I didn't know you liked TS'S OSD? I was just checking your reviews. OMG!? How many times have you reviewed HUNTER585 and why so many times? Is that like a record?
Originally Posted by Still Looking
is a guy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH noooooooooooooooooo
oh well, NEXT
I been seeing the same three(mmm two now, dropped one it seems) providers for 10 or 15 years now.
But Hunter is the only one on the boards and wants reviews.
Hunter and ATF UTR are all I need.
It was Hunter that got me to join ASPD, she asked. And I got her to join ECCIE after the unplugging.
LOL hard to believe she got me started on boards if you compare number of posts.
And always asks me to say, "Sorry About That" for her.
edit: why guessing 14 times too many LOL.
Review: Just when I think we both said the stupidest thing ever, we keep talking!
is the eccie one I like the best.
I have copy of the ASPD one I like the most. And I have posted before in the open as ASPD lost it in a crash long before ECCIE had anything to do with ASPD.
In that she gave me a haircut and shaved my balls with a straight razor.