
offshoredrilling's Avatar
just cook with lots of butter, and not worry about it.
bp6570's Avatar
just cook with lots of butter, and not worry about it. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
With what side dish? maybe a big green salad & a diet pepsi.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rice. That way you can think its Chinese. And not really knowing what it is. hay could be cat or another dog just sayin
bp6570's Avatar
rice. That way you can think its Chinese. And not really knowing what it is. hay could be cat or another dog just sayin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Rice & dog = Dinner with the President!
dirty dog's Avatar
What time does your flight land DirtyDouche?

or are you just full of shit? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
I am already here spanky, but I am still not meeting you at a gay bar no matter how many times you ask me. Actually, I am in Texas City and will soon be heading to Galveston. I am at the Drury on 45 should be back there tonight so if you want we can meet somewhere near there and I will kick your ass.
dirty dog's Avatar
Yeah I didn't(duh)think you needed any doors opened..lets see, you've threatened to "kick" me in the head and now that you know what a badass I am you're inviting me over to your place of business and you admit you're a bully....Hmmmmm...

Tell you what, after you fly down to Houston and kick them in the "head" get back to me and we'll hook up...hell I'll even buy you lunch..oh and I don't need to tell you all about you, it seems we are in agreement on that one.

Enjoy your time down south.... Originally Posted by malwoody
So because your a crippled old bastard I am suppose to just let you talk all your want about me. If your not to old to run your mouth, then your not to old to get your ass kicked. You want to keep dancing this dance then keep playing the music.
dirty dog's Avatar
Geez Louise you guys are a little slow. Believe me gentlemen, I am not so dumb to risk everything I have going on by drawing heat to myself to hunt down and "whip" some internet board posters who think they have insulted me. I visit this board to mess with people and crack wise and once in a while pass along some information. The bottom line is if your not costing me money then I could give a care.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Rice & dog = Dinner with the President! Originally Posted by bp6570
I like sweet-n-sour chicken over pork. Pork I like cooked in sauerkraut. But the current porker would ruin the sauerkraut.
dearhunter's Avatar
Geez Louise you guys are a little slow. Believe me gentlemen, I am not so dumb to risk everything I have going on by drawing heat to myself to hunt down and "whip" some internet board posters who think they have insulted me. I visit this board to mess with people and crack wise and once in a while pass along some information. The bottom line is if your not costing me money then I could give a care. Originally Posted by dirty dog
We know..........that is why your chest thumping is kind of lame..............but, if you want to buy me lunch, I will still meet you at the tailgate tomorrow.....ijs.
bp6570's Avatar
I like sweet-n-sour chicken over pork. Pork I like cooked in sauerkraut. But the current porker would ruin the sauerkraut. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The Prez can't eat pork, can he?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The Prez can't eat pork, can he? Originally Posted by bp6570
I have no idea about muslim rules. But the porker can be eaten.
bp6570's Avatar
I have no idea about muslim rules. But the porker can be eaten. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Are you talkin bout Mooshelle? cuz i ain't stickin my face in there...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Mooshelle has to be a bit better taster then ThunderThighs. Bet Billy "is" Clinton would know.
dirty dog's Avatar
We know..........that is why your chest thumping is kind of lame..............but, if you want to buy me lunch, I will still meet you at the tailgate tomorrow.....ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Yeah got to admit it was a little lame, just not really getting into this like I usually do, just didnt put a lot of effort into it, it bored me real quick. Actually I would take you up on the lunch but I am doing a lot of running and then back to KC.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
maybe you two can split a provider like the secret service.