avatar
This is Sofaking wetadid lol.

And since when is this thread about Valerie? You guys need to toss some insults my way as well...not feeling the love here.

It has been said time and again that "who really cares what a hooktard thinks" but this sure proves some do. Nuff said.

I did not see any names mentioned and I know "I" have never berated anyone for the way they look except one person about 4 months ago, and I was pointed for it

I will call someone out on being a hypocrite or an idiot though, but alas I am kind of bored with all of it really.

If someone is dumb enough to ASSume anything said on a blog was about them, then I guess the shoe must fit, because I sure as hell was left out of the loop on that one. It was my impression that "cucumber girl" was a girl who was caught actually having sex with a freakin cucumber!! My how things can get twisted.

I can't speak for Valerie or anyone else, but if I ever have something to say you can bet I won't withhold names and address them publicly.

That is all....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I think this one has veered far enough form the OP. Lets all move on.