YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings


jbravo_123's Avatar

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I just did an ad post and as I was working on the following page, I thought to myself..."Marie its one thing to like the menfolks, but to LOVE the womens so much HAS to be wrong...correct???" Insatiable is not a term I use casually. Maybe it's time to check into Sex Addicts Anonymous, but I'm afraid I might get into even more fun (errr...trouble) there... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Sex AA ain't what you might think, trust me I know
Sex AA ain't what you might think, trust me I know Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
What, it's not like Celebrity Sex Rehab, with z-list celebrities of varying levels of hotness get it on and fail for our (censored) amusement?
Sorry, forgot..

<insert random condiment name>

<insert pic of said condiment on a hot dog>

I am lacking creativity at the moment.
Mayo vs. miracle whip....



jbravo_123's Avatar
Mayo! As I recently discovered, Miracle Whip is just way too sweet it's disgusting.
George Zimmer's Avatar
Originally Posted by Liliana Vess
LexusLover's Avatar
Mayo vs. miracle whip.... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
"miracle whip" is the result of FDA jumping on Kraft for selling crap as mayo when the recipe/formula didn't have all the mayo ingredients in it. .... Kraft just relabeled it.

Use olive oil based mayo.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Originally Posted by George Zimmer
I may get this on a t-shirt this year:

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Soy Sauce

There's a munchkin that I know that vents his frustration by saying "tartar sauce!" It's super cute but I have no idea where he got it from...
George Zimmer's Avatar
Go Ted!