Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

LexusLover's Avatar
And I would appreciate you not making any comments at all at any time about my wife. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't worry Speedo, I won't be strolling through your predominately white neighborhood ... since you brought up history .. you brought your wife onto this board. Take that up with her not me. Don't even give me a 2nd look.

Your intellectual failure and deficiency was apparent when you started the grade school name calling ... what was that "ivy league" college ... William and Mary? ...

Please return to the pool cleaning task.
LexusLover's Avatar
If I am walking down the street in your neighborhood, you can certainly ask me what I am doing there. And it is my legal right to ignore you. I agree that Martin should have kept on walking. But the point many of us are making is that we do not know for certain what transpired between Martin and Zimmerman when they met face-to-face. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Had Martin kept on walking ... there would have been no "fact-to-face"!

Since you no so little about "street" incidents ... in your neighborhood, perhaps YOU shouldn't be giving anyone a "second look" ... just mind your own business and keep looking straight ahead.

Or you could look up what to do in your "National" neighborhood watch manual!
LexusLover's Avatar
Zimmerman's neighborhood was not part of the National Neighborhood Watch Organization. Zimmerman was acting on his own with obviously no understanding of the rules or recommendations of the organization, which is to NOT carry a gun and to NOT follow anyone. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
From a Life Member of ....

................the National Neighborhood Watch Organization.

The face on the institute sign is a little dark in tone, if one asks me! Is the institute "racially profiling"?
I guess this sign was for a "predominately white neighborhood"!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Had Martin kept on walking ... there would have been no "fact-to-face"!

Since you no so little about "street" incidents ... in your neighborhood, perhaps YOU shouldn't be giving anyone a "second look" ... just mind your own business and keep looking straight ahead.

Or you could look up what to do in your "National" neighborhood watch manual! Originally Posted by LexusLover
If ignorance is indeed bliss, you must be a very happy BOY.

The word is "know", not "no".

I do mind my own business in such cases. Never said otherwise. Another example of your inability to read and not even attempt to understand And FYI, my neighborhood is not part of the National Neighborhood Watch Organization. However, it is very simple to find out what that organization recommends by simply going to their website.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
From a Life Member of ....

................the National Neighborhood Watch Organization.

The face on the institute sign is a little dark in tone, if one asks me! Is the institute "racially profiling"?
I guess this sign was for a "predominately white neighborhood"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You just keep proving to us that your ignorance has no boundaries.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-29-2013, 11:44 AM
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think it is time to review SSOB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Any proof besides Zimmerman's statement he was still not in pursuit of Martian ? Bullies don't usually give up on their target. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Hey Ekim the Inbred, your post about "Martian" the bully was spot on, you inbred-hayseed:

In court Tuesday, O'Mara mentioned for the first time new pieces of evidence damaging to Trayvon's reputation: that the teenager had shot video of his buddies beating up a homeless man; that Trayvon had served as referee in another fight; and that he [Martin] had won one fight after punching his [Martin's] opponent in the nose.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Perhaps you do not understand Mel Brooks use of the 'n' word in Blazing Saddles. He was making fun of Latent racist, such as yourself.

I have already said somewhere in this thread that we all are racist to a degree, I included myself in that.

So what gnadfly and now you are having trouble with is the Latent part. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't believe you were using it in that context but are now making that claim to defend yourself.
I am not racist.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am not racist. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL ... when these children have nothing else ... they name call.

Or they pick "form" over substance...... .

You know what you are ... and you know what you are not. Simple.
LexusLover's Avatar
You just keep proving to us that your ignorance has no boundaries. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Right back at you .....

Could not find the ...

"the National Neighborhood Watch Organization" .... Manual. Got a link?

And who is "us" ... would that include your wife?

I've told you once, if I've told you 100 times, if you don't want her mentioned on the board ... quit bringing her up.
Pretty interesting timeline at this link regarding the entire event. The kids that were talking to Martin on the phone say Zimmerman was chasing him. One of the witnesses who lives in the neighborhood and called the cops says she is 100% certain that there was no fighting going on when the last shot was fired.

I dunno. Pretty compelling stuff. Zimmerman was chasing this kid.
LexusLover's Avatar
Pretty interesting timeline at this link regarding the entire event. The kids that were talking to Martin on the phone say Zimmerman was chasing him. One of the witnesses who lives in the neighborhood and called the cops says she is 100% certain that there was no fighting going on when the last shot was fired.

I dunno. Pretty compelling stuff. Zimmerman was chasing this kid. Originally Posted by timpage
As has been seen over and over again, the media versions have been challenging at best to prove in trial after trial. O.J. comes to mind. "The trial of the Century."

Remember all the media hype about "no injuries" to Zimmerman, along with the photos of Martin as a child years ago pasted all over the TV and internet.

This circus won't be over for years. O.J. keeps coming out.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-29-2013, 06:11 PM
I don't believe you were using it in that context but are now making that claim to defend yourself.
I am not racist. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I'm defending the black kid and I'm the racist!
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm defending the black kid and I'm the racist! Originally Posted by WTF

Uhhhh, yea.

What's your point?

They come with clubs and they come in suits.

When one perceives the world from a perspective of race against race, as you do ...

... that falls within the definition of a "racist." That is your standard. Be judged by it.