
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Txfishkiller -

You need to go back and check SOME of your facts at least. This is the same type of unsubstantiated claims you served up in these posts, both of which were proved otherwise by means of factual rebuttal:




Besides -- I'm guessing you're blaming the liberals in Washington for bankrupting California, Illinois, Greece, Spain and Italy. Why not add Nebraska, Australia and Utah to the list? Throw in Bulgaria while you're at it.
aroundaustin's Avatar
Obama is the worst Pres. ever, along with the other good intended liberal Jimmy Carter. Both of whom believed Gov't is THE answer, not the people. Report out today 54k jobs added, market down another 100 pts. Unemployment 9.1% after trillions have been spent on shovel ready projects, which Obummer admitted did not exist. The union pension funds were bailed out at out expense, takeing money out of the private sector. Obamacare actually takes money out of medicare and the liberal dems are blaming the Repubs and liberal media is reporting exactly what the WH wants. EPA is attempting to add a lizard and the Gulf seahorse to list which will shut down even more explore and drilling and cost thousands of jobs in Texas alone. Obummer is already shutting down NASA which will cost Texas thousands of other jobs. Keep on voting for liberals and we'll be like Cal. Ill, Greece, Spain and Italy-all broke. Originally Posted by Txfishkiller
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Kinda like when the others here have said that if it comes from Fox News or the Heritage foundation that it must be bullshit!

Not from Fox news or the Heritage foundation as far as straight reported news goes. As far as their analysis or opinions go, I look at multiple sources.

This is why I said that it really does not matter if you post up links for sources each side will discredit the other. Then around and around we go...

That's your reason for not posting links? That's why it does matter. I haven't seen you post many that support your position let alone any that discredit somebody else's.

That is why I find a lot of the long drawn out extensive post amusing...

Of course you do. Reasoned thoughts take more than the 144 characters a "tweet" has. In a real discussion or debate, you make a statement and then support it with information and the source of the information.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
The point is not that Fox is not a credible source. I never said they weren’t and I don’t recall seeing them used as a source to discredit other reliable sources. It’s actually a moot point to you because you doesn’t supply sources or links.

Fox NEWS uses AP and Reuters’s just like everyone else. The problem arises when Bill and Rush and Glen and Sean are quoted as sources. They are op-ed, not news reporters. If you look, every one of them have disclaimers that protect Fox. Since I have not watched MSNBC, can’t say they have the same deal but I’m pretty sure they do. Op-ed doesn’t have the same journalistic responsibilities or standards that reporters do. The reporters can put some spin on the news but not much. Spin is a point of view, it’s not changing facts.
Pundits can say anything. The only thing that really matters is that they have a buyer for their column.

If you went to a site like Politifact.com, you would see Fox’s as well as other network’s pundits are regularly called on non-factual statements. Network news reporters are almost never called out. because they report, they don’t really analyze or comment.
Stop and think what happens when CBS (or Fox, CNN, etc.) reports something incorrect. There is no mainstream media. There is nothing but sharks going for blood.

So. Fox news and MSNBC (and CBS, CNN, etc.) NEWS are all reliable sources. While many pundits are ON the news channels, that isn’t the same as being a reporter.

Which brings us to Links=Knowledge. A chemistry professor I had many years ago told us you didn’t need to know everything in the school’s library. You just needed to know how to use the card catalog.
One source of news, regardless of philosophy, = Ignorance.

If Fox news said that all senators had Hep C (work with me here) that is a credible source. If Glen or the gang says the same thing (before the news dept), that is not a credible source. At that point, it’s link time. Maybe I should have qualified my statement with the disclaimer that a person needs to be able to do unbiased research on a subject in the first place. When you see credible sources that say the opposite of your sources (you are supposed to consider both pro and con), dig deeper.
A good example of unbiased reporting would be saying that republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency from 2001 to 2007. Op-ed folks would give their opinion what they think the ramifications of that fact are.

In this thread, it’s difficult to have a discussion about the President’s performance. I won’t say he has been fantastic but he has done some decent work. If I say he has and post links that you won’t look at to back up my statements, that’s not much of a discussion…..with you. Plenty of other people to yak with.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Absolutely. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul

Obama is the worst Pres. ever, along with the other good intended liberal Jimmy Carter. Both of whom believed Gov't is THE answer, not the people. Report out today 54k jobs added, market down another 100 pts.

2 years ago today it was mid 8000s
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=%5EDJI&a=9&b=1&c=1928&d=5 &e=4&f=2011&g=d&z=66&y=0

Unemployment 9.1% after trillions have been spent on shovel ready projects, which Obummer admitted did not exist.

Trillions? What shovel ready projects? How was the money spent? What budget was it from?

The union pension funds were bailed out at out expense, takeing money out of the private sector.

What unions? Most union workers are in the private sector. GM’s unions made big concessions when GM got the money from this administration and GM has paid a bunch of it back.
The money the Bush administration gave away was exactly that. Given away with no repayment expected.

Obamacare actually takes money out of medicare and the liberal dems are blaming the Repubs and liberal media is reporting exactly what the WH wants. EPA is attempting to add a lizard and the Gulf seahorse to list which will shut down even more explore and drilling and cost thousands of jobs in Texas alone.

Does anybody doubt why links are important when making statements? If you want them to be taken seriously?

Obummer is already shutting down NASA which will cost Texas thousands of other jobs.

While the timeline for the shuttle’s retirement was sketched out by the previous administration in 2004, President Obama startled aerospace industry early last year when he announced the termination of the previous administration’s Constellation lunar initiative. The termination ignited a legislative furor in the states that host NASA’s human space flight centers, where officials were counting on transferring shuttle personnel to Constellation.
The uproar diminished some last October when Obama signed the 2010 Authorization Act. The legislation includes a bi-partisan road map hat nurtures new commercial orbital transportation services while calling for a NASA-developed heavy lift rocket, the Space Launch System, and a crew capsule, the Multi-purpose Crew Vehicle, that could be ready for operation by the end of 2016.


NASA is shutting down some programs. NASA is not shutting down.

There are more important things to pay for than going back to the moon. Like our deficit.

rioseco's Avatar
Obama is not just another political douche bag........
He is an undocumented worker political douche bag !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Two hundred thirty one posts without a birther appearance. Pretty goood, folks!

I don't think he got this message -_-
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He got the message, he even got the right guy in the right country too.

LOL you guys are too funny I knew the 2 of you will respond to my posts haha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, well be careful, or I'll have to share this shit with your, er, well I won't say who...
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
uh oh is this a threat? tsktsk

anyway, I am just proving a simple point here....no matter how baseless anyone's response is, you can't let it go.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please refer to my above post to understand my point. If you cannot comprehend, you must let it go, do not attempt to read it over and over again as we all know, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."