NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Well get used to it because this will always happen as long as you have Kubiak and Wade Phillips as your coaches. Reason being that they are fine coaches who can turn a bad team into a decent team but just like some other coaches in history (Chuck Knox, Norv Turner), they are boring, predictable, and immune to change or innovation.

Therefore by the middle of the season all of their tendencies have been studied by the opposition and since they are stuck in their ways and cannot change they get figured out.

Look at Wade Phillip's track record, he always makes a defense great for one or two seasons then they fall apart. Kubiak is the most predictable play caller since Jim Mora the elder. If it is third and short, even if the run game is working he will call a pass, that is why Schaub ends up sacked on third and short more times than not.

Let's put it this way, if an idiot like me can predict what Kubiak is going to call then what do you think about the opponent's defensive coordinator? Originally Posted by spear88
Fine post, my friend.

The reality of the situation is, we weren't that good this year on either side of the ball. Had we not had a blocked punt for a TD and had the Colts not fumbled that ball at their own 1 yard line in our first meeting, they might have won that game as well. As sad as it is, they are better than us on special teams and on offense, we have a slight edge on defense because of Watt.

I'm not really that mad or upset, this team was great because of their defense and running ability, once that went away, we're pretty much average. Still love our guys, though, they battled, they just weren't good enough.

I think we might and should win next week, after that, we need to focus on the draft, and focus on getting a new QB. We need to build around Watt and Kareem Jackson on defense....He was literally our best guy in the secondary this year..

Coaching changes are fine by me as well. But this year for the draft is not too great for QBs, we need Johnny football in 2014...
hornfreak's Avatar
Now you guys now how it feels. At least your in the playoffs. I've been watching the Cowboys collapse at seasons end for a while now. It ain't a good fucken feeling! Hope the Texans change some of their damn predictable. Good luck to them....and no I ain't trying to be funny either. Saw the game with my brother,....lets just say he was a little irritated!
kerwil62's Avatar
These muthafuckas, SMMFH..........

You go to Indy which basically has nothing to play for and forget what YOU had to play for! All you had to do was WIN and home field is yours. So what you've never won in Indy, guess you never want to win there anymuthafuckinway.

No. 3 Seed. Now they gotta play the Bengals next week. Denver and New England ain't losing today.

I had a really deep feeling that they were gonna let their fans down. Houston teams always do.

Gotdammuthafuckinsonofabitchas s MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-30-2012, 04:13 PM
Kerwil just summed it up...I'm so pissed, I don't know what to say.

It's hard to blame one person, but you have to start with the "leader" and most important player on the team - our QB. 2 more picks? ....SMDH...
TheDon's Avatar
It has just been puzzling to me. I just flat out think the Colts are better than us, I think most of the playoff teams are, hard to pin point all the fails that have happened with this team.
We are fucking slllloooooooowwww everywhere. James and Dobbins are the slowest mfing lbs around. Sad to see Andre not have his burst of old. It is hard to run when you are held like a mfer too. Slow safety's, slow shitty offensive line. Wtf is fosters problem with slipping all the fucking time??

Wtf was that call about too. Luck fumbled or threw a backward pass. How the fuck did they give the ball back to the colts????

And Dan dickdorf can choke on my cock!!! Listening to him is hard to stomach. And fuckchuck and that nasty ass bald headed colt cheerleader!!!

This reminds me of the mfing oilers collapse vs buffalo. I was this pissed then but more pissed now!!

McNair needs to show some balls and making a fucking coaching change!!
carkido45's Avatar
Kerwil just summed it up...I'm so pissed, I don't know what to say.

It's hard to blame one person, but you have to start with the "leader" and most important player on the team - our QB. 2 more picks? ....SMDH... Originally Posted by Satin
Im not pissed regular season is over and Texans in playoffs sometikes you got to go thtough the bad too get to the good . We really don't know what will hapoen next game tjat's one the reason I love thr game of football.
On too the playoffs and Go Texans
kerwil62's Avatar
No. 3 Seed. Now they gotta play the Bengals next week. Denver and New England ain't losing today.
Originally Posted by kerwil62

Denver 38
KC 3

NE 28
Miami 0
macksback's Avatar
Schuab sucks. Well he is basically average. Nothing special. Get rid of him and they will be a better team.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-30-2012, 07:43 PM
They, should have shagged Peyton, when they had a chance, it would be all over but the crying, by everyone else.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-30-2012, 08:25 PM
Unfortunately, there is NO way McNair is getting rid of Dopey or Kubiak fellas. They both have new contacts (Dopey $62 million) and Bob loves them both.

We gotta figure out a way to beat the Bengals next Saturday. I'm gonna be there, but not feeling very confident...

Good post Spear88 & Daddio....
carkido45's Avatar
This for YOU SATIN
You fucking Nancy boys are willing to put up with this shit?????

Fuck that noise!!!

You fucking Namby Pamby fuckers must not have mfing season tickets for every mfing game like I have, fuck this McNair is too fucking nice, Kubes is too fucking nice, dopey is too fucking nice, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!!! Give me some old school Oakland raider type mutha fuckas. This is football not tittly fucking winks!!! JJ and Duane brown are the only bad asses we have!!! Fuck fuck fuck I think I'm gonna puke cause these fuckers make me sick!!!!
Win or "Loose"?? If we can't win I will take some loose pussy I guess!!! Dress my pussy in a #8 jersey po favor!!!
TheDon's Avatar
We didn't sign the guy who's going to be favored to lead his team into the super bowl, and extended a guy who will most likely never lead us to a conference title game.

If that is not insult to injury, I don't know what is.

A guy is getting 62 mill and can't even roll-out smh.

And I like that he's gonna be in the pro-bowl with Manning and Brady, two of those guys are going to Canton, the other one, not so much..