Random Thoughts

The day house guests go home is a wonderful day indeed. Especially when there's six of them.
Steak and BJ day is a mighty fine holiday.

GoT is my favorite show of all time. I am waiting for Ginger, er Cersei, to get her reward, preferably by Jamie who could add queen slayer to his titles.

Westworld is a great show. Hard to go wrong with Anthony Hopkins.

This Is Us was designed to achieve maximum emotional response from viewers.
"Hey you! Yeah, you!" says the loud, naked lady on the Eccie popup ad. Yes, please help call attention to the fact that I'm on an escort site to everyone within hearing distance. My most hated ad. Adblock doesn't always kill it for some reason.
When you get the only cute stylist at SportClips
No one would buy a Quarter Pounder if it was called a Four Ouncer. The power of marketing.
There is nothing more disturbing than hearing grown men baby talk, even if it's to a baby.
There is nothing more disturbing than hearing grown men baby talk, even if it's to a baby. Originally Posted by JdeHog
It's ok JdeHog. Couchy, couchy coo to you.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---even if it's to a baby.

I hate when people baby talk to their pets...uggghhhhhhh
I baby talk my cat. #guilty

He likes it.
Sold some stock before noon on Friday, funds to be disbursed by wire transfer. Brokerage estimates it will be next Thursday before the funds hit my bank account. WTF? That's about the same amount of time as to send a check by US mail. However the wire transfer has the advantage of being routed directly to my, uh, alternate bank account.

Seems crazy to take that long though. I thought a wire transfer itself was near-instantaneous but I was told it's due confirmations on the pending trade or something like that. Weird.
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol ginger..I make an exception for you..you sexy woman can nabytalk to whomever you want...and I bet it is cute
Sold some stock before noon on Friday, funds to be disbursed by wire transfer. Brokerage estimates it will be next Thursday before the funds hit my bank account. WTF? That's about the same amount of time as to send a check by US mail. However the wire transfer has the advantage of being routed directly to my, uh, alternate bank account.

Seems crazy to take that long though. I thought a wire transfer itself was near-instantaneous but I was told it's due confirmations on the pending trade or something like that. Weird. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Remember it takes 3 days for the trade to clear, so if any of the funds you are receiving are from that sale then that is the hold up.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol getting off topic here...BUT I LUV your handle...makes me smile thinking about my days as a child milking cows on the farm..lol It actually prepared me for "milking cocks"!!
Remember it takes 3 days for the trade to clear, so if any of the funds you are receiving are from that sale then that is the hold up. Originally Posted by milkcow
Yeah, you're right that's it. Seem kind of ridiculous in this day and age that it takes trades 3 days to clear though. Not sure what the reason for it is.
"A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and porn."
